Just be aware, everyday our body does it’s best to survive under the conditions placed upon it. How come we still breath when we are asleep? We take 12 – 15 breathes per minute which equals to about 20,00 to 25,000 breathes per day. We don’t consciously have to think about breathing because our body does it to survive.
What happens when we get overheated? The body will perspire in-order-to help cool itself. What happens when we get cold? The body will shiver in-order-to create heat.
Did you ever wonder why our finger tips get wrinkly while in water for a long period of time? It’s the body trying to create grip to protect itself.
Now, let me explain most diet failures. Have you ever noticed that with almost every diet plan, you lose weight in the beginning, but then it stops? What happened is your body survived the initial change, and since you’re still eating the same meal plan, the body doesn’t need to make changes. It’s just going to hang out and stay the same because it already survived the meal change.
Here’s a body builder trick. When we are competing and on a strict healthy protein loaded diet, every two-three weeks, we throw in a cheat meal. What happens is that the body does need fats, but when you deprive it of the resources, it will shut down the metabolism in-order-to survive. So, on cheat meal days, we eat pizza or burgers and fries. Now the body will kick back on it’s metabolism because it finally received fats needed. There’s more science to this, I’m just trying to keep it simple.
It’s common for us to hear from people about plateauing in their weight training. Again, when starting any weight lifting program, you’ll make good changes within the first few months. At some point, the body will no longer grow or make changes. The reason it already survived the weight load placed upon it. Since you’re still performing the same workout, the body will just hang out and stay the same.
At Ageless Muscle, clients get a different workout each week. We continue to confuse the body so it will continue to make changes and progress. I hope this is making some sense. I’m better at explaining than writing on certain topics.
One last little tidbit. Your pupils can reveal when you’re in love. When we are attracted to someone, our pupils will dilate. For me, this happens when I see ice cream.
By David Tepera, August 21, 2024