By David Tepera, January 22, 2025

It’s a fact, as we get older, time seems to fly by us, just ask the elders. To some of you, I might be young, but I can’t believe I’m turning 64 this year.
The difficulty for me is the realization that I can’t perform activities from not so long ago. For example; in my 30’s, I could easily complete a roundoff-flip flop. I competed in martial arts into my 40’s. I received my pro-card in Men’s Master’s Physique at the age of 55, plus I could still surf the waves with no difficulty.
Now, welcome to the 60’s David. My body is finally breaking down. It takes a lot longer to recover from injuries or aches and pains. Every morning, I wake up with “snap-crackle-pop”.
My wife Tina is in her 50’s and discovering the same sequence of events as I. Most of you know, she also has a pro-card in the body building world.
Okay, where am I going with all this? I know everyone has experiences from all the activities they once enjoyed, but it’s now in the past.
It doesn’t matter your age, you must find ways to enjoy life today. Our journey on this earth is a short trip, so enjoy it. Turn off the tv, get out of the recliner and take back life.
What makes you the happiest? Have you developed healthy habits to make each day enjoyable? When’s the last time you took stroll around the block, in a park, or along the beach?
Winter strolls along Galveston beach are interesting. There’s plenty of drift wood, washed up starfish, sand-dollars, including creatures I have no name for. So, bundle up and enjoy a beach day.
Back in the day, when we vacationing, we look for excursions that included four-wheeling, zip-lining, mountain climbing or any outdoor active explorations.
Today, we enjoy more of the arts and museums to give us a glimpse into the past. Even those artists, we are observing, had a short trip, but found a way to enjoy life and give back to society.
Listen, there’s no throwing in the towel. You’re reading this article, so you still have another day to enjoy. Go look in the mirror, and stare deep in your eyes. I promise, if you look long enough, there’s a little kid smiling back telling you to go enjoy life again because life is a short trip.