By David Tepera, February 23, 2025

My nephew Logan competes in marathons and triathlons all over the world. He was even invited to run the Olympic marathon path in Paris last year.
Years ago, when Logan started his journey for long distance runs, he reached out to me for advice from nutrition to training.
The advice that made the biggest impact to Logan was understanding that with each practice run, you must take more steps than before. There will be times where you want to stop from exhaustion, but if you just take a couple of more steps, you reached a greater distance than from quitting. Okay, I’m not sure if you’re understanding my point, but Logan did.
Now, what ultimate goals are on your list? Almost all of us would like to lose some body fat. One of the biggest mistakes people make is jumping into an extreme diet program. Can you count how many fad diets you’ve failed, including the money invested?
As you know, we give weight training and nutrition advice all over the country. But, it is much simpler than you think. Quit being so hard on yourself and just take small steps.
People are always surprised, as a former professional physique competitor, I never weighed my food or counted calories. That includes for my wife Tina and our son Dylan who was an undefeated teen champion.
Look, you already know the unhealthy bad habits you’ve developed. What’s the one small step that would have an impact today? Is it eliminating donuts or sugar coffee drive throughs in the morning? How about late snacking on chips and cookies in the evening?
I know many people who are addicted to eating at the grease pit each day. How about giving up the fries on occasion. Or, take off the top bun of your burger to intake less carbs.
Another mistake most people make is wanting to throw in the towel of dieting because you had a bad day. Don’t give up, just pick back up tomorrow. You’re human and mistakes is part of our life to develop experiences.
Fall back in love with yourself and realize how amazing you are. We are our greatest and worst critic. I promise, there are plenty of people who find you attractive, as long you are kind to others.
So, today, pick out a couple of small steps and enjoy the journey to a greater distance. Just stay happy along the way.

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