By David Tepera, February 23, 2022

There’s no secret — we all know that we only have so much time on Earth. Of course, none of us knows exactly how much time that is. That’s why we must understand the value of time.

It typically takes 30 days to create a habit, but that habit can change your life for years. Take 30 minutes to an hour to exercise, and it could add time to your life.

Read a book or take a course, and you’ll have knowledge for the rest of your life. Take the time to learn a new skill, and possibly make yourself millions. Don’t waste time — think big.

There are many of us who volunteer or have occupations that require “one on one” personal help for others. As professional trainers, we take pride in changing people’s lives on a daily basis. There are many other professions that do the same.

The question is, “if someone is spending their time to help you, are you appreciative of their time?”

While my children were growing up and playing sports, I volunteered coaching multiple sports for years. It wasn’t often, but I was always taken back by how some parents would react to referees and umpires. Especially, in basketball and baseball. If you don’t like their calls and you’re such an expert, then become a referee, umpire or coach yourself.

Now, how are you spending your days? Are you reaching for improvement on a daily basis? Is your time spent with quality or another wasted day?

Just know, it’s OK to spend a day of relaxation and unwinding. But, this should be a reward for a hard and dedicated week and not just another standard day.

If not already, there will be a time in your life that you’ll lose someone very close. You’ll spend the rest of your life wishing you spent more time with them. Take that lesson now to reach out and find some quality time to build new memories.

Throughout the years, I’ve lost my two oldest sons and a father. There’s not a day that I don’t think of all of them. Even though I have wonderful memories, I wish I could hug them one more time.

Listen, time is precious and never sits still. None of us have an excuse for wasting time and putting life on hold. I understand that you have kids to raise or elderly parents to tend to, but take care of yourself along the way.

Just remember, if you can grasp the value of time, it will change your life.