Tag Archives: weight lifting

What’s the secret to stay trim and fit?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Just know this article is not a “look at me” moment. There’s a reason and purpose, so keep reading.

I am 54 years old, 5 feet, 11 inches tall and weigh 195 pounds. I have a very low body fat percentage with six pack abs on most days. If you need proof, go to my blog — davidtepera.com.

I eat at our local doughnut shop Saturday mornings and McDonalds for lunch on Sundays. I usually eat seven to eight times a day and never go hungry. Typically, I have two breakfast sessions each morning before heading out the door. Also, I eat a handful of chocolate every night before bed.

I rarely drink or eat anything fat and sugar free, except sweet-n-low in coffee and tea.

So, what’s my secret? If you’ve been reading my column during the past year, then you know the answer. It’s as simple as consistency and frequency. It’s really all the little adjustments I do throughout each day.

For example: I work in multiple hospitals and use many parking garages each day and week. I rarely use the elevators and walk with a faster pace than most people.

When eating fast foods, I order grilled chicken wraps or sandwiches with no sauce or fries and take off the top bun.

All my meals throughout the day and evening are of moderate portions. I only eat to be satisfied, not full stomach. I carry a gallon of water in my car and chug on it all day.

I keep my carb portions to a minimal and almost none by dinner. My protein intake is at least 200 grams a day which is important to maintain muscle mass.

I created my own bag of raw nuts and fruits to snack on each time hunger strikes.

You need to keep your metabolism constantly working. When you stuff your face, your metabolism will shut down because all your body’s energy goes into digesting food. That’s why you get sleepy and lazy.

I stopped exercising with extreme intensity almost 15 years ago. But, I do lift weights four to five times a week and cardio-train five to six times a week.

Because of my age, weightlifting is more on the heavy side and targets every muscle group in the body.

Around 35 to 40 years of age, men’s testosterone levels decrease each year, and hanging on to muscle mass becomes a challenge. Heavy weight lifting will help.

My cardio training mainly consists of bike riding in the gym or through neighborhoods. I only keep a moderate pace and rarely with heavy breathing. It depends on the song in my headphones.

Bottom line, I’ve been doing this with consistency and frequency for over 10 years. Of course, I tweak the diet and exercise periodically, but really never taking time off.

Start today by making one healthy adjustment to your routine, then each week — add another. Within a few months, you’ll notice not only the physical change, but mental well-being as well.

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Hit a dead end in fitness program? Mix it up

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Have you been working out a few months or more, and your body isn’t making any improvements? During the first few months, you were losing weight, getting sore muscles and dropping dress and belt sizes. Now, nothing seems to be happening. Are you stuck and getting frustrated?

This happens to all of us, and the answer is somewhat simple. Your body has adjusted to your workouts, met the demands you placed upon it, and has settled. 

You can’t keep doing the same routine over and over. You have to play tricks on your body which forces it to continually adjust. 

For cardio, find at least three different types of exercises and regularly change it up. Each week, pick a different cardio exercise like treadmill, bike, speed walk, stair climber, Precor and others. Get your heart rate up where you feel it beating in your chest.

For weightlifting, change the order of muscle groups in your routine, use different machines and free weights, use heavy weights one week and the following week use light weights with high repetition. 

Confuse your body with variety of workouts and it will continually make changes.

This will get you out of a rut, plus it’s a lot more fun. We are all creatures of habit, and making changes throws us out of our comfort zone. That’s why us older folks struggle with all the new technology in the world. By the way, when did Etch-a-Sketch turn into iPads? 

You have one life. This is no dress rehearsal. Every day needs to be a step closer to your goals, no matter your age. Don’t throw in the towel on life — use it to wipe off sweat. Challenge yourself today, step out of your comfort zone and make a difference in you and the people around you.

Consider investing in a personal trainer

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Have you ever walked into a gym and were overwhelmed by all the fitness equipment? It can be intimidating looking at the sea of weights and cardio machines. You probably felt like a high school freshman on the first day of school.

If you haven’t worked out in quite some time or need help accomplishing fitness goals, then seek a personal trainer.

There are many qualified trainers who will help acclimate to a gym environment. You’ll learn which weight lifting equipment targets specific muscle groups and how to activate cardio machines to burn calories.

A good trainer will listen to your specific goals and set up personalized programs to accomplish them. Trainers should be highly motivating, informative and completely focused on you during the hour training sessions.

Here is my personal advice in choosing a personal trainer. First of all, when starting a program, only invest in minimal amount of training sessions. You need to make sure there is a personality connection with your trainer, and they are truly involved with your fitness goals. You’ll have a tendency to purchase larger amounts of training sessions due to overall costs being lower, but you don’t want to be stuck and disappointed if this trainer isn’t for you.

Second, if the trainer is pushing you to purchase supplements and products, then they are only interested in making money. You don’t need to purchase any products when starting a fitness program. Your body will make improvements, and energy levels will increase by just getting in motion.

After a period of time, if you feel the need, then a qualified personal trainer or nutritionist will help set up a personalized diet program.

Remember, training sessions are your “Me Time”, so make the most out of it!