By David Tepera, October 16, 2024

I’m sure most of you don’t know, but this past weekend was the Mr. Olympian competition. For your information, it is the biggest event of the year for all the professional body builders and fitness competitors. The winners will be awarded as the best in the entire world.

One of the benefits to winning is nutritional sponsors and endorsements will be knocking on your door offering big money. Mr. and Mrs. Olympian can easily make multi millions per year.

It’s interesting, when Tina and I were on the competition trail for a few years, we won our pro cards, which meant, we were the best in our categories. But, guess why no sponsors came searching for us? Because we were too old. I competed as a pro though out my late 50’s, and Tina was in her late 40’s. All our competition was 30 years younger. Tina even came in 2nd place competing against five countries. I placed 5th and the crowd went crazy for both of us, due to our age, but still, too old to market. Don’t misunderstand me, we were no where near the level of Mr. Olympian.

What Nike and all the other brands don’t understand, is that senior citizens have more expendable income than the younger bracket. Think about it, seniors are retired, houses and cars paid off, children are now financially independent.

As you know, at Ageless Muscle, 90 percent of our clients are in their 60’s and 70’s. We also have many in their 80’s and 90’s. You’d be surprised how many of these seniors wear Lululemon brand workout apparel. They all come in sporting cool workout clothes.  

Now, why aren’t the name brands marketing the older population? It’s because those in charge are young themselves, and don’t understand the older generation and how cool they really are.

Getting older doesn’t mean to throw in the towel. I thoroughly enjoy my time with each of my elderly clients. They are hilarious, have great stories, and the coolest people to ever meet.

Can you imagine how much more revenue the branding companies could bring in if they included targeting the cool population, I mean “seniors”?

So, do you still like being in style? Do you really care what others think about you? I stopped worrying how people judged me years ago. It’s time to get out there to enjoy the world and be as cool as you want to be.

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