I choose to be extraordinary

By DAVID TEPERA,  April 12, 2017

If you’re an ordinary person, then you’ll have an ordinary life. Just the typical daily grind of a boring occupation, monthly bills, along with simple common recreation. You’ll never really face defeat or more importantly — huge success.

For you, life is as simple as it gets. And, that’s probably fine because you’d rather not step out of your comfort zone and worry about what people think of you.

Keep in mind, ordinary workers can be replaced. Ordinary athletes are a dime a dozen. Sorry, but ordinary is a life without purpose.

Recently, I was sitting amongst some successful friends sharing our troubled paths and the importance of a mindset to overcome them.

You see, we all agreed that we never wanted to be ordinary. We understood that doors will slam in your face, people will call you names and tell you that your ideas are ridiculous. Others will do their best to deflate your ambitions because they haven’t accomplished anything worthwhile themselves.

Yes, these are harsh statements, but it’s reality. Excuses are way overrated and gets you nowhere.

Let today be the day you choose not to be ordinary anymore. All it takes is a new mindset. Learn to pump up your psychic while looking in the mirror to mean-mug yourself. Say out loud “that’s it, there’s no ordinary in this body anymore. From now on, I’m extraordinary, and I’m going out in this world and kick some butt.”

The definition of extraordinary is to go above and beyond what is expected.

For athletes, you’ll step up your game to get the attention of coaches. You might not be the fastest in drills, but you’ll be the first in line. Learn to sprint to each drill. When coaches huddle players, be up front, eyes wide open and fixed on every word a coach says. Followed by “yes sir” or “yes ma’am.”

As adults, we are all different in so many ways, but to reach extraordinary is to improve diet and exercise. That alone will change every aspect of your life. Getting in better shape builds confidence to conquer. You’re in competition with yourself, so win the day.

It’s your life. Admit it, you don’t want to be ordinary. Break the chains weighing you down. Put on your superhero costume and soar through life with a mission to fly to the top.