By David Tepera, March 22, 2023
Do you ever wonder why there are never Lamborghini commercials? It’s because they claim their target audience isn’t sitting around watching TV.
Next time you’re watching your favorite TV programs take notice of the type of commercials being shown.
Cartoon and Disney channels will promote cereal, baby food and toys. Sports channels typically market beer and trucks. The golf channel will feature luxury cars and investment banking.
As you can see, there’s a lot of research in television marketing to get the most bang for the buck. For your information, this year’s Super Bowl commercials cost from $6-7 million per 30 seconds.
Now, what are you doing in your spare time? If you need more income, are you working a second job, going to night school or proving you’re worthy for a promotion? Are you determined and dedicated, or are you sitting around watching TV?
How about your health? We all have spare time, so are you exercising and lifting weights? I’ve heard many times from people telling me don’t have time to exercise. Sorry, but yes you do.
How many times are you hitting the snooze button? Why not get up an hour earlier for some cardio? Just know the best time to perform cardio exercise is when you wake on an empty stomach. It’s called “fasted cardio.” Your body will burn more fat, plus boost metabolism.
What other improvements are you making in your spare time? Are you volunteering, finishing house projects or maybe enjoying a fun hobby?
Whatever it may be, make sure you are involved in something that is self-rewarding. I’m not just pertaining to financial rewards, but also what makes you feel good for yourself and possibly others.
Listen, it’s definitely OK to take time off, go on vacation or step away from the grind. As most of you know, we live a healthy lifestyle, but when it comes to vacation, we eat and drink anything we want. And, believe me, we do.
Now, if you’re not happy with your current situation, then start looking for self-improvement in your spare time.
We all develop habits, some are destructive, and some are productive. The choice is yours. Stop hanging around with people going nowhere and create the life you are meant to have.
Starting today, your life is going to change because you will discover a way to be productive during your spare time.