to make a difference, it’s the little things

By David Tepera, August 11, 2021

One important concept we teach to our clients is how small changes can enhance a workout — for example, shortening the range of motion to prevent injury, changing hand grips to target muscles better, not locking knees when performing leg presses and how to get in and out of machines properly.

Bottom line, it’s the little things that make the difference.

What are the little things that you’re doing to make life better? When at work, do you find extra work to separate yourself from other co-workers? If you’re in the warehouse, do you step out of your work description by helping to organize inventory? Do you find extra tasks without asking for it? Do you get to work before and leave after your supervisor? This alone gets a lot of positive attention.

What about relationships? Do you open doors and treat your significant other with total respect, especially in public? I tell Tina it’s an honor for me to open doors for her.

What about chores around the house? Do you help clean, cook, do laundry and so on? If not, why not? Even if you both agree on specific sets of chores, why not help the other sometimes?

Here’s one for you: Next time your spouse takes a shower, throw their towel into the dryer. When they’re finished, there’s a warm towel to dry off with. I promise, this will be appreciated.

Do you respond to people with “sir and ma’am?” For some reason, I feel parents aren’t teaching children to respect elders as we were once taught. My children learned proper life etiquette early on, and I’m fortunate to observe them as adults still practice respect toward others.

As you go through your life today, take notice of the little things you do to make a difference. How courteous are you toward others? Do you carry yourself with pride and produce a genuine smile, or do you have that smug look on your face because you think you’re better than others?

Now, let’s get back to healthiness. What little thing are you going to personally accomplish today to be healthier? Take a walk around the block, use that piece of exercise equipment that’s been collecting dust in your house or don’t eat dessert tonight.

Try to do something positive today because you’ll be shocked how big the little things are.