By David Tepera, March 24, 2021
Yesterday was the past, so whatever you accomplished or not is over, done and gone. If it was a bad day, don’t let it destroy your tomorrow. Today is another day to build confidence, honesty and character. It’s time to get back to work on the better you.
What’s on your “accomplish list” for today? Do you have a plan, or are you letting others dictate your future? You have complete control of how you’re going to respond to today’s interactions with life.
Tina, our son Dylan and I share a common app named Cozi. This particular app encompasses every scheduled client, including tasks needed each day for our business. We each have a certain list of responsibilities, along with client times for training. Cozi keeps us organized and on target to complete our daily “accomplished list.” I’m sure there’s other apps, but this is the one we’re using.
You might not need any special technology to keep you organized, so whatever you’re doing, have a method for listing daily goals.
It could require getting to work 15 minutes early or staying 15 minutes later. Those extra few minutes could make a difference in completing projects that get you the bonus or promotion. Just think of how your future could depend on it by what you did today.
Are you taking the time to cook healthy meals for the week? That way you can stay on schedule with a proper diet, otherwise you’ll keep driving through for fast foods.
Do you carry your workout clothes to work? If not, you’ll come up with every excuse possible to keep from going to the gym.
Does your house stay messy because you’re a procrastinator? Did you make your bed before leaving for work? What’s the first thing you’ve completed each morning? Don’t leave your house without accomplishing something. At least you’ve started your day in the right direction.
We each have a different list of goals needed to make our future better. Today is the day to get out of your old routine because it’s not getting you anywhere.
Most people resist change because they focus on what they’re giving up, instead of what they have to gain. Sometimes taking a risk is better than regretting.
Now, get out there and start making changes because your future depends on what you did today.