By David Tepera, February 2, 2022

One lesson I learned as an adult is to not judge people too quickly.

There’s a reason why people we don’t know are called strangers. We come from a variety of backgrounds, health habits, income differences and so on. So, if people don’t look or act like you, then leave them alone and go about your own way.

There are many of us who’ve gone through tragedies and unwelcomed situations. These experiences have molded us into our modern-day character. What’s important is learning to turn negatives into positives.

There’s a time when you need to take control of your situation. A question you must ask yourself is “am I running from something or running to it?”

We have successful self-made clients at our gym. Some of them were determined to change their lives and ran from poverty.

I know people who had enough and ran from bad relationships. So, what are you running from? Whatever it is, just remember, don’t look back. Put your blinders on and stay focused.

Now, let’s flip all this negative thinking and turn it into a positive. Quit running from sadness and start running towards happiness.

If you’re depressed for being overweight and out of shape, then take action. Find a photo of when you were your ideal weight and post it on your bathroom mirror. It’s your reminder to run towards health.

Are you running to finish college, trade school, retirement, investments, etc.?

If you’re in a difficult situation, and doing your best to run towards happiness, but life keeps throwing curve balls, then seek a higher power. God never failed me, especially when I put it all in His hands. There were many times I ran to God and He guided me through the tough times. I also make sure I give Him praise for all the good that’s in my life.

Look, don’t accept failure as a final decision. It doesn’t matter your age, health or financial status. Continue to chase dreams and make it a habit to run towards happiness. Get into motion and you’ll eventually run into success.

Today, you’ve made the decision to take control and quit running from and start running to.