when trying something new, it’s ok to make mistakes

By David Tepera, November 10, 2021

There are none of us that welcome failure. Most people won’t start something new because it exposes their weaknesses. How many of you want to take a leap in life but are scared that others will ridicule you?

Remember, these so-called “others” want you to fail, so they can feel better about themselves. Don’t worry about their opinions because you’re better than that and choose to take life to another level.

Look, let me tell you from experience. There hasn’t been one new project, diet, exercise, relationship, parenting and so-on that multiple mistakes didn’t happen. Through all my years, I’ve finally accepted my faults and failures as part of the learning process.

I’ve also learned to laugh off the obvious mistakes and continue to make each attempt another step forward.

Just for laughs, how many of you men don’t read the directions? Yep, I’m that guy, too. I’ve had to rebuild many pieces of basic furniture and household items. And, if it’s from Ikea, forget about it and just throw away the thousand extra pieces. Don’t worry if your new table rocks a little left.

Now, what plan have you put in place to take on something new? If you don’t have a plan, then just go for it anyway. It’s as easy as internet research followed up with a phone call.

Go ahead — sign up for the class, talk to an advisor, counselor or attorney. If you’re not happy or satisfied with life, go for it. Yes, you’ll make mistakes, but it only means you’re trying.

How many of you failed diet and exercise programs? Yep, right now you’re freaking out because the Thanksgiving holiday is around the corner, and your diet program will be crushed.

Don’t worry about failing diets during the festivities with family, friends and co-workers. We all need the pleasure, along with the gift of love and interactions with people we care about. Just continue dieting and exercising on all other days.

All right, now here we go. Quit thinking about your new life and do something about it. This is an exciting day because your “something new” is starting today. No one can detour your ambition because you’re stronger and bigger than their negative ways.

Whenever an obstacle tries to get in your way, bust through it like a linebacker sacking a quarterback. It’s game day, baby, and you’ve taken back control of life.

Just remember, when starting something new to welcome mistakes, and you’ll catapult to the top.