By David Tepera, April 27, 2022
One lesson from life that I learned throughout my adulthood is to sell people on themselves. Don’t waste people’s time by talking about yourself. Believe me, they don’t care.
If you want people to like you, then get them to talk about themselves. As you listen to them brag or boast about their accomplishments, give them words of encouragement and excitement. They’ll think you’re awesome, and you didn’t have to say too much.
The one word we all love to hear the most is our name. If you learn to repeat people’s names back to them, you’ll have their undivided attention.
During my sales calls as a medical representative, I would ask surgeons about their experience with certain products or surgical procedures. It was interesting because most of them presented themselves as the expert. I slowly pulled them in to trust me and try using my product. I made my company and me a lot of money in those days.
Just know, the products I sold were state-of-the-art, and patients had better lives because of them. Surgeons trusted me because I trained them on cadavers and went into surgery with them.
No matter what type of sales you’re in, learn to listen to your prospect.
Employees, if you’re wanting to be noticed or are looking for promotions and raises, start having conversations with those in charge. Repeat their names often, and ask them for their expertise. You’ll have their attention, plus the extra money is around the corner.
Is there a certain someone that has your eye? Are you scared to seem like an idiot because you don’t know how to strike up a conversation? Just start with some simple questions, and let them talk about themselves. Make sure to come off as a genuine person and give sincere compliments.
Being in the health and fitness industry, it’s easy to get people to talk about themselves. Everyone has a diet failure or health issue. I’m here to give encouragement and help steer them in a better direction.
Now, how are you going to start having conversations with people? Are you one of those that has to tell everyone your ailments and personal problems? Stop doing that because we all have life issue to deal with, and we don’t want to hear yours. Believe me, everyone is trying to avoid you.
It’s interesting because we can all improve our lives and those around us by just asking people to talk about themselves. I hope you get it.
Lastly, I want to wish my amazing wife Tina happy birthday today.