Don’t stop until you’re done

By David Tepera, July 2, 2019

Being in the health and fitness industry, we interact with people from all walks of life. Everyone who comes to us is looking to improve their quality of life.

Through our weight lifting programs, we teach our clients to not only defeat physical impairments, but to overcome daily challenges as well.

Now, how is this possible by lifting weights? To build and grow muscle, you must push yourself a little harder with each session.

For example, I place a number of repetitions in a client’s head, which gives them a mental goal. They know, as their body is wearing down, they must dig a little deeper to finish the set.

Bottom line, “You don’t stop when you’re tired, you stop when you’re done.” Remember, lifting weights is more than a physical challenge, it becomes a mental battle as well.

For the clients and us, it’s extremely rewarding to witness the victory of overcoming a challenge that was once perceived impossible. Knowing you can push yourself and conquer challenges, will give the confidence to battle something much bigger.

Now, isn’t that what life is all about? Don’t we all face challenges each day? Your current status is from all the battles won and lost. Yes, we can’t always win the battle, but if you keep pursuing, you’ll win the war.

Most of our clients are in the older population, so they typically have medical conditions, osteoarthritis, along with minimal muscle mass from being inactive.

We understand, as we get older, we are concerned about injuring ourselves through exercise. I want you to know, it doesn’t matter what your age is, you can still build muscle, have more energy and change your life.

It’s important to seek out an experienced, quality personal trainer. As we get older, CrossFit, jumping on boxes, including balancing on balls training is not for us. You will get injured.

Now, let’s think about everyone one of us, from young to old and male to female. When’s the last time you challenged yourself to accomplish a goal? How many times did you give up because you got tired? How bad do you want it? Don’t let anyone or any obstacle keep you from your destiny.

Just like athletes and our clients, you can’t stop because you’re tired, you stop when you’re done.