By David Tepera, May 15, 2024
OK, today is a little different, so try to follow me in this article. The number “23” has a significant impact on my immediate family. I’ll explain in a minute, but as you read, there must be more of you out there who are affected by a specific number.
The number 23 started off as a tragedy, but within a few years became a continual blessing. You all know I lost my oldest son Dustin who served in Iraq. He was 23 years old at the time.A few years later, I found a lost family member from birth and he became a son to me. Ironically, his name is Dalton and was 23 years old when we met. There’s a whole lot more to that story, but we knew Dustin put the relationship together from Heaven.
From that moment on, 23 came up in all kinds of situations. I resigned from orthopedics on June 23. Tina and I were married on March 23. Ageless Muscle’s first day of business was on July 23. We bought our house on April 23. The list goes on and on.Dustin’s younger siblings played multiple sports. Their jersey numbers were always 23. Of course, we chose that number as a tribute.Because of how the number 23 impacts my family’s lives, the 23rd of every month is date night with Tina to celebrate its gift to us.
Alright, by now, you might think I’m a little weird, but I will agree. I’ve shared this story with only a few until today. Please, if you have a similar experience, email me. It always warms my heart to read the stories from all of you out there.What number is significant in your life? Once you embrace the number, you realize how important it has become. We even live off I-45 at exit 23. It just doesn’t stop.This world is in your favor, so recognize it’s guiding you to peace and success. Stop stressing over the small stuff. Find your number and celebrate each time it crosses your path. This is your day to feel happiness and love. You must spread this excitement with those who surround you. I promise, they need you.Listen, I know this is somewhat of an odd article today. I’m a very emotional person and look for good in every situation. I receive emails each week from people who appreciate my personal expressions. I am far from perfect, but do my best to realize the bad is only a door opening for something spectacular.So today, look deep into your life experiences, and I bet there’s a number that’s been a major part of who you’ve become.