By David Tepera, July 28, 2021
Well, I’ll turn the “big 6-0” this week. I tried to prepare myself over the last year, realizing it will be a new era. I do agree with my children that 60s is the beginning of sounding old, but you wouldn’t know it if you met me.
I’ve given many speeches, and I tell people that you can’t really control what happens to your body from the neck up, but you have total control from the neck down. Of course, I’m eliminating plastic surgery. Just know, I do support any surgery that gives you confidence.
For me, my hair is thinning, extra wrinkles on my forehead and face, plus the nose seems to keep growing. Yep, the 60s have settled on my face, so I’m trying different potions and lotions.
Now, for what I can control. I’m on a consistent weight lifting and diet program. Tina and I lift weights five days a week — making sure we hit every muscle group. We stay on a strict healthy diet that requires us to eat six to seven meals per day. Right now, we take weekends off unless we are two months from competing.
We’ve been on this routine for years, giving us incredible energy, plus we make a striking couple. It’s common for people to approach us and start asking questions.
Yes, my skin is sagging in some areas with varicose veins, along with aging hands, but I’m not slowing down and neither should you.
Just know that I am not alone. I train from 10 to 11 clients daily. They are all older than I am, with many up into their 70s. It’s quite remarkable to observe their muscles growing, aches and pains disappearing, including increased energy levels. Bottom line — they’ve separated themselves from their peers.
I will say my mail is a reflection of my age. For some reason, it consists of marketing for hearing aids, dentures, assisted living and so forth. I just laugh as it falls into the trash can.
I’m not ready to throw in the towel and accept age as a reason to slow down. Of course, I’m not as fast as I used to be, but I give my best each day to be a better person.
So, what’s your age and excuse? Do you ever say to yourself, “I’m old now, so I’m just going to sit here and let you guys have fun.”? I don’t think so. Do whatever pleases you and don’t worry what others think because remember — it’s a mindset, not a number.