By David Tepera, October 28, 2021
We all know how much money we have, but none of us knows how much time we have. To keep from financial destruction is to live according to your income. I understand it’s easier said than done, especially with children.
I learned way in the past that unnecessary overspending put me in a financial crunch. Besides cars and a house, I only purchase if I can pay full price.
Don’t get me wrong, those were my mistakes. I hope you have financial control, and money management isn’t a problem. That’s great.
Now, what we don’t know is how much time we have. I have a 73-year-old wealthy friend who once told me, “David, I’ve been saving for a rainy day my whole adult life. Well, it’s raining because I don’t how much time I have left.” Over the past five years, my buddy has been traveling and enjoying time with his wife, family and friends.
So, how can we obtain more time on Earth? You already know the answer. It starts with a healthier lifestyle. Yes, I know every time we walk out the door, it could be our last because of factors out of our control.
But, you need to quit using that as an excuse for being lazy and unhealthy. I know someone close who just got diagnosed with a serious disease. The doctors have already told him that if he weren’t in such good shape and living a healthy lifestyle this disease would be life-threatening. Right now, it’s treatable.
Take a hard look at your lifestyle. Where is all your money and time going? Do you have a cabinet full of a variety of prescriptions? Do you spend your spare time making doctor’s appointments?
Okay, let’s say you do. What changes can you control? Have you set up an appointment with a nutritionist, personal trainer, gym membership or seniors exercise classes? These could be less expensive than doctor appointments, hospital stays, surgeries and so forth.
Don’t get me wrong, I know there are some serious battles out there that make all the medications and doc appointments necessary. I just want you to get in the battle, so you can have more time, a quality of life and spend the rainy-day money.
Now, you know there’s a difference between time and money. Get out there and enjoy both.