to get ahead, stay away from “still” people

By David Tepera, November 17, 2021

There were different times throughout the years where it became important to release certain people in my life. I’ve always been busy with a demanding career, raising children and building my mind, body and spirit. I didn’t have time or the energy to listen or be a part of someone’s negative attitude. I call these individuals “still people.”

Yep, they still seem to be living in the past, still complaining, still not giving effort and still making excuses. You can add your own personal list to the “still people.”

Are you still not working, still abusing drugs or alcohol or still bullying others? Why has that become your identity?

Now that I’ve put some thought into your head, are you in any category of “still?” The only person who can remove you from the still list is you. Get out of that losing funk and start being productive.

You can make a positive change immediately by just being nice to everyone you meet. Quit putting people down, and start lifting them up.

Now, for all others, do you have a still person who’s holding you back? To me, they’re wasting time and space, so they’ve got to go.

I know it’s not always easy when the still person is a family member or a co-worker. But, if their negative attitude is part of your daily life, then find a way to reduce interaction time.

Look, more than 15 years ago, I found myself a single custodial father with two small children. I literally eliminated all negative and still people out of my life. It was that decision that started my journey to become more positive, loving, compassionate and see the good in every situation.

Don’t let others hold you back anymore. Let’s take today and create the better you. You’re going to tie up your sneakers and start exercising. Let the sun and crisp air open up the creativity in your brain. Get outside and only allow positive and productive thoughts to fill your mind.

Our bodies are powerful, our minds are limitless and our spirits can soar endlessly. Take yourself to a whole new level. This is your life, so get out there, conquer life and be the person you are suppose to be.

Just remember, to get ahead, stay away from the still people.