All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.


By David Tepera, May 29, 2024

When Tina, Dylan and I were competing in the bodybuilding world, we always felt our bodies were not ready going into the last week of preparation. It’s typical for all competitors to be skeptical or afraid of embarrassing themselves on stage in front of a thousand strangers.

We knew the biggest battle was in our minds, so we took turns encouraging each other to stay on the journey. Between the three of us, we competed in more than 15 shows and never quit.

What’s preventing you from stepping out and trying something new? If you feel stuck in your current situation, then do something about it. The only person stopping you is you. I promise, no one is thinking about your successes or failures. We all have our personal stresses in life, and that’s what takes up our minds.

The biggest battle you’re dealing with is in your head. It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past that made you lose confidence. You must find a way to take small steps of accomplishments to realize that you are smart, ambitious, beautiful and can overcome any adverse situation.

Being in the fitness industry, we are fortunate to guest speak across the country covering a variety of health and motivational topics. One thing that is common with most people we encounter is how critical they are of themselves.

It’s no secret, we are our worst enemy. We become too detailed with our imperfections. Remember, it’s those differences that makes us unique from others.

An important message that’s in the introduction of most of my speeches is “no matter how you look at this very moment, there are millions of people who find you attractive.” Bottom line, quit beating yourself up because you are already beautiful. The plan is to build confidence to go out in this world and kick some butt.

Isn’t it time to confront the person who lives in your head? What’s preventing you from being happy? Don’t let others make you miserable. You are better than that and deserve more.

Today, you choose happiness over sadness. Look in the mirror and check out that beautiful person staring back. Notice, how no one is holding you back. It’s time to regain your confidence and let the haters go. Miserable people put down others to feel better about themselves.

Now, put the get back in your getter-up, so you can win the battle in your mind. You got this!


By David Tepera, May 22, 2024

If you’re keeping up with the professional basketball playoffs, to me, leaders are those who keep battling under all circumstances. I do have an issue with elite players who cry to the refs because they think they were fouled on every drive or shot attempted.

Please, get back in the game, quit being a spoiled crybaby and be a team player. So what, you missed the shot, but if you drive the boards, you can get the rebound and make the score.

In my life experiences, I failed and missed more shots than can be counted. I created three different businesses that started out well, but in the end, for various reasons, failed. I lost quite a bit of money, but never gave up because of all the shots missed and lessons learned.

Finding the right business partner – my wife Tina, creating a unique niche, and getting the rebound led to Ageless Muscle’s continual success.

What shots have you missed? Haven’t we all failed and missed in relationships? Don’t give up on love, so drive the boards because taking another shot is in the future. Also, take the time to work on yourself and build confidence.  

What’s new with your health? Are you blaming the refs for the bad news? Did you really get fouled or do you own that you chose an unhealthy life? Who prepares the food you intake? Who prevents you from exercise?

Maybe, it’s time to take ownership and go get the rebound. You have complete control of your body and choices in life.

Paul Pierce played in the NBA for 19 seasons, primarily with the Boston Celtics. He won a championship in 2008 and was elected MVP, also selected to the Hall of Fame in 2021.

During that time, Pierce made a last second three-point shot to win the series. Afterwards, a reporter was challenging Pierce when she asked if he called “backboard”? Pierce looked her in the eyes and replied “I called game!”. That reply has stuck with me for 16 years, so it’s your turn to get the rebound and make the buzzer beater in life. This is your game.


By David Tepera, May 15, 2024

OK, today is a little different, so try to follow me in this article. The number “23” has a significant impact on my immediate family. I’ll explain in a minute, but as you read, there must be more of you out there who are affected by a specific number.

The number 23 started off as a tragedy, but within a few years became a continual blessing. You all know I lost my oldest son Dustin who served in Iraq. He was 23 years old at the time.A few years later, I found a lost family member from birth and he became a son to me. Ironically, his name is Dalton and was 23 years old when we met. There’s a whole lot more to that story, but we knew Dustin put the relationship together from Heaven.

From that moment on, 23 came up in all kinds of situations. I resigned from orthopedics on June 23. Tina and I were married on March 23. Ageless Muscle’s first day of business was on July 23. We bought our house on April 23. The list goes on and on.Dustin’s younger siblings played multiple sports. Their jersey numbers were always 23. Of course, we chose that number as a tribute.Because of how the number 23 impacts my family’s lives, the 23rd of every month is date night with Tina to celebrate its gift to us.

Alright, by now, you might think I’m a little weird, but I will agree. I’ve shared this story with only a few until today. Please, if you have a similar experience, email me. It always warms my heart to read the stories from all of you out there.What number is significant in your life? Once you embrace the number, you realize how important it has become. We even live off I-45 at exit 23. It just doesn’t stop.This world is in your favor, so recognize it’s guiding you to peace and success. Stop stressing over the small stuff. Find your number and celebrate each time it crosses your path. This is your day to feel happiness and love. You must spread this excitement with those who surround you. I promise, they need you.Listen, I know this is somewhat of an odd article today. I’m a very emotional person and look for good in every situation. I receive emails each week from people who appreciate my personal expressions. I am far from perfect, but do my best to realize the bad is only a door opening for something spectacular.So today, look deep into your life experiences, and I bet there’s a number that’s been a major part of who you’ve become.


By David Tepera, May 8, 2024

My daughter Daylyn played volleyball all during her youth, including throughout high school. Her last season ended with double knee corrective surgery, which included more than two years of recovery and therapy.

That was almost five years ago, and Daylyn is now in her last year of college, and a volunteer volleyball coach for the area youth.

After the games on every Saturday, it gives Daylyn and I an opportunity to discuss coaching strategies for the following week.

The final game is coming this next weekend, so I asked Daylyn her thoughts about a season coaching a girls team aged 10 and under.

She responded that the win and loss column didn’t matter because every practice and every game there were many wins. Daylyn’s team won plenty of games, but she explained that the losses produced wins as well.

Daylyn’s goal was for each player to improve on all skills, especially overhead serves. Of course, there’s so much more to her story, but what about your life?

Do you feel you’ve been caught up in a string of losses? For some reason, you just can’t catch a break. So far this year, you’re having a losing season, even though you’re giving it your best.

Listen, I get ya. There has been plenty of times throughout my life that I wanted to throw in the towel. I kept thinking, “Can it get any worse than this?” But, I got up each day, said my prayers and kept fighting; and, yes, I found plenty of wins from a losing season.

What have you learned from tragedy, loss of a job, divorce, bankruptcy or any devastation? Did you find the warrior in yourself and get back out in this world to create success? Keep your head high, poke your chest out and learn how to overhead serve. It’s time to be aggressive and spike the ball any time something is thrown at you.

Every adverse condition should make you stronger and wiser. Each of these situations is preparing you for the next obstacle. This is what creates leaders and conquerors.

There is no more ducking and hiding. Nope, you don’t rely on anyone but yourself. You are now the strongest person you know, and the world better get ready because it’s time to bump-set-spike and turn this into a win.


By David Tepera, May 1, 2024

As we all can reflect on our lives, there were many instances when life changed course because of a particular moment. This could be from a positive or a challenging circumstance.

Personally, my positive course changes were from the birth of my children, graduating college in my 30s, opening a business and marrying my amazing wife, Tina. Of course, there are many others, but I’m just trying to get you to think about your positive life changes.

It’s not fun, but reflecting over harsh situations in life that forced a change in direction can be difficult. Actually, I have more life-changing events than I’d like to admit, but it made me the humble man I’ve become.

One of my biggest course changes was walking through the Boston airport after speaking to a major medical company. My phone rang and the officer on the line had the difficult task to tell a father that his son passed away that morning. I hit my knees as my body went limp. The uncontrollable wailing gathered the attention of other passersby. Some came to my aid, but it took every ounce of energy to gather my composure to get on the plane.

Think about that flight. It was a day trip as I looked out the window looking for my son sitting on the clouds to let me know it’s going to be alright.

When you’ve experienced multiple tragedies, believe me, you can let go all of the small stuff. I just shake my head at all the people hating on social media and in print, and they don’t even know each other. Remember, the only thing you can control is you, so hit the delete button and enjoy the people you love.

Now, what life changes are you working on? Are you going to school, working overtime to buy the house, dating your future spouse or you fill in the blank? Come on, we all have dreams, so don’t give up on them. As long as you’re giving this world your best, life-changing course moments are on their way.

Remember, being happy is simply being thankful for what you have. Too many people think happiness is what others have. Look around, I guarantee you have a lot to smile about.

I would like you to think how important you are in this world. Just think, you are one small gesture from changing someone else’s course. Take at least one day to be as courteous as possible to all strangers, coworkers, family and friends. You never know, but at that moment in time, they needed you.


By David Tepera, May 1, 2024

As we all can reflect on our lives, there were many instances when life changed course because of a particular moment. This could be from a positive or a challenging circumstance.

Personally, my positive course changes were from the birth of my children, graduating college in my 30s, opening a business and marrying my amazing wife, Tina. Of course, there are many others, but I’m just trying to get you to think about your positive life changes.

It’s not fun, but reflecting over harsh situations in life that forced a change in direction can be difficult. Actually, I have more life-changing events than I’d like to admit, but it made me the humble man I’ve become.

One of my biggest course changes was walking through the Boston airport after speaking to a major medical company. My phone rang and the officer on the line had the difficult task to tell a father that his son passed away that morning. I hit my knees as my body went limp. The uncontrollable wailing gathered the attention of other passersby. Some came to my aid, but it took every ounce of energy to gather my composure to get on the plane.

Think about that flight. It was a day trip as I looked out the window looking for my son sitting on the clouds to let me know it’s going to be alright.

When you’ve experienced multiple tragedies, believe me, you can let go all of the small stuff. I just shake my head at all the people hating on social media and in print, and they don’t even know each other. Remember, the only thing you can control is you, so hit the delete button and enjoy the people you love.

Now, what life changes are you working on? Are you going to school, working overtime to buy the house, dating your future spouse or you fill in the blank? Come on, we all have dreams, so don’t give up on them. As long as you’re giving this world your best, life-changing course moments are on their way.

Remember, being happy is simply being thankful for what you have. Too many people think happiness is what others have. Look around, I guarantee you have a lot to smile about.

I would like you to think how important you are in this world. Just think, you are one small gesture from changing someone else’s course. Take at least one day to be as courteous as possible to all strangers, coworkers, family and friends. You never know, but at that moment in time, they needed you.


By David Tepera, April 24, 2024

As most of you know, we own a business that starts at 2:30 a.m. Even though the hours are tough for us, we love knowing we change lives.

For real, when we wake up so early, we are struggling to get motivated for a long 12-hour shift. But, at the end of the day, Tina, Dylan and I high-fived each other because we made a difference in this world. That’s a big win for everyone.

Back in the day, when we were competing, every day was about us winning in the weight room, along with a clean diet. It’s a very selfish life because you don’t have time for family and friends. Each day must be another step towards winning.

Now, what about you? At the end of the day, what’s a win for you? Did you have a productive day at work? Did you make the time to exercise and eat healthier? In some kind of way, did you make a difference in other’s lives? Come on, what will it take to win at the end of the day?

For some, winning is a personal goal. For others, winning is helping others. Either way, it’s still about winning.

We have people reach out to us each week looking for guidance with diet, exercise or just motivation.

Even though we are motivators, each day we try to find a way to pick each other up. Hopefully, each of you has a support system, too. If not, motivate yourself and separate from all the average people.

One thing we can all do is quit. That’s the easy way out. It’s people who’ve had enough, and have nothing more to lose, that decide to go for it.

Listen, I’ve quit in certain situations before. Even though this was decades ago, it still haunts me today. I’m still upset with myself for being a quitter. I was afraid of losing, being rejected and failure.

Once I didn’t care about others’ opinion of me, I was living a much happier life and started winning.

This is your day to start winning. You’ll get up earlier, have a healthy breakfast, be at work on time and be the most positive person towards others.

I promise, at the end of the day, you’ll reflect back and know what winning is.

I do want to give a shout-out to all those who volunteer their time. This is the most selfless act of any person. You know what winning is.


By David Tepera, April 17, 2024

You ever watch someone perform a certain skill and impressed how they make it look so smooth and easy? I always enjoy watching the gymnastics balance beam of how these ladies can perform numerous acrobatics and land on a 4-inch-wide beam. To me, there’s a level of danger, but they have such precision, grace and beauty.  

These days, I couldn’t walk a straight line sober, much less trying to stand on a balance beam. So you know, the Olympic balance beam is also 16.5 feet long and 4 feet off the ground.

My point is, you can only imagine how many times these ladies slipped, fell, crashed with bruises, cuts and broken bones. The one thing they all have in common is the will and pride to get back up until it’s performed with perfection. Not only the physical challenge, but imagine the mental toughness it takes to try again after getting hurt or injured.

Pick your favorite sport and I’m sure those players are in the same category as gymnastics. My oldest son Dustin was a competitive skate boarder in his teens. He made me a nervous wreck with his dangerous high-flying tricks. We spent plenty of trips to urgent care and the dentist. I sure miss my soldier.

Now, there’s not one of us who hasn’t delt with defeat. I don’t have a problem with losing as long as I was giving my best effort. It’s when we don’t put up a fight in the situation that eats on us. Think about it. You’re only upset with yourself in a loss because you could had worked or practiced harder.

And, that’s where we are today. It’s time to let go of the safety net and start challenging yourself. What and who’s holding you back? This is your life, so get out of your comfort zone and step your game up.

Every other Sunday, my daughter Daylyn and I go to the local Waffle House to have breakfast. It’s our daddy daughter time to discuss life. Daylyn is in her last year of college, and preparing to make this world a better place.

I told her to go out there and fail. If you’re not failing, then you’re not trying hard enough. It’s failure that teaches us valuable lessons. When you accept failure, it will lead into the direction of success. The wealthiest and most successful people failed more than they ever won.

Now, get up, cut the safety net and challenge yourself to be the person you were meant to be.  


By David Tepera, April 10, 2024

Recently, I was having a conversation with a small group of senior citizens. The topic was circled around when life ends and preparing for death.

Of course, it’s important to have your affairs in order when that day comes to not burden your family. But, my message was that life only ends when you give up, not death. This is why we opened Ageless Muscle.

Listen, you’re reading this article, so shut your laptops, get out of the recliner and start making the days count. There’s so much life to live for. Yes, as we get older, we will never be pain-free, but so what?

I’m in my 60s and know there are certain activities that are off my list. No more snow skiing, long-distant jogging on hard pavement, or riding bulls and other extreme activities. OK, the bulls was only a joke, but you get my drift.

Being a little broken is your wake-up call to start exercising and lifting weights. I don’t know how to express enough the importance of a weight resistance program. This is your game-changer. We see it every day in our gym.

Eighty-year-old Terry owns 12 acres and personally trimmed all 22 trees. Seventy-year-old Kim paddles a kayak, along with freshwater fishing several times a week. The list goes on to the elderly enjoying retirement because they regained their strength. We hear the stories of returning to golf, gardening, hiking and traveling. Bottom line, quit counting the days, and make the days count. Life is right out that door you stare at, so get moving.

What activities do you miss the most? Why have you given up? What will it take to enjoy that part of life again? Did you and your spouse enjoy walks around the neighborhood? When was the last time you went dancing? Why not have a date night and act like youngins again?

One day last week, the weather was beautiful, so I told Tina to drop all the stress of work and let’s head to Kemah Boardwalk for lunch. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve been on a rollercoaster, but we road the Bullet and had a blast.

Sometimes, you have to step away from the boredom and find the child in you. Quit the stinking thinking of counting the days, and start making the days count.


By David Tepera, April 3, 2024

Of course, there are countless studies to support the importance of exercise to fight off diseases. If you’re not battling one now, eventually, it’s coming.

Now, diseases come in all types of categories. At Ageless Muscle, we weight train people battling prostate, breast, bone, melanoma or other forms of cancer, as well as depression, epilepsy and cardiac conditions. Their medical specialist expressed the importance of winning the fight by getting themselves in better shape. Your body needs to be as healthy as possible to battle the issues.

Think about it, if you give in and lay around, then you will wither away and lose the fight. I’m not referring to exercise as the cure for all diseases, but it will give you a fighting chance, or at least, a better quality of life.

For all of us, there is a beginning and an end because life is a journey. We all know our birthdate, but we have no idea of the end date. And, you better never live thinking the end is tomorrow. You’ll miss out on all the love and beauty that surrounds you.

Listen, there are situations in life that we can’t control, but we can control how we respond.

What are you battling today? If your situation is health-related, then what’s your plan? We all have a fighter within us that was passed down from ancestors. The weak were eliminated, so if you’re reading this, your ancestors fought for you. Now, it’s your turn to continue the fight. You must go down swinging because your life and character depend on it.

Alright, here we go. Today is the next chapter of our lives. We will start walking, lifting weights, join a local gym, read positive books, or just find a way to get your body moving and stimulated.

Don’t forget to reach for healthier foods. Your body repairs itself from the intake of proper nutrition. Late night snacking is usually the biggest reason for obesity. All that food is stored as fat because it’s not being utilized for energy. It’s time to start cooking instead of driving through the grease pit. Prepare healthy foods, so when you open the fridge, they’re there and ready to eat.

Look, we all know our downfalls when it comes to exercise and diet, so if you want to win the battle, then get up and put up a fight — NOW!