How do you deal with depression?

By David Tepera, July 10, 2019

Iknow depression can be a touchy subject, but through our weight training programs, we help many clients dealing with different forms of depression and PTSD.

I’ve been humbled through the years as a variety of people seek my advice for different situations. I try to explain, “in our darkest times, immediate decisions could determine the long-term outcome.”

If you’ve been reading my column long enough, you know, I’m just like you through my list of tragedies and life-changing events.

You see, exercise and weight lifting saved my life. Not because of the physical benefits, but for helping keep my sanity.

When times get tough, some people reach for the liquor bottle or hang out at local bars. Others run to buffets and gorge on food. For me, I was lifting weights at the gym, running miles on end and was desperately trying to wear myself out.

Yes, I was getting in incredible shape, but my purpose was to be so worn-out that I could sleep at night. My situations were many years ago, but another possible tragedy could be around the corner.

You have to admit, our minds can be our worst enemy when dealing with negative challenges and depression.

Now, don’t get me wrong, professional therapy and seeking religion are typically our best resources for treatment. But, let’s be for real, most of us don’t want others to know our battles.

I could quote countless medical studies supporting the benefits of exercise to help create a positive mental state. The surge of endorphins throughout your body can be life altering.

In 2018, I decided to resign from a 20-year orthopedic career to help change people’s lives through a unique weight training program. It’s become a family business and our passion.

So, my message today is hopefully an opportunity to give you another outlook. Just tie up your sneakers, go outside and take a long walk. Feel the sun beating on your skin and realize you’re still alive and there’s a reason we all need you.

You were put here on this Earth with a purpose, and one day, it will be beautiful. Well, guess what? That day is today, so get out there, punch depression in the face and start enjoying this amazing life.