Just keep it simple to get results

By David Tepera, January 5, 2022

Well, you’re about a week into the new year, so did you start your new exercise and diet program? Do you even have a plan? Are you confused and overwhelmed with all the new fads and choices?

Remember, there’s a lot of hocus-pocus out there that sucks people into buying unnecessary products. I cringe when I see the ads for losing weight by taking a pill or drinking some potion.

I also don’t think it’s necessary to buy the latest and greatest expensive equipment. Yes, it’ll motivate you in the beginning, but that quickly fades.

Now, with more than 35 years in the health and fitness industry and guest speaking across the country, let me share some simple tips to a better quality of life.

First of all, you must lift weights or perform weight resistant exercises, especially as you age. I cannot express enough about the benefits from weight lifting. It’s a complete life changer for all ages to build stronger bones, lean muscle growth, anti-depression, faster metabolism for fat loss, along with many other benefits.

It’s quite exciting watching our 70s club clients grow muscle and reduce or get rid of joint pain. Yes, all 15 are back in the game to enjoy life and hobbies again.

So, it might take joining a local gym, but do your homework because all gyms have different environments. Also, being older and retired, you can choose workout times when it’s less crowded.

I understand that some people need to join weight-loss food programs in order to get control of their eating habits. There’s plenty out there that might fit your needs, plus I have nothing negative to say about them. When utilizing the proper program for your body type and lifestyle, they can be successful.

My two adult children, Tina and I stick to a few simple dieting tips, and we stay lean all year. Just know, as professional athletes, we have never weighed our food or counted calories.

Here’s one example for you to try. The biggest key to losing weight is through carbohydrate manipulation. Carbs are like gas in your tank. You need them to burn as energy throughout your day and workouts. So, it’s important to have carbs for breakfast and lunch. This will give you energy and boost your metabolism.

The enemy of carbs are at dinner and late-night snacking. Usually at this time, people are finished with their daily responsibilities, so lounging and relaxing take place. Because carbs are not being burned for energy, they store to fat. It’s the night carbs that are making you fat.

Of course, there’s so much more to all of this. We give free advice all over the country. I respond to every email received, so feel free to reach out.

Lastly, we have tons of short videos with diet and weight lifting tips on our Facebook page “Ageless-muscle.” Now, if you want results without the stress, then keep it simple.