Create your own destiny

By David Tepera, June 14, 2017

In 1987, I was introduced to a new philosophy of thinking by Grandmaster Al Garza. This philosophy has been used by many people to help transfer their lives. Typically, our biggest challenges in life are within ourselves, so I want to share this with you.

There are five components: thoughts, actions, habits, character, destiny.

What are your constant daily thoughts? What do you think about the most? If these thoughts are negative, then your actions will become them, plus you’re probably hanging out with those types of people.

You must recognize when negative thoughts are attacking your mind, and learn to flip them into positive ones. Find the beauty in every situation to develop a peace of mind.

You see, your thoughts will become your actions. When you judge situations and people with an open heart, then you’ll treat others with kindness and respect. When you think of healthy foods and exercise, then your body will respond at its best.

How many of you hit the local bar after work instead of going to the gym? How many of you have the need to smoke tobacco after each meal?

Why not flip your actions to improve your life?

Once you’re able to create positive actions on a daily basis, they will develop into habits.

Our habits are really a reflection of our lifestyle. Why be destructive to ourselves? Believe me, once you start developing a positive mind and making better choices, then your quality of life will become amazing.

These habits will determine your character. People see you as the person you portray. Not only others, but how do you treat yourself?

I’ve made countless mistakes throughout life, but I don’t beat myself up over it anymore. I let it go and make today better than yesterday.

My character became more important because not only did I want others to respect me, but I needed to be happy with myself. I love the man I’ve become, and you’ll learn to love yourself, too.

Remember, your character will determine your destiny. The beauty is you can start a new destiny today. Don’t worry what happened yesterday because today is the beginning of the new you.