By David Tepera, November 5, 2024

There’s no secret, there are multiple factors we face each day that ignites our emotions. But, the one thing we have complete control over is how we respond to them.
Right now, at this very moment, your physical appearance and mental state is your choice.
Is your body healthy and energetic from a habit of exercise and proper cooking? Or, another statistic of obesity and feeling sluggish from a habit of eating grease, junk food and laziness?
The person you see in the mirror is from a lifetime of choices. Nobody else forced certain foods and drinks into your body, plus no one told you to exercise or not. No matter the reflection, love yourself and make changes if needed.
Now, what mental factors are you facing today? We all love to rejoice when life is moving easy and we feel like winners. But, what’s your choice when adverse conditions fall upon you? Do you point the finger and blame others, or do you take responsibility and climb your way back up?
Once you can find peace and love within yourself, you’ll see peace and love with those around you. Why can’t we all take that attitude? That choice is totally up to you.
Believe me, I know people who live in a negative world, and stay miserable all the time. What a waste of life.
But, the good news is I know thousands of people who find many ways to happiness, even during troubled times. I know this because they email me each week.
Eventually, we all will lose a loved one, possibly get diagnosed with a serious disease, or get sucker-punched from life. Maybe, bad news came out of nowhere and now you must deal with it immediately. Remember, your response is completely in your control.
Keep you head high, poke out your chest and keep moving. Surround yourself with positive people and be a leader towards victory. What ever challenges you are facing today, make sure to choose happiness.