All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.

We can all win first place

By David Tepera, September 20, 2017

When we compete in any sporting event, our goal is to win first place. We’ve all experienced it on some level and taking first place is the ultimate feeling. It doesn’t matter if it’s a team or individual sport.

Winning first place is a moment to celebrate because you are the best on that particular day.

Every time we hear a professional athlete speak about winning, they are all chasing a championship ring. It’s the ultimate trophy expressing first place.

Now, first place or being first can be experienced in countless situations.

How many of you were the first in your family to graduate college or trade school, eat healthy, exercise daily, find religion, volunteer and so on? The list is endless according to your status.

If you can’t find any “firsts” in your life, what’s holding you back?

Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile in 1954 when everyone thought it wasn’t possible by any human. Now, it’s the standard for male athletes to qualify for the Olympics.

Back in the 1976 Olympics, Russian gymnast Olga Korbut was the first woman to accomplish a back flip on the balance beam. The world went crazy with such a feat. Now, all elite gymnasts look at back flips as no big deal. But, Olga became the pioneer that changed balance beam competition forever.

Bottom line, if you truly have a passion to accomplish something, don’t let others’ negative words stop you. I guarantee lazy people hate when those around them have ambition. Losers seem to migrate to each other, just like ambitious people will eventually cross paths.

My kids have a passion to one day own businesses that help people. They are teenagers, so at this time, they’re not sure what that business is, but know it will be discovered in time.

I told them, all you have to do is find a need, then figure a way to solve it. That’s how all inventions are discovered. You will be the first to figure it out and, in turn, change people’s lives.

Now it’s time to take a realistic look at ourselves. Have we created any firsts? Are we just following others’ paths hoping for the same or better results?

Listen, it’s never too late for anything. Go out there and break barriers, create new paths, tackle the world to improve your life and those around you. Dig deep and be the first because we need you.

Daily life is your workout

By David Tepera, September 12, 2017

Lately, I’ve been really studying people’s actions and postures as they go through daily life. I’ve come to the conclusion that most people, if not all of us, seem to perform tasks with as little effort as possible.

For example, when you bend over to pick something up, do you bend your knees and go into a squat? Or, do you just reach down sticking your booty up in the air? Besides looking funny, it’s not doing your back any favors.

When carrying something heavy, do you let your shoulders slump over with arms fully extended? Or, do you keep your posture up straight and hold the item close to your torso?

From those two examples just listed, if you would pick up and hold things properly, it would strengthen muscles and develop a stronger core.

Bending with your knees develops stronger leg and butt muscles. Keeping a straight posture while holding items correctly develops stronger shoulders, chest and biceps.

This doesn’t just happen in daily life, I see it all the time in the gym. Most people have horrible postures while picking up weights and dumbbells. Most injuries in the gym are due to poor posture and incorrect lifting habits.

If you frequent the gym, have you noticed the lazy inconsiderate people who leave their weights on the machine? I have a real issue with this, but that rant is for another day.

What’s the speed of your pace while walking? Are you one of those slow-moving people who shuffle their feet that I always get stuck behind? Or, do you have quick steps because you’re trying to get from point A to point B as fast as possible?

You’d be surprised how daily living can be turned into a workout. Even your metabolism would kick-in and burn more fat.

Start paying attention to yourself. I promise, you’ll catch all the obvious mistakes and realize you have lazy habits. Believe me, I catch myself all the time, but I’ve become aware and I’m doing my best to correct it.

Now, let’s all do our best each day and strive for a healthy active life.

Getting back to normality is a must

By David Tepera, September 6, 2017

There’s no secret: in some way, Hurricane Harvey affected everyone in Galveston County. Of course, the storm created havoc across the state and beyond, but today’s focus is on you and family.

All of our lives have been disrupted and getting back to normal will take time, more for some than others.

I was having an interesting discussion with Natasha Reyes who owns Fit Life Fitness in League City. Natasha was kind enough to give me a key to her gym in order to continue training for an upcoming competition.

Natasha’s gym sustained minimal rain damage and was ready for business. Natasha was feeling a bit torn to announce Fit Life was open to all her clients and members. She knew people were busy picking up the pieces to put their lives back together, and the gym would be last on the list of things to do.

So, our discussion became about helping people get back to a normal life. Believe me, there are countless people who utilize a gym as part their daily routine. When you haven’t worked out in a few days, you become unbalanced physically and mentally. It’s difficult to explain unless you’re one of them.

Natasha quickly realized people needed the therapy of her gym and opened immediately. You see, her clients and members are like family. She even had a company serve breakfast to the community at Fit Life.

OK, so what point am I trying to make in today’s column? A storm can disrupt our lives, but getting back to normality as quickly as possible is a must. You must start with all the little things like drinking a cup of coffee in the morning and reading The Daily News. At least your day started normal, then go from there, according to your lifestyle.

A storm can break us, but as we are witnessing, we will all come back stronger. Just like a broken bone, the body will form a callous around the fracture in order for it to be stronger than before. That, my friend, is each and every one of you.

It’s a glorious revolution to witness people coming together as one. The human spirit has a natural compassionate ability to come to aid in emergency situations. We recognize politics, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and race are not on the table when saving lives. We are not just Texans or Americans, we are of one human race.

Now, as all of our new journeys begin, punch destruction in the face, and strive each day to find normality. You got this!

Play The Ball Where It Lies

By David Tepera, August 31, 2017

I have to admit, I’m not one who plays much golf. I’ve been hyperactive my whole life and couldn’t slow down enough to enjoy the slow pace of golf. My thought process was -“There are spikes on the bottom of my shoes, so why don’t we all sprint to the ball?”

Recently, I was invited to play with a small group of business friends. I have a beautiful set of oversized Callaways, golf gloves, visor, along with all the gear and necessities for a golf game. Believe me, I look like a pro. Everyone wants me to be on their team, until we practice at the driving range.

Yep, I can drive the ball a great distance, but 50 percent of the time, I can’t find it. My short game? You can plant a garden behind me from all the divots. Once on the green, it takes me three to four putts. I need a bigger hole on a flat surface.

So, as I began my journey to complete 18 holes, I found my golf game was similar to current life circumstances.

It’s been a bit of a rough-go over the past six months trying to find a solution to a particular important situation. I’ve researched many avenues looking for the best outcome, plus I put full effort into each of them hoping for success.

I found myself reflecting on this as I fought my way through each hole on the golf course. Typically, I would drive the ball through the trees into the rough. First, I would need to find the ball, then choose the correct club to get me back on course.

I was determined to complete each round with as little effort as possible, but it rarely turned out that easy.

As we all have learned, life isn’t easy, even when we are giving it our best. We find ourselves in the rough trying to get back on course, hoping for a better result.

My son Dylan just graduated high school and we both agreed for him to not start college until the spring semester. Dylan needed a break from academics and wanted to concentrate on working as a personal trainer to have a stronger sense of the responsibilities of the real world.

I told Dylan to go out there and fail. Give the world your best and learn from mistakes. You see, failure and mistakes only means you’re giving it your all. If you’re not falling, then you’re not learning to get back up.

None of us can escape circumstances when life knocks us into the rough. We have to gather ourselves, choose a different path and pursue getting back on course.

Just know, it’s OK when you’re giving life your all and you get knocked off course. Just keep pushing forward and accept you must play the ball where it lies because you’ll eventually reach your destiny.

Baseball’s full-count is similar to life

By David Tepera, August 23, 2017

In the game of baseball, one of the most nail-biting moments for a batter is a full count. It’s when the batter has three balls and two strikes, which means the very next pitch determines the batter’s fate.

If you’ve played baseball, softball or watched the games, you’ve experienced this particular excitement.

The most frustrating turnout is when the batter decides not to swing the bat, hoping for a walk, but is called a strike. This means you’re out, plus you didn’t give any effort. Not only is it embarrassing, but creates disappointment in yourself.

Aren’t there plenty of situations in life where we became disappointed in ourselves for not taking action? We decided to play passive hoping the situation would just fade or go away.

Almost of all of us have been bullied in some kind of way, and chose not to stand up for ourselves.

I’ve actually had many conversations with women around the subject to enroll in self-defense classes or some other program of protection.

Statistically, these hurtful situations will only happen once in a lifetime, if at all. But, why wait?

Learn to protect yourself now. Even if it didn’t turn out well, at least you had another option. And maybe, it saved your life.

I’m only trying to make you think. We all have different opinions and beliefs. I have a 16-year-old daughter and I started her out in after-school martial arts classes when she was in first grade.

Daylyn, her brother Dylan and I would attend controlled fighting classes each week. Believe me, my little girl learned to kick some butt, along with gaining self-confidence.

For the past many years, the kids and I will role play situations. What happens at home when an intruder breaks in and I’m not there? How do you react in a parking lot when approached by someone? What about a restaurant, movie theater and so on? My kids are as prepared as possible.

It’s the part of life that we hate to think about, but it’s necessary when you have a full-count and you need to swing for the fences.

Listen, I love everyone and have a passion for every living thing. I walk through my days showering all people with happiness and love. Why don’t we all take on that mentality and leave the full count in baseball? Agree?

Quit Looking for Short-Cuts

By David Tepera, August 16, 2017

Nutrition supplements and exercise equipment is a multibillion-dollar industry. People are always looking for the next popular diet to lose weight, and the next gimmick for ripped abs and more muscle.

You throw all your hard-earned money to these so-called experts because you want to look like their models in the commercials, or be one of the “before and after” poster children.

For all you average and overweight people, I have the weight loss secret formula for you, it’s quite simple and doesn’t cost any money. All you have to do is “eat less and exercise more.”

Admit it, the reason you are continually looking for the next big thing is because you lack discipline. Yes, that hurts, but it’s true for all of us.

You want to lose weight? Get that booty in motion in order to increase metabolism. Quit eating at buffets and accept smaller portions to feel full — not stuffed. Drink lots of water during meal times because not only is it good for you, but will fill your stomach faster. Of course, this means you’ll eat less and be satisfied.

I’ve written about it before, but I’ve had countless conversations with people regarding ripped abs. They tell how many situps and exercises they’re doing and it’s not working. I let them know, “yes, you are developing strong abdominals, but you’re hiding it under all that fat.” Ouch, but I tell people the truth.

How many of you take shortcuts at work? You think you’re flying below the radar and getting away with minimal effort. You’re truly not being that productive.

Guess what? Those shortcuts are not getting you the promotions or pay raises. And, if your company needs to downsize, you’re the first to go.

What about your spousal relationships? Are you cutting corners by just keeping them satisfied by being a good provider? Is it truly a partnership and not one-sided? Come on, step up your game and be adventurous. Be the person you want to be with.

We all get caught up in our busy stressful lives and looking for shortcuts. But you must put your priorities in order and put the effort and work in.

I tell people not to worry about a little extra fat and just be healthy and happy. When at work, put all your effort into it and be productive. This is called “job security.” Do something special for your spouse to let them know you appreciate and love them.

So, from now on, no more shortcuts and have an amazing fulfilling life.

Be a Scrambling Quarterback

By David Tepera, August 9, 2017

In the game of football, the quarterback’s decision-making and execution are the most crucial factors. Remember, quarterbacks are the first to have the ball in their hands once it’s snapped.

The sole purpose of the quarterback is to execute a designed play with precision. But sometimes, the defense disrupts the play and the quarterback has to take off running with hopes of turning a disaster into a gain. This usually means they’ll throw to an open receiver or tuck the ball and run for their lives.

Quarterbacks who are good at this are known as “scrambling QBs.” They are good at decision-making on the fly.

During my youth, Fran Tarkenton of the Minnesota Vikings was known as the “Mad Scrambler.” Randall Cunningham of the Philadelphia Eagles dominated the 1990s and forever changed defensive strategies.

Today’s most known scrambling QB is Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers. He holds the most career rushing touchdowns by a quarterback.

If you think about it, there are multiple events in our lives where we had to become a scrambling QB.

We typically try to live our lives on a set schedule and routine. This lifestyle reduces unnecessary stress. But, sometimes, life brings disruption and forces us to make quick decisions or we are going to get sacked.

What’s your immediate reaction when a family emergency occurs, unemployment or a life threatening situation?

Of course, we would all like to not think about these situations because it’s depressing, but we must, at least, be mentally prepared.

Do you just fall down and let the opponent sack you? Do you look to pass the ball to someone else? Or, do you tuck the ball away and bust through the defense because you’re going to control your own destiny?

No one likes to face adversity, but you can’t escape it. We’ve all been through life’s challenges which should develop a stronger determined character.

Now look, if this is you, let the steam blow through your nostrils like a rodeo bull. Accept what lays ahead and bust through the defense because the goal line is waiting on you to score.

You got this because you are the world’s best scrambling QB on this field of life.

We are all in preseason

By David Tepera, August 2, 2017

For those of us who love all levels of football, preseason is finally upon us. Players and coaches are getting ready with the highest expectations for a winning season.

Everyone must take lessons of last year and make the improvements necessary to strategize a championship run.

Recently, I was having a discussion with my teenage children as they are experiencing steps into adulthood. To me, each phase of young life is equal to a sport’s preseason.

Let’s think about this. High school relationships or so called “puppy love” is really lessons with hopes of becoming a better understanding spouse in the future.

Remember your first job? Hopefully, you learned the importance of dependability, work ethic, money management and interacting with the real world. This experience should make you a better employee or the desire to be an employer.

Even the caring of pets is important because one day your children will become parents.

How important was schooling through all the years of our young lives? Not all of us will pursue college for a variety of reasons, but we all go through an educational system until the age of 17 or 18. Besides the academic piece, there are many life lessons learned through this process to prepare us for adulthood.

Are you starting to realize how the importance of preseason is more than just sports?

Where are you today? What are you striving for tomorrow? Did you learn anything from yesterday? You must ask yourself these questions on a daily basis.

You see, preseason is the opportunity to make multiple mistakes. Even though we are constantly trying to figure out ways of creating a better life, we must also realize what’s holding us back. These lessons will help us prepare for the future and reach our goals.

It doesn’t matter where you are today. Just recognize from your decisions and a variety of circumstances has created your present day. Take back control of your life and start a new journey.

I repeatedly tell my children “learn from the past, live for today, and prepare for tomorrow”.

Remember, you’re in preseason, so just keep pushing forward.

Leaders float to the top

By David Tepera, July 29, 2017

Reasons why people become leaders is a debatable topic. Some think people are born leaders and others believe they are taught. My thoughts are the combination of both.

I feel we all have leadership qualities within us. It’s just finding and recognizing what we truly have a passion for and then pouring every ounce of ambition into it.

In every situation, leaders will float to the top.

For those of you who’ve been in Galveston County over the past 25 years, you know former La Marque head football coach Allan Weddell took the team to five state championships — winning three of them. This occurred during the 1993 to 1997 seasons.

I had the privilege of being one of his assistants through those years. You might not know this, but Coach Weddell produced six of our area high schools’ head football coaches:

Leland Surovic in Texas City, Mark Knipes in Sante Fe, Dean Deatley in Brazoswood, Tony Heath in Pearland (just retired), Eric Wells in Pearland Dawson, and Brian Lane in West Columbia (no longer current).

If you keep up with high school football, all these schools have incredible programs and are playoff contenders each year. Plus, Pearland won the football state championship in 2010.

Coach Weddell not only created quality leader coaches, but, obviously, players as well. Many of his players went on to be successful men in the corporate world.

It doesn’t matter what environment you grew up in or your current status. You have a leadership quality that’s brewing inside your body. You must determine what type of leader you want to project.

How many of you reflect leadership at home, work, youth sports, athletics or simply in everyday life?

In every aspect of your life decisions are being made. Who’s in control or controlling others in a positive direction?

The definition of a leader is the ability to help people achieve things they don’t think possible.

Today is your wake-up call. No more lagging behind and accepting defeat. Pull out your leadership skills and make this world a better place.


Lets be extraordinary

By David Tepera, July 19, 2017

There’s much in your lives that seems ordinary because it’s what keeps our stress levels low. For some of you, your ordinary life doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere. Just the typical daily grind and routine day after day.

Remember when we were little kids tying towels around our necks pretending to be superheroes? I would run around the yard and jump off the picnic table feeling like I could win the day. No one could defeat me because I was extraordinary.

When I was a high school coach, I would huddle my players and tell them, “I see a lot of ordinary athletes here. How many of you will step up and make this practice extraordinary?” This is where I found team leaders and captains.

It doesn’t matter where you are in life at this moment. You can turn every ordinary situation into something extraordinary.

This could be parenting, as a spouse, at work, diets and exercising, athletes or maybe through volunteering.

You see, it’s possible that your ordinary is a waste of time, so make your hours extraordinary.

Yes, putting more effort into something will take you out of your comfort zone, but the rewards could be life-changing.

For some, trying to discover extraordinary within yourself can be a challenge. Life can knock us down, and we get caught up feeling sorry for ourselves.

It took many setbacks and a tragedy to discover my extraordinary. You must realize hardships are life’s way of forcing you into extraordinary.

For me, when I feel like giving up, I find strength through my late grandmother Frances Tepera. She buried a husband when my dad was an infant, raised five successful children and she only had a seventh-grade education.

I could write a book on grandma’s struggles, and how she would conquer each day. She became our family’s backbone.

So, when you get down on yourself and life, who can you look for strength to become extraordinary?

If you can’t discover that person, then guess what? You are the chosen one. It is you who will teach other family members to fight in this world and create extraordinary into the bloodline.

It’s in you. Go look in the mirror, focus deep into your eyes and soul search. Tell yourself over and over, “I have been chosen to be extraordinary and today the world will see it.”

Now, get out there and be extraordinary. We need you.