By David Tepera, January 8, 2025

Here recently, as I’m reaching my mid 60’s, I’ve been paying more attention to how my body responds to activities compared from the past. It’ obvious, my body has slowed down, but the mind is still youthful and can respond to any scenario.
Let me try to explain. Whatever today’s thought process may be, it’s a combination from all your life experiences to date. We’ve all been hurt in the past, but we also had many victories and successes.
Just know, the brain is the most energy demanding organ in the body. It uses about 20 percent of the body’s energy supply.
We can all close our eyes and reflect-back on the youthful physical activities, recreation, sports, or anything requiring high energy.
Think about it, can you still feel the enjoyment of roller skating, swimming, playing multiple sports, jogging long distances, gymnastics, or fill in the blank?
For me, I can mentally re-experience the sweat, heart-beat, exhaustion, including fighting Mother Natures’ elements from all outdoor activities such as surfing competitions, multiple races, marathons, triathlons from year’s past.
You see, that’s the beauty of our minds. We can go back in the past and relive those moments.
Now, that’s the difference from our bodies. The mind can go back in time, but our bodies cannot.
Just like our current mind’s thought process, our body is a reflection from all past experiences. Take a real look at your current body’s state. What you’re looking at is all the decisions from the past. Did you exercise or not? What nutrition intake fed your body? Do you have destructive habits or not? This includes abusing alcohol, prescriptions, greasy foods, drugs, lazy habits, and again, you fill in the blank.
Of course, there are many people, including elders that are taking back control of their life. Even though the body can’t perform activities from the past, it can still improve, grow muscle, and bring back a quality of life. Believe me, we see it every day in our gym.
The-majority-of our clients are in their 70’s, but the 80’s list is growing. They’re not throwing in the towel, so neither should you.
Listen, even though our bodies can’t go back in time, like our mind, it’s never too late to change your life.
Lastly, my sister Karen and I would like to wish our mother Eileen Tepera a happy 80th birthday tomorrow. It will be a special celebration with family. We all are lucky to have her in our lives. We love you Nana.