By David Tepera, March 11, 2025

We are now in the month of March. Are you still sitting around being lazy telling yourself that when the weather gets better, you’ll start exercising. Well, have you started, or what’s your excuse today? I’m sure that couch feels so comfy, along with a big bag of chips and soda.
How many of you pay gym memberships each month, but can’t remember the last time you went?
What will it take for you to finally make a change in your health? I’ll be honest with you. Over three years ago, I was put in the hospital from a strange reaction to a particular medication. At that time, I lost over thirty pounds. Once cured, I gained all my weight back, plus an additional amount. I’ve been battling to lose that extra weight ever since.
Believe me, I understand the struggle of losing weight, the discipline of eating healthier, plus developing a consistent exercise program. It’s still a battle for me to this day, but I’m trying my best. I’m just fortunate to own a gym, so I do exercise and lift weights five days a week. Of course, the most difficult challenge is food portion control and frequency of eating.
What I’m trying to let you know is to never give up, or get discouraged.
I hear from people all the time of how I keep it real. I’m no better than the next person, but one thing I’ve learned, when ever I get knocked down, I get back up to survive. And, that’s all of you out there.
How much adversity have you had to face? What’s your motivation to stand back up and keep fighting? Besides diet and exercise, what ever is going on in your life, get off the couch and do something about it.
Take back control of life because yesterday is gone, today will end, but tomorrow will be better. It’s time to put your blinders on and only look forward. I know it’s difficult, but let go of the past mistakes and be happy with all your accomplishments.
One thing we can all share is the ability to be kind, generous, loving and respectful to others. No matter what struggles you’re dealing with, all you have to do is get off the couch and do something about it.

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