By David Tepera, January 28, 2025
One of the most popular words spoken is “I can’t”. Why is that and what’s your excuse? What happened in your life to lose confidence?
When my children were young and participating in many physical activities, there were many times they would get discouraged and tell me “I can’t”. Failure was never accepted, so they had to stay persistence until success was accomplished.
You might not be able to hit a curve ball, or serve an overhand volleyball today, but if you keep saying in your mind that “you can”, then you’ll eventually succeed.
How many of you decided to quit too early? Quitting is the easiest decision we could ever make. There’s no effort to walk away and give up. Sometimes, we have to put a game face on and keep swinging. Even if you lose, you’ll have pride knowing you gave it your best.
Today, giving up is not your character anymore. It’s time to buckle up, put your helmet on and say “yes I can”.
What changes are needed in your life? What’s holding you down? Forget about what other’s think. This is your life and you have total control. What ever excuse you keep using doesn’t exist anymore.
Today, you’ll be stronger than ever before. You’ll break through any barrier standing in your way. Put your blinders on and stay focused on “I can”.
We all regret decisions in the past, but don’t let that define you. Of course, I still look back at the bone-head I once was, but now, I know I can accomplish any goal chosen.
What I’m trying to relay is to let the past go because you can make life changing decisions today.
There was a time that I would wear a rubber-band around my wrist. Every time I would have negative thoughts, I would snap the rubber-band and say to myself “quit your stinking thinking because you’re better than that”.
Come on now, stop being hard on yourself. See the beauty you possess and start pouring kindness and love to others. Once you realize how you impact the world around you, you’ll realize there’s no more “I can’t” because “you can”.