By David Tepera, October 1, 2024

During my 20 years in the medical field, I worked with hundreds of doctors. I had the privilege to travel the country training surgeons on specific orthopedic procedures. I was involved in more than 3,000 operations. Of course, during this time, I met some of the most amazing surgeons this country offers.

Also, we have many clients with medical degrees, including dermatology, ear-nose and throat, cardiologist, neurology and many others. But, in my opinion, the following are the best doctors with the healthiest results that are absolutely-free.

Let’s start with Dr. Sunshine. When’s the last time you stepped outside and enjoyed the sun against you body? Yes, I know we live in south Texas, along with heat and humidity, but that’s not an excuse I accept. What are the benefits from the sun? Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, exposure to daylight makes it easier to fall asleep, sunlight increases serotonin production which elevates mood, lowers blood pressure, and the list is too long for this article.

Next on my list is Dr. Water. We all know how important water is for hydration, especially since our body is made of 60% water. Here are some facts you might no know about the importance of Dr. Water; it helps keep normal temperature, lubricates and cushions joints, gets rid of waste through urination and perspiration, improves brain function, helps with kidney-stones, and treats constipation. Really, there’s so much more.

Then there’s Dr. Exercise. I don’t care what your current physical status is, there is always a form of exercise you can start today. I’ve been writing about this for almost thirty years. So, here are some additional information to learn from Dr. Exercise; manages blood glucose and insulin levels, improves mental health, exercise can lower the risk of developing eight types of cancer, including heart disease, plus helps manage arthritis by reducing pain and improving function.

Lastly, my favorite is Dr. Laughter. Believe it or not, there are plenty studies about the benefits of laughter. Some short-term physical benefits are stimulation of organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen, stimulates heart, lung and muscles, and increases endorphins released by your brain.

To me, for some reason people have become way-too sensitive. Of course, life is challenging, but if you can find humor in daily life, then you will not only live longer, but will enjoy the journey.

I just gave you the best doctors with amazing results, plus they are absolutely-free. Today, you’ll step outside for a brisk walk, carrying a bottle of water, while chuckling at all the silly people around you.