Compete against yourself

By David Tepera, May 17, 2017

As most of you know, I have helped countless people with diets, fitness and weight training. A very common mistake I hear from most people is the desire to compare their bodies with other fit people.

First of all, that person has probably been exercising for years and you’re just getting started. Maybe that person looked like you in the beginning. Who knows, so stop comparing.

I continually explain to people to only compete against yourself. You know how you looked yesterday, so today needs to be better.

What’s your personal best? Take each day and do a little more. If it’s cardio, perform an extra 10-15 minutes. If you’re on a timeline, then add intensity. The same goes for weight training.

How many of you think in order to get ripped abs, you must perform tons of situps? Wrong.

I rarely will do any abdominal exercises these days because I’m competing in physique contests. I’m trying to keep my waist line as small as possible, so I don’t want to add extra muscle to my obliques, which are also known as “love handles”.

Now, don’t get me wrong because I used to be known as the ab-guy. I would do all kinds of crazy abdominal exercises, especially the abdominal reanimater because of its core strengthening.

But hopefully, most of you already know, ripped abs are built in the kitchen. Believe me, 85 percent of a six pack is from diet alone.

Ok, now it’s time for you to set new goals. We live on the gulf coast and swimsuit weather is here. Don’t compare yourself to others because that only gives you disappointment.

Also, stop criticizing yourself for current status. Only give yourself encouragement and compliments.

Each morning, look in the mirror and tell yourself, “Look at that fine, sexy person. Oh yes, I’m turning heads today.”

I know lots of people who didn’t get serious about weight training and diet until their mid-40s and beyond. Just recently, a 58 year old lady friend of mine, who’s been training for about two years, told me that she’s never looked this good in her entire adult life. Her confidence level is through the roof.

So now, it’s your turn. It’s never too late. Challenge yourself to compete each and every day. The only person who’s going to benefit is you. Your life will change. I promise.

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