By David Tepera, February 22, 2023

I’m sure each and every one of you strives to be successful. Of course, this depends on your individual beliefs, wants and desires of what that success will be.

As we get older, the pursuit of financial success becomes the most important, but there must be something that you’ve always wanted to conquer. However, you must find a way to rise above fear to obtain it.

How many of you remember the first time you jumped off a high dive at the local pool? Admit it, once you made the frightful jump, your confidence level skyrocketed to do it over and over.

What keeps you up at night, or what stays lingering in your mind that you’d like to pursue? Is it a better job, education, self-defense, asking out the boy or girl, or whatever you desire?

During my martial arts career, I would guest speak at women’s conferences and teach them self-defense. One subject I spoke about was why wait until you get hurt or violated to learn how to protect yourself. Gain your confidence, be proactive and do something now.

Also, I’ve watched physically handicapped people weight train in public gyms. What guts did it take to possibly feel like an outcast amongst fit people? It’s these people who’ve overcome fear that inspires me.

How many of you are intimidated to join the local gym? Don’t worry about what others think because they are caught up in their own world. Put your headphones on and learn to explore the weights. Each time you’ll gain more confidence and realize people aren’t even paying attention to you.

Are there people bullying you? Do you keep getting passed over for promotions? What’s it going to take to stand up for yourself? Bust through your fear and confront the situation.

I understand how uncomfortable it is to step out of your comfort zone, but no one else is going to stand up for you. Sometimes, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so just do it. No matter the results, you’ll be proud of yourself, plus gain more confidence to tackle the next situation.

Listen, we all have fears, but in certain circumstances, you just have to lay it all out there. So, remember, the best way to gain confidence is by overcoming fear.