By David Tepera, May 24, 2023

Recently, I was having a conversation with my client Dr. Kyle Knupple, who’s a retired veterinarian from Galveston. Kyle brought up the importance of being proactive versus reactive.

In the veterinarian world, proactive is pertaining to preventive medicine, along with spaying and neutering. Owners should have their animals on heartworm prevention or any other needed medication for that particular breed. Don’t wait for the animal to suffer from certain ailments because then you’re forced to be reactive.

Now, our business is in the health industry, we find most of our clients are being proactive.

I’ve written it many times, and don’t know how to express it enough, but as you get older, lifting weights is the closest to the fountain of youth as possible. Yes, it’s my personal opinion, and, of course, we are all going to get weaker and eventually die, but why not start being proactive?

Even though we train all ages, the majority of our clients are in their 70s and older. Some came to us with a variety of ailments and joint pain, while others did not. The ones with joint pain were forced to be reactive, but since we’ve fixed their pain, they are now lifers who will continue to be proactive.

We’ve heard it from many, “I’d rather pay you than my doctor.”

So, are you taking vitamins or a variety of medications? I know as we get older there are certain medications that are needed, but through exercise and weight training, you can lower the dosage or eliminate it altogether. It’s up to you.

Now, I’m not trying to sell our gym. There are plenty of gyms in every town. Just find one that’s convenient and has the right atmosphere for you.

Get off the couch, stop making excuses and get proactive. It doesn’t matter what state of health you are currently dealing with. Get in the mindset that you are a champion. There’s a winner inside of you, and today you will start winning.

When we were babies, we had to learn to roll over, crawl, stand and fall, but we kept trying until we could run. If that’s how you need to start again, so be it. You will walk again, you can exercise, you can lift weights and you will conquer depression along the way. I promise!

This is your day. You’ll no longer be reactive when the doctor tells you about ailments. Nope, those days are over because from now on, you are proactive.