don’t give up, it’s time to rally

By David Tepera, August 4, 2021

We have an elderly rescue dog that’s been in the family for more than 10 years. Because of his age, Baily has developed a few physical and digestive problems. Sometimes these symptoms last a few days, but just when we think Baily’s at his end — he rallies.

Baily goes on a walk every morning, and almost every time, he starts sprinting like a young pup again. You’d never know he’s a senior dog from the way he tries to chase squirrels. To us, it’s Baily’s way of letting us know he’s not ready to give up, yet. And for those of you who might worry, yes, he’s on a leash.

Baily’s situation made me take a closer look at my elderly clients. They come to us with broken parts but not broken determination. After a period of time, they all rally to come back stronger and better, along with more energy.

Yes, we’ll slow down and develop aches and pains, but this is our wake-up call to get back up and rally. Dig deep into your mindset to get up and bounce back into this world. Quit letting time fly by you. Don’t sit there and watch the clock all day. Quit the addiction of watching TV and favorite shows. These are times when you could rally and be exercising.

How about you? Do you think you’re too old, too broke or too ugly? It’s time to throw those negative self-destructive attitudes away. There are no more excuses because today you’re going to start a personal rally.

If you’re confined to a wheelchair, grab some cans of food to use as dumbbells. Lift them over your head, to the side and in front of you. Get your shoulders and arms stronger so you can rally toward a better quality of life. If you can, strap some ankle weights around your legs and perform raises, circles and side to sides. Make your legs stronger so you can rally to start standing and taking steps.

It doesn’t matter your age or circumstances. Get your game face on and rally toward a better life. Let people know you’re not going to accept withering away. No, you’re going to rally and take back your life.

So, congratulations, because starting today, you’re changing your life and the rally cry begins.