By David Tepera, July 21, 2021
Stuart Scott was an analyst at ESPN for many years until he died of cancer in 2015. Before he passed, he offered this statement at an awards show: “Life consists of two dates with a dash in between. Make the dash count.” What a powerful statement from Mr. Scott.
None of us know when life is over. To me, there’s never a time to throw in the towel and give up. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been given a dire diagnosis. This is your moment to fight back and live each day with a purpose.
Personally, Tina and I feel that making a difference in this world means improving the lives of others. Of course, we’re fortunate to own a fitness center and touch lives daily. Improving our clients also improves those around them. It’s the ripple effect like a pebble thrown in the lake.
We know many people who own businesses. They’ve created an opportunity for employees to make a living and raise their families. The owners improved the lives of generations.
Volunteering is one of the most rewarding purposes in life. There are plenty of organizations in need of help. Not just for people, but animal shelters and rescues as well.
Also, recognize we are all living on the “dash” at this moment. What are you going to accomplish today? Are you taking care of yourself in order for the dash to lengthen? What’s the first item of food your body will receive today? Was it healthy or another fast-food drive-through?
What’s the first thought of the day? Did you wake up excited to have another day to be alive and share kindness? Or another day to be grumpy, complain and make others around you miserable?
Believe me, bad attitude and judgmental people are not in our circle. They don’t exist in our gym either. Each morning, Tina and I give each other a big hug, along with words of encouragement as we head out the door. We love each other and love life.
Yes, life will throw us curveballs, but we stay in the batter box and keep swinging because it’s time for a grand slam.
Now, put down the newspaper, put your game face on and get out in this world and make the dash count.