By David Tepera, July 7, 2021
We all have a mental list of things we want to accomplish, but for some reason, they never get started. Well, it’s time to throw away the term “one day” because today is “day one.”
Are you tired of not having any energy and relying on way too many prescriptions? Today, you’ll lace up your sneakers, put on headphones with some upbeat music to head out the door for a brisk walk. The sweat is your body ridding itself of impurities. Each time, you’ll walk an extra 5-10 minutes, which will give you a feeling of accomplishment.
Do you still struggle with bad habits? I understand that you’ve tried to quit multiple times, but don’t give up. Try this; each time you reach for a bad habit, make yourself perform 20 pushups. You don’t have to get on the ground. You can lean over a counter and do them standing. Let this be your new habit.
Have you been wanting to go on a dream vacation? Today, you’ll open a savings account and start putting money away. If you keep the extra money at home, you’ll spend it.
Tina’s and my goal is to vacation in Hawaii for our anniversary in the year 2023. We started our savings this year by putting money toward it each month. Some months are better than others, but something always gets deposited.
How long have you been putting off certain projects? It’s time to quit finding excuses and get started. Once you’re in the zone, you’ll find a way to finish.
Do you feel there’s a need to go back to school or find a different career path? Start your internet research today, so you can come up with a plan. Once you get in motion, you’ll find different paths and people to help lead to your success.
One thing we can all do is start giving an act of kindness. Don’t expect anything in return, because it’s amazing what one kind word or a smile can do for someone. I’ve made it habit to compliment all my clients and family members each day. It means much to them coming from me, and you can be that person too.
Really, it all comes down to quit procrastinating. We all live on a schedule of habits. It’s what keeps us comfortable. But that’s just it; it’s time to jump out of your comfort zone and get started. There’s no more “one day” because today is “day one.”