Tag Archives: personal

With cooler weather, time to exercise outdoors

 By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Finally, we have “no excuses” weather to exercise outdoors.

All summer long, you’ve been whining about it being too hot and humid in this Texas heat. Well, now it’s time to enjoy the cooler weather and get your bodies in motion. 

I typically ride my bike for at least an hour or so, but this past weekend, I took a 2-hour ride with energy to spare. I barely broke a sweat with the cool breeze against my body. Mother Nature was serenity, and I was one happy fella. 

Grab your spouse or friend and take a brisk walk through the neighborhood or drive to the Galveston seawall to walk 45 minutes in one direction so it takes 45 minutes to get back. 

Also, it’s time to get those outdoor chores taken care of. I’m sure your flower beds, trees and bushes need grooming. It’s amazing how much better your house looks when yard work is completed. 

I know retired people who won’t hire a lawn service because they use mowing grass and weed eating as their outside exercise, so maybe you should, too. 

As I’m getting older, I seem to appreciate my physical body. I’m slowing down, but at the same time, I’m making sure to stay in decent shape to enjoy life. 

Making excuses and being lazy is the easiest thing we can all do. Developing good habits takes time, but the reward is a longer and better quality of life.

Our bodies are designed for physical activity, and that’s how our ancestors built this country. Don’t be part of the obese epidemic of 34.9 percent or 76 million Americans.

Now, get your booty outside, play some music, dance around the yard and make the neighbors think you’ve gone crazy. It’s a great way to keep them away, but you might find yourself on YouTube.

Life’s law of reaction

by DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 

Newton’s third law of motion is “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” As stated in the definition, this is pertaining to objects in motion.

To me, you can spin this law and apply to all parts of life.

For example: you eat fat foods and don’t exercise — you get fat and out of shape. You excessively smoke, drink alcohol and use drugs — you destroy your life.

You’re kind to all people — good things will come to you. You become spiritual — happiness and fulfillment will follow.  

Whatever your situation is right now and whatever shape your body is in is from every decision you’ve made to date. 

If you’re not happy with current status quo, start producing positive actions to create positive reactions. This is the one area in life that you have full control.

Once you’ve become an adult, your life will shape under every decision you make — good and bad. When you take an action, you are taking responsibility for the possible reactions. 

I told my children that sometimes it seems like bad people are receiving all the riches, but eventually “bad” catches up and they’ll lose everything. And, sometimes it seems like good people are getting bad breaks, but eventually “great” will come into their lives and stay there. 

Just think, if we all produced positive and loving actions then wonderful amazing reactions would drown the negatives in our lives.  

Start today by making better diet and exercise choices. Try to be the kindest and gentlest person in the room and watch how uplifting and happy you’ll become.

“If you want your life to be different, you have to start reacting to life differently,” by Bryant McGill.

Don’t look back, keep moving forward

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, September 2, 2015

With family permission, this article is dedicated to a young man named Daniel. 

Recently, a beautiful blue balloon landed in my backyard and attached was a memorial card with Daniel’s name.  

I took the time to research him, spoke with the family and found out this 26-year-old man was very talented in music. 

You see, what touched my heart was that several years ago, I had an older son of the same age in which my two children, who are his brother and sister, also released balloons in his memory. 

My son Dustin and Daniel had lots in common, even in the field of music. 

I was impressed with one of Daniel’s favorite quotes, “Don’t look back, because that’s not where you’re going.” 

I found it important to share this quote with you because we can all use it for different parts in our own lives.

We have all experienced relationship breaks, unemployment, diet struggles and other situations that could cause depression. 

But, what’s important is to not look back, get yourself on the right path and keep moving forward until you’ve reached your destiny. Sometimes, you might not know what the true destiny is, but as long as you’re moving forward, you’ll get there.

I sometimes visit my sister in Dallas. I can’t see Dallas from Houston, but as long as I stay on the right path, I know I’ll get there.

So, take down the rearview mirror of life’s past and proceed with passion. 

We should all think real hard on Daniel’s quote, and use it to help guide us through our own lives.

I have one request for Daniel — when you see Dustin, tell him I miss him, I love him, and I’ll see you in time.

Love yourself first and the world’s beauty will shine before you

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 

Recently, my son asked, “is it really true that there’s someone for everyone?” My response was, “absolutely, and as a matter of fact, there are lots of people who will match up to each of us.”

You see, we are all mentally wired different when it comes to attraction. Everyone is attracted to different body types, races and cultures. That’s the beauty of the human race. There is an abundance of people to fall in love with. 

So, are you happy with your body? Are you hard on yourself for certain body parts that were inherited? Isn’t it funny, how someone with curly hair wants straight hair or vice versa? 

We all wish we had something different about us — typically height, weight, facial features or hair color. 

Don’t be hard and cruel on yourself. Look in the mirror and recognize the beauty you truly possess. Remember, there are plenty of people who find you attractive and sexy. 

Yes, we all need to take care of our bodies with better diets and exercise, but there is no reason to be excessive. Don’t worry about the extra weight. You only want to feel better, so you can enjoy each day and live a happier, healthier and more energetic life. 

All you need to do is be confident, and attack the world as if you own it. Walk through life like you’re ready to conquer anything that crosses your path. You should float around the room and be kind to all, not stumble and hide. 

As I’ve written before, now that I’m older and understand the world better, I see beauty in everyone. It’s really a cool feeling to love all the amazing people I meet each day.

Just know, when we meet, one of my first thoughts is “what a beautiful person is standing in front of me. I hope they are living the life they deserve.”

Love yourself first and the world’s beauty will shine before you.

The speed of the game equals the speed of life

By DAVID TERPERA | Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My daughter’s volleyball experience is similar to life.

My daughter, Daylyn, is a club volleyball player. This year, she moved up to the 14-year-olds level.

The biggest difference compared to last year is the speed of the game. These 14-year-olds are flying all over the court with great saves, power serves, bumps, and spikes.

If you notice, speed increases with each level in all sports. How many times have you heard a rookie in the NFL say the difference between professional and college is the speed of the game?

I feel this is just how life moves. When we were kids, it seemed like it took forever for our birthdays or Christmas to come back around. Now, it seems like we just celebrated them.

You see, as we get older, life does seem to speed up. We now have so many more responsibilities, along with financial obligations and debt, that we get caught in a time warp. Because of this, we keep putting off our goals, ambitions and health.

Don’t give up on your dreams. What are your goals? Do you want to continue your education, get in better shape, find a better job, get out of a bad relationship, get off drugs and alcohol or find religion?

The list is endless according to your professional and personal lives. Write down your life goals and put a plan together. Share your plan with others to help be accountable.

Don’t let Father Time fly by you. Don’t throw in the towel and feel you’re too old, too late or too dumb.

Colonel Sanders founded Kentucky Fried Chicken when he was 65-years-old. Ronald Reagan became the 40th president of the United States at the ripe old age of 70.

Stick to your plan, love all people, volunteer, and be the amazing person that’s been hiding under your skin.

It’s your life — be happy. Go for it — you deserve it.

If you want to change your life, take the shot

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I want to share a story from an experience my son learned through basketball. It’s a life lesson for all of us.

Dylan is a 10th-grader playing basketball for his high school team. A few weeks ago, his team was down by two points with time running out. He found the ball in his hands, behind the three-point line, with 5 seconds left on the clock.

Dylan glanced at the basket and chose to pass to his teammate. His teammate shot the ball and missed the bucket. My son’s team lost the game. No big deal, this is part of the experience in playing sports.

Afterward, we had an opportunity to discuss the game. I asked Dylan if his teammate had lost the game for missing the shot. Dylan’s reply, “No sir, not at all.” I then asked if his teammate made the shot, would he have won the game? Dylan’s reply “Absolutely.” I looked at Dylan and told him, “Take the shot”.

One shot doesn’t lose a game, but one shot can win a game.

That’s a lesson in life for all of us. We are all afraid to expose our weaknesses. Are there certain aspects of your life you want to change?

Are you a salesman and want to ask a client for their business? Take the shot. Is there a friend or family member where there is a conflict and a need to rekindle the relationship? Take the shot. Do you need to change your diet and start exercising? Take the shot.

Whatever you are dealing with in your lives — take the shot.

If you never take the shot, then nothing changes and life stays the same. If you take the shot, then it could be a life changer. Even if you miss the shot, you’ve accomplished so much more.  You now have the experience and confidence to take another shot.

Wayne Gretsky, famous hockey player, once said, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”

So, as in basketball and in life, don’t hesitate. Take the shot and fulfill your dreams