All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.


By David Tepera, November 5, 2024

There’s no secret, there are multiple factors we face each day that ignites our emotions. But, the one thing we have complete control over is how we respond to them.
Right now, at this very moment, your physical appearance and mental state is your choice.
Is your body healthy and energetic from a habit of exercise and proper cooking? Or, another statistic of obesity and feeling sluggish from a habit of eating grease, junk food and laziness?
The person you see in the mirror is from a lifetime of choices. Nobody else forced certain foods and drinks into your body, plus no one told you to exercise or not. No matter the reflection, love yourself and make changes if needed.
Now, what mental factors are you facing today? We all love to rejoice when life is moving easy and we feel like winners. But, what’s your choice when adverse conditions fall upon you? Do you point the finger and blame others, or do you take responsibility and climb your way back up?
Once you can find peace and love within yourself, you’ll see peace and love with those around you. Why can’t we all take that attitude? That choice is totally up to you.
Believe me, I know people who live in a negative world, and stay miserable all the time. What a waste of life.
But, the good news is I know thousands of people who find many ways to happiness, even during troubled times. I know this because they email me each week.
Eventually, we all will lose a loved one, possibly get diagnosed with a serious disease, or get sucker-punched from life. Maybe, bad news came out of nowhere and now you must deal with it immediately. Remember, your response is completely in your control.
Keep you head high, poke out your chest and keep moving. Surround yourself with positive people and be a leader towards victory. What ever challenges you are facing today, make sure to choose happiness.


By David Tepera, October 29, 2024

It’s interesting, how common Tina and I are approached in public. The typical questions asked pertains to weight training. Remember, we are in the older population, so we do stick out from the average, especially Tina. The one message we try to instill is about the lifestyle outside the gym.

When we were competing, weight training was the easy part. It’s the discipline of diet that was the most difficult. Anyone can lift weights, but eating clean, no alcohol, and minimal social life was the biggest challenge.

When you see someone who is very muscular and has a strong physical presence, it’s what they do outside the gym that makes a difference. If you are truly dedicated to changing your life and body, then what are you doing once you leave the gym? Are you still eating at the drive through grease-pit? How many fancy coffee drinks do you consume each week?

Listen, I’m not telling you to live the lifestyle of a body builder, but it might be time to start cooking healthier meals. You all know every Sunday, Tina and I cook and prep our meals for the following week. Our goal is to eat healthy Monday through Friday. It’s almost ritual for us, as a reward, to throw down Mexican food and margaritas Friday evening.

I can’t tell you how many times people have reached out to us about doing a ton of sit-ups because they thought that’s how you get ripped abs. Listen, a six-pack is not built in the gym, it’s built in the kitchen. We all have abs, but if all you do is eat junk, then you’ll never see them.

Now, think of this, I know many people who enjoy expressing their religion. Some sing in the choir, others ring bells, and there are those who quote scriptures. But, what’s your style of living outside the church? Do you continue a God-fearing life, or you only good for Sundays?

Just like the gym, it’s outside the church that determines your character. How do you treat all people? We are in trying times and it’s time to come together. We shouldn’t care of one’s religious beliefs, sexual orientation, political views, race, income status, and so-on. We are all as one and should love each other as so.  

So, when you go outside your house today to take on the world, be the one who makes the world a better place. All it takes is being kind.


By David Tepera, October 23, 2024

Recently, one of our clients shared a video of someone explaining the importance of leg strength. This is a topic I’ve been speaking on for many years. Let me explain.

One challenge as we get older is balance. Without leg strength, you’ll become unsteady and will eventually fall. Believe me, elders and orthopedist fear falling because broken bones can be devastating, especially the hip. Elderly hip patients rarely ever fully recover. Quality of life takes a dramatic downslide.

Just know, the femur (thigh bone) is the strongest bone in the body. Studies show that osteoporosis and osteopenia affect more than 40 million Americans. To keep it simple, both prognosis deals with bone density loss.  

According to the World Health Organization, 30 % of postmenopausal women in the U.S. have osteoporosis, and 54% have osteopenia. Is it possible to reverse it?

Here is a list of natural osteopenia treatments. Of course, weight-bearing exercises. Otherwise, get in the gym and lift weights. Listen, all our elderly women have increased their bone density tests through weight training. Also, take in more protein because it makes up 50% of the volume in bones. The most critical vitamins are calcium, D3, and K2.

Now, how can leg strength improve your life? People who are mobile will become more socially active. Interacting with people is good for one’s mental health. Those who choose to stay at home will mentally fade away.

Are you enjoying walks through the neighborhood? An elderly couple in their late 70’s from our gym, just came back from a forty-day vacation to several countries. They ended with an African safari. My friend Paul, admitted that leg strength is what got him through a lifetime of memories.

How could leg strength help gain confidence? Once you’ve accomplished a simple task, then you’re ready to take on another challenge. Before you know it, you’re back to enjoying the things you love.

How many of you are using knee pain as an excuse? If the pain is affecting your quality of life, then seek an orthopedist. There are many conservative treatments depending on the severity of your arthritis. The usual sequence of treatment is physical therapy, viscosupplementation (natural gel injections), steroids, then lastly knee replacements.

Listen, bottom line, if you don’t get up and start improving your leg strength, then today is your best day because tomorrow will be worse. Don’t be that person. You’ve got a lot of life in front of you, so come join us out in this beautiful world with a bunch of beautiful people.


By David Tepera, October 16, 2024

I’m sure most of you don’t know, but this past weekend was the Mr. Olympian competition. For your information, it is the biggest event of the year for all the professional body builders and fitness competitors. The winners will be awarded as the best in the entire world.

One of the benefits to winning is nutritional sponsors and endorsements will be knocking on your door offering big money. Mr. and Mrs. Olympian can easily make multi millions per year.

It’s interesting, when Tina and I were on the competition trail for a few years, we won our pro cards, which meant, we were the best in our categories. But, guess why no sponsors came searching for us? Because we were too old. I competed as a pro though out my late 50’s, and Tina was in her late 40’s. All our competition was 30 years younger. Tina even came in 2nd place competing against five countries. I placed 5th and the crowd went crazy for both of us, due to our age, but still, too old to market. Don’t misunderstand me, we were no where near the level of Mr. Olympian.

What Nike and all the other brands don’t understand, is that senior citizens have more expendable income than the younger bracket. Think about it, seniors are retired, houses and cars paid off, children are now financially independent.

As you know, at Ageless Muscle, 90 percent of our clients are in their 60’s and 70’s. We also have many in their 80’s and 90’s. You’d be surprised how many of these seniors wear Lululemon brand workout apparel. They all come in sporting cool workout clothes.  

Now, why aren’t the name brands marketing the older population? It’s because those in charge are young themselves, and don’t understand the older generation and how cool they really are.

Getting older doesn’t mean to throw in the towel. I thoroughly enjoy my time with each of my elderly clients. They are hilarious, have great stories, and the coolest people to ever meet.

Can you imagine how much more revenue the branding companies could bring in if they included targeting the cool population, I mean “seniors”?

So, do you still like being in style? Do you really care what others think about you? I stopped worrying how people judged me years ago. It’s time to get out there to enjoy the world and be as cool as you want to be.


By David Tepera, October 9, 2024

At the Tepera house, Tina and I spend every Sunday preparing our meals for the following week. We buy and cook in bulk, and this allows us bring 8 – 10 meals per day to the gym. We also bring meals for our son Dylan, who puts in long days as well.

Due to our food intake being so important, we do quite a bit of research to find the best quality. You’d be surprised of all the preservatives, pesticides, steroids and junk put in our food to make them look better and last longer. It’s all about the money.

Did you know there’s more water in cucumbers than watermelons. It’s not much, but watermelon is 92%, while cucumber is 95%. That’s actually the same as lettuce and celery.

It’s believed nectarines, like peaches originated in China over 4,000 years ago. Nectarines are high sources of Vitamin C and A and are abundant in antitoxins. They aid in weight loss, improve immunity and heart health, plus regulates blood sugar.

I tell people to eat any type of fruit you enjoy. Just know, any thing that ends in “berry” has plenty vitamins and antitoxins, like strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and so on. But, never eat fruit in the evenings because it will covert to a form of sugar which can cause sleep issues.

Okay, for all you vegan types. Your biggest challenge is getting enough protein to build and maintain muscle mass. There are plenty of plant-based protein foods, but chick peas and almonds have almost the same amount of protein as a 100 gram steak, which equals to 25 grams of protein. So, enjoy your hummus!

For some reason brussels sprouts get a bad rap. They are known as the most hated vegetable, but it’s amongst the most nutritionist veggie out there. It’s packed full of vitamins and minerals, has virtually no calories, no fat, no-cholesterol, plus it fills you up. It’s also been shown to be anti-inflammatory and help fight cancer.

Just to throw in some quick facts; pistachios are not nuts, they are a fruit, just like avocado. Caesar salad was actually invented in Mexico in 1927, not Italy. Also, Hawaiian pizza and California rolls were invented in Canada, not America.

Red food dyes are made up of crushed bugs, which is located in candies, ketchup, soft drinks and canned cherries.

Lastly, bananas will float in water, plus it’s skin will help relieve itching from mosquitos. They are also the oldest known fruit dating back to over 10,000 years.

Well, I hope you enjoyed some fun food facts.


By David Tepera, October 1, 2024

During my 20 years in the medical field, I worked with hundreds of doctors. I had the privilege to travel the country training surgeons on specific orthopedic procedures. I was involved in more than 3,000 operations. Of course, during this time, I met some of the most amazing surgeons this country offers.

Also, we have many clients with medical degrees, including dermatology, ear-nose and throat, cardiologist, neurology and many others. But, in my opinion, the following are the best doctors with the healthiest results that are absolutely-free.

Let’s start with Dr. Sunshine. When’s the last time you stepped outside and enjoyed the sun against you body? Yes, I know we live in south Texas, along with heat and humidity, but that’s not an excuse I accept. What are the benefits from the sun? Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, exposure to daylight makes it easier to fall asleep, sunlight increases serotonin production which elevates mood, lowers blood pressure, and the list is too long for this article.

Next on my list is Dr. Water. We all know how important water is for hydration, especially since our body is made of 60% water. Here are some facts you might no know about the importance of Dr. Water; it helps keep normal temperature, lubricates and cushions joints, gets rid of waste through urination and perspiration, improves brain function, helps with kidney-stones, and treats constipation. Really, there’s so much more.

Then there’s Dr. Exercise. I don’t care what your current physical status is, there is always a form of exercise you can start today. I’ve been writing about this for almost thirty years. So, here are some additional information to learn from Dr. Exercise; manages blood glucose and insulin levels, improves mental health, exercise can lower the risk of developing eight types of cancer, including heart disease, plus helps manage arthritis by reducing pain and improving function.

Lastly, my favorite is Dr. Laughter. Believe it or not, there are plenty studies about the benefits of laughter. Some short-term physical benefits are stimulation of organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen, stimulates heart, lung and muscles, and increases endorphins released by your brain.

To me, for some reason people have become way-too sensitive. Of course, life is challenging, but if you can find humor in daily life, then you will not only live longer, but will enjoy the journey.

I just gave you the best doctors with amazing results, plus they are absolutely-free. Today, you’ll step outside for a brisk walk, carrying a bottle of water, while chuckling at all the silly people around you.


David Tepera, September 24, 2024

One thing for sure, winners will always find an answer to any situation. Most of the time, negative people are the problem. Which one are you?

When life gets tough, as it does for all of us, are you the whinner who tells everyone your problems, or the leader who takes control and comes up with the answer?

You get it? Winners have an answer for every problem. Negative people only see problems with no answers.

Come on now, do you have a plan or an excuse? Accomplishments only come from hard work and commitment. That’s why winners will only see the gains, while negative people will see the pain.

I was fortunate to be raised by a father who was a high school football coach. I was around sports my entire life as a player and a coach. As most of you know, I competed in sports well into my late 50’s.

The message I’m trying to relay is that sports teaches athletes the lessons from losing, along with the rewards of winning.

In life, just like every sport, you are going to get knocked down. You’ll be faced with serious life changing events, so what’s your character? Are you ready to put your head to the grind and come up with an answer?

Even when you’re giving life your best, each of us will face one or all of the following; death of a loved one, divorce, bankruptcy, bad news from the doc, unemployment, or fill in the blank.

Just know, if you are reading this article, you are already a winner. More than likely, you have a place to live that homeless people would love. I’m sure you have a job that unemployed people would want.

Did you know between 713 and 757 million people are hungry and undernourished every day? How about you? Is your belly full as you tuck yourself to bed?

Listen, the whole purpose is for you to realize how much a winner we all are. Stop seeing the negatives that some outlets try to shove down our throats. Nope, we are better than that, and that’s why as winners, we find answers to lift those up around us.


By David Tepera, September 18, 2024

Do you know why there’s a difference between white and dark meat? How come dark meat is more tasty and juicy compared to dry white meat? And the answer is “blood”. Yep, dark meat is dark and juicy because it contains blood.

Let me explain. It’s really the domestic chicken we are referring to. What parts of the domestic chicken are dark and white? The only white portion of a domestic chicken is the breast. And, that’s because the wings are clipped, so they won’t fly. They breast has no purpose for domestic chickens, so the blood supply isn’t present.

Every other body part on a chicken is in full motion; neck, legs, thighs, including wings are flapping even though they aren’t flying. Muscles can only function when it’s full of blood.

Now, notice I kept referring to domestic chickens because of clipped wings. Not counting fish, but all wild animal’s muscles contain blood. There are no white meat body parts on wild animals. That’s also the reason there isn’t a lot of fat on wild animals. They are always on the run for survival. I hope this is starting to make sense.

So, for all of you our there that love dark meat on chickens, keep enjoying it – you vampires.

Just know, I prefer dark over white any day, plus most people don’t realize dark meat has more protein.

Since I’m writing about breasts, let’s think about chest training for humans. One of the most popular chest weight training exercises is the bench press. I’m sure most of you know, it’s when you lay on your back and press a barbell off your chest.

All the young gym bros want to be known for the heaviest bench press. In their heads, it makes them the king of the gym. There are those who train to break records in the bench press. I was actually friends with Anthony Clark, who held the Guiness World Record of a reverse bench press of 740 pounds. He was a gentle giant who left us way too early.

What most people don’t understand is the pectoralis chest muscles build better from fly exercises than press. Let’s think about birds again. Flying animals breasts are the biggest body part they have. Of course, this is from flying. You get it, it’s not from pressing, it’s from flying.

So, if you spend more time on fly machines than pressing, you’ll build a better chest without shoulder issues.  

Lastly, scientist have concluded that the chicken came before the egg. This is because the protein which makes their eggshells can only be produced by hens.


By David Tepera, September 11, 2024

Did you know a Big Mac doesn’t cost $5.29, it costs your health. Netflix doesn’t cost $17.99, it costs your time. Social media isn’t free, it costs your focus.

The real question is “how are you investing your mental and physical health?”. We now live in a time of no patience. We all want immediate gratification, so who ever can deliver our needs the fastest, will get our business.

As an old-foggy, it still blows my mind that I can order something and receive it on my doorstep the same day. That is totally crazy to me.

But, what has also happened is people will no longer put in the hard work and time to reach a goal. No wonder 41.9% of adults in America are obese. Also, 1 in 5 children and adolescents in the US has obesity. People have stopped exercising, including raising children in the same environment.

When you cook and consume healthy meals, you’ll lose weight and feel better. But, no, we don’t have the discipline, so we’ll take pills and injections to lose the extra pounds. What’s the hidden cost for your laziness? I’ve heard that some of those new trendy injections can cost up to $600 dollars per month. I’m sure a gym membership, time on the treadmill or cycle is much less.

Listen, don’t get mad at me. I get emails all the time from people appreciating me keeping it real. Plus, I do my best to live the life I write, but I’m not perfect and neither are you.

Don’t beat yourself up for making mistakes. There’s not one of us who can cast stones. If you need to change your life, then today is that day. Yesterday was only a lesson, so how are you going to improve today?

Now, let’s get positive and recognize the benefit. For those who are exercising more, how has that changed your life? You quickly find out that exercise doesn’t only improve physical health, but it gives people a more positive outlook on life. There are many studies proving exercise and lifting weights helps with depression. I know because it saved my life, and that’s a testimony for another day.

I guarantee, people who have reduced their social media presence are much happier than those who don’t. You are what you think about. Surround yourself with positive people and let the wonders be attracted into your life. That’s a great benefit without any costs.


By David Tepera, September 4, 2024

One of the benefits of owning a business, is we get to take our dogs with us. Even my son Dylan, brings his rescue mix-breed Buddy, who’s been a part of the fitness family for over three years.

Now, we have doggy gates to keep our four-legged family members behind while we train our clients. But, when the training numbers are low, Buddy gets to roam with the clients. Everyone loves the doggies, especially Buddy. He even has his picture set up as the employee of the month.

Well, last week was a difficult time because Tina and I had to put down one of our senior rescues named “KK”, which stands for Kahlua. All the clients that were close to her got to say their “goodbyes”. I’ve never seen more tears in a gym as everyone gave her lots of love and hugs.

How many of you business owners take your family pets to work? I actually know quite a few.

How many of you exercise with your pets? Do you walk your dogs in the mornings or evenings? Do you go to isolated parks and run with them or go hiking? Do you play fetch and wrestle in the yard? What type of activity do you get from owning a pet?

One of the few times I’ve seen my wife Tina running was her chasing KK down the street when she got loose. You see, KK was deaf and had dementia. Even though her ailments were sad, it was still funny watching Tina on a dead-sprint. This is not volunteer exercising.

There are not that many interesting studies about dog owner activities. One USA study found that only 27% of dog owners walked their dog for at least 150 minutes per week. It is proven that dog owners will partake in more physical activity than non-dog owners, just ask Tina.

If you don’t own a pet or have the resources, then animal shelters are always in need of dog walkers. When the kids were in middle school, we would take time to walk the dogs at the League City Animal Shelter.

Well, besides the sad week of losing our oldest family pet, we also got to cherish the wonderful memories KK gave us. For all you animal lovers, you understand that our pets are also our children.