By David Tepera, January 26, 2022

Typically, we all have some type of a wish list. These can be financial, travel, materialistic, health and so on. The question you must ask yourself is, “Have I gotten any closer to anything on the list?”

Now, if you’re still living with only a wishbone, then what’s preventing you from reaching your goals? Are you scared to step out of your comfort zone? Do you care what others will say about you?

Listen, whatever your situation may be, it’s time to grow a backbone and get to work. If your wish is to have something substantial, then it will require discipline.

Hopefully, you learned lessons from elders. Their lives weren’t as easy as today. Almost everything earned required manual labor.

My great-grandparents and their children were sharecroppers on a farm. They worked from sun up to sun down in the fields. The brutal heat of summer was cotton season. My father was the last Tepera to help work the fields.

My point is that our family history was built on worth ethic. I’m fortunate to have this passed down to my sister Karen and me.

Of course, as parents, we want to provide a better life for our children. But, there’s no secret, we see way too often people wanting handouts without lifting a finger. The rest of us have a backbone and go to work each day.

Where’s your backbone? Are you still making excuses for status quo? Why are you unhealthy? Are your bad habits holding you back? Why are you still in a bad relationship?

These are all serious questions that require a backbone to improve your life. It’s time to take a stand. If you do nothing today, then tomorrow is the same. Take control of your life because each day is wasted if you don’t.

For financial success, go to work early and stay later. A raise will eventually follow.

Stand up to the bully, and let them know it’s over. Bullies have an identity crisis, and you threaten them with your beauty and knowledge.

Start cooking healthy meals and quit driving through fast foods. Tie up your sneakers and start exercising. Bottom line — take control of your life.

The only way you’re ever going to truly grow and become happy is to change your wishbone to a backbone.