you are a reflection of your habits

By David Tepera, July 14, 2021

Throughout life, we all develop a system of habits. Habits is what keeps us organized, responsible, healthy or not.

Just know, you are a reflection of your daily habits. Are you satisfied with your weight, wealth or mood? According to many studies, 90% of your problems are due to your habits. I know we all want to point the finger for other reasons, but admit it, you are in your situation from your own choice of habits.

Believe me, I made plenty of wrong decisions throughout life. I wanted to blame others for my downfalls, but once I owned my problems, they started to disappear.

Sometimes, I felt backed in a corner with no direction. It was easy to feel depressed and lost, but it was at these moments I gave it all to God to help me. It was such a relief and a weight off my shoulders to know a higher power was going to get me through it. For me, I always came out better than expected. I just needed to be patient and stay strong in my beliefs.

What about you? Take a realistic look at yourself. Do you like what you see? Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Hopefully you are, but if not, today you can make a change.

If your habits are self-destructive, then turn the corner and make the necessary changes. I know it’s not easy, so make one small change to move forward. It will take time, plus have patience and make the best of each day.

It took many years of bad decisions to be overweight, out of shape, financially broke or always in a negative attitude. But, it’s time to let all that go. If you’re not happy, do something about it. It’s you who controls your life. Every day you get to choose to be the person you are or will become.

Listen, life will always throw adversity at us. It’s how we respond that determines our destination. It’s easy to become depressed and the want to “give up” will come crashing down. But no, that’s not how we react anymore.

Don’t use food as a crutch to make you feel better because you know in the end – it won’t. Don’t run to the bars or liquor cabinet to drown your sorrows away because it will only be worse.

Instead, go for walks, join a gym, eat healthier and read positive books. I promise, your life will get much better because starting today, your new habits will reflect the better you.