Category Archives: Dekeday Foundation

A children’s nonprofit organization to help and inspire families and people of all ages.
Founded in 2009 by David, Dylan and Daylyn Tepera


By David Tepera, March 5, 2025

First of all, I’ve been fortunate to weight train one of the top officials in the Houston Rodeo. I’m keeping the name anonymous per his request. One of the great perks from my friend is rodeo tickets from any artist my wife wants to see.
He is in the corporate world and uses his weight training to not only create confidence, but to bring a presence of power in board room meetings.
Anyway, I thought I would share some interesting and fun facts about our Houston Rodeo.
The word “rodeo” is loosely derived from the Spanish word for “round-up” or rodear. The word rodeo became popular in 1834 to round up cattle, and the first recorded rodeo was held in Arizona in 1864.
The rodeo is the largest cultural event in Houston each year. In 2024, there were over 2.5 million attendees. The rodeo was originally called the Houston Fat Stock and Livestock Exposition, and was created to revitalize the cattle industry during the Great Depression.
The official Houston Rodeo began in 1932, more than $630 million has been committed to the youth of Texas and education. Each year, more than 800 scholarships are awarded to Texas students.
In 2022, the Grand Champion Steer sold for $1 million, setting a rodeo record. In 1997, the state legislative designated rodeo as the official sport of Texas. Women joined the circuit in the 1890’s. There are 25 colleges and universities in Texas with rodeo programs that compete in the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association.
Bull riding in the rodeo’s most popular sport and the most dangerous. A bareback rider can take as many hard hits in eight seconds as a professional football player does in an entire game.
If you’ve ever heard the term “cowboy-up”, it’s because these rodeo athletes are known as some of the toughest competitors on the planet.
Weighing 1,600 pounds and known to knock pro bull riders off in less than a second, Bodacious is still known as the “Rankest Bull of all Time”, and was inducted into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame in 1999.
For all you foodies, 125,000 turkey legs will be consumed, along with 80,000 funnel cakes, 45,000 tamales, 30,000 barbecue sandwiches, and 365,000 deep-fried Oreos. So obviously, if you get the opportunity to experience Texas culture, throw your diet out the window and cowboy-up.


By David Tepera, February 23, 2025

My nephew Logan competes in marathons and triathlons all over the world. He was even invited to run the Olympic marathon path in Paris last year.
Years ago, when Logan started his journey for long distance runs, he reached out to me for advice from nutrition to training.
The advice that made the biggest impact to Logan was understanding that with each practice run, you must take more steps than before. There will be times where you want to stop from exhaustion, but if you just take a couple of more steps, you reached a greater distance than from quitting. Okay, I’m not sure if you’re understanding my point, but Logan did.
Now, what ultimate goals are on your list? Almost all of us would like to lose some body fat. One of the biggest mistakes people make is jumping into an extreme diet program. Can you count how many fad diets you’ve failed, including the money invested?
As you know, we give weight training and nutrition advice all over the country. But, it is much simpler than you think. Quit being so hard on yourself and just take small steps.
People are always surprised, as a former professional physique competitor, I never weighed my food or counted calories. That includes for my wife Tina and our son Dylan who was an undefeated teen champion.
Look, you already know the unhealthy bad habits you’ve developed. What’s the one small step that would have an impact today? Is it eliminating donuts or sugar coffee drive throughs in the morning? How about late snacking on chips and cookies in the evening?
I know many people who are addicted to eating at the grease pit each day. How about giving up the fries on occasion. Or, take off the top bun of your burger to intake less carbs.
Another mistake most people make is wanting to throw in the towel of dieting because you had a bad day. Don’t give up, just pick back up tomorrow. You’re human and mistakes is part of our life to develop experiences.
Fall back in love with yourself and realize how amazing you are. We are our greatest and worst critic. I promise, there are plenty of people who find you attractive, as long you are kind to others.
So, today, pick out a couple of small steps and enjoy the journey to a greater distance. Just stay happy along the way.


By David Tepera, February 19, 2025

Every day, we are making countless decisions that affect our lives. So, are you getting paid from all the hard work and dedication, or paying for the past destructive behavior?

Now, let’s think about this because your current status is from every decision ever made. Some of my past decisions cost me more money than I’d like to admit. Once I matured, I realized losses were only lessons to make me stronger.
Even today, Tina and I have learned that when situations don’t go our way, it’s because a better plan is heading towards us. All you have to do is stay positive and attract goodness into your life.
Listen, if you are paying for bad decisions from the past, then how will you overcome them? What discipline is needed to move forward and leave the past behind you? Besides habits, you might need to change your social circle.
Like I told my kids when they were teenagers, “you are who your friends are”. Who ever you’re running around with, that’s what others opinions are of you. Chose your friends wisely.
How would you rate your health? Are you paying for prescriptions and doctor’s appointments because you chose to not exercise and eat from the grease pit?
I know there are exceptions when it comes to diagnoses, but if you’re honest, you know what I’m pertaining too. Again, I’m not casting stones because I’ve lived life to it’s fullest when I was younger.
Just know, your future relies on the decisions of today, so what’s your next step?
The next time you go into work, be the most positive and helpful employee of all. Don’t let anyone out work you. Ask or find extra projects, be the happiest person in the building, then the promotions and pay raises will come your way.
Your body is your temple. How will you treat it today? Are you abusing your body with bad decisions, or exercising, eating healthy foods, and staying hydrated with water?
Believe me, I understand the struggle of keeping a healthy diet. America has a fast-food grease pit on every corner. There’s a reason donut shops open at five am. Convenience and laziness is our enemy.
Come on, you can make today the beginning of better decisions. Each day it get’s easier because you are on a mission to get paid. You got this.


By David Tepera, February 12, 2025

Hey there everyone. How do you feel today? Make this your best day? If not, why not? We all face challenges in life, but so what? Don’t let other’s negative behavior bring you down because this is your day. Sometimes, you must flick things off your shoulders and go about your way.
What brings a smile to your face? When I get a little sad, I think about all the joy and memories with my family. We have countless treasured life time experiences together.
When’s the last time you acted goofy and silly? Who’s the biggest clown in the family? For us, it’s divided between me and my daughter Daylyn.
Once you can laugh at yourself, then you’ll enjoy life so much better.
Well, even though age has crept up on some of us, it doesn’t mean this couldn’t be your best day. Let go of all the aches, pains, and worries for the day. Throw your hands in the air like you just don’t care. Hmm wonder where I got that line from?
“Girl, you’re amazing just the way you are. I could dance the night away. Because I’m happy; clap along if you know what happiness is to you.” The multiple uplifting songs are endless. What’s your happy song?
Do you realize you have the power to make this the best day for others? Over the past few weeks, I had the privilege to enjoy lunch with several old friends that I haven’t seen in years. Lois Carelock is still the beautiful person I knew growing up with her sons. It was an honor to be in the presence of an amazing lady. Our time together was precious, plus a friendship to last eternally.
It was enjoyable catching up with my old high school buddy and team mate Alan Hutchings. We both competed on the swim and water polo team at LaMarque. You probably recognize Alan’s name for he is the owner of A&A Machine Shop. Spending time with Alan was my best day that day.
And of course, taking the time this past weekend to help my mom Eileen Tepera with chores needed around the house was another special treat. It’s always a great day to see and hug mom.
What ever is going on in your life, take the time to step away from the negatives and let this be the best day, so rejoice.


By David Tepera, January 2, 2025

Humans are naturally routine people. Sticking to a regimen helps keep us balanced and less stressed. For most of us, when we face certain situations, it takes us out of our comfort zone. Through life’s experiences helps to battle and conquer unexpected circumstances.
Now, sometimes, it’s necessary to step away from your current routine to make healthy changes. Bottom line, did you create a healthy program or another excuse?
How many days and hours do you exercise? How many meals per day are considered healthy? How much daily water do you intake? Only you can answer those questions honestly. Believe me, all the people you give excuse to are rolling their eyes behind your back.
Don’t let excuses define you anymore. That’s the easy way out because it doesn’t require any effort. We have elderly clients come to us with a variety of ailments. From severe arthritis, cardiac conditions, plus multiple related health issues.
At this time, we humble ourselves with a 100 percent success rate changing all our client’s quality of life. Even those who limped in with canes and walkers. All it takes is consistency and dedication.
That’s my message to you today. What ever your current status may be, what new program can you create to make life better?
I have posted this many times before, but you must find a way to get involved in weight resistance. Yes, that means, lifting weights. I promise, this is the game changer.
As we get older, our muscles atrophy, our bones become brittle, but you can reverse it through a consistent and proper weight program. All our female clients, of all ages, have increased bone density from lifting weights. It’s as easy as that.
Find the closest gym that fits your budget. Sign up for a short membership to see if it’s comfortable for you. If it is, then make a longer commitment.
This goes the same with personal trainers. If you utilize a trainer, then only sign for a few sessions. You’ll know quickly if this person is right for your needs. Just know, some will offer discounts by signing a much longer commitment. Just wait, you’ll thank me later.
Listen, throw all your excuses out the window. No matter what circumstances your facing today. You are alive and have total control of you. If you count, I have used the word “you” over twenty times in this article.
Today, your life just changed. All it takes is creating a healthy program.


By David Tepera, January 28, 2025

One of the most popular words spoken is “I can’t”. Why is that and what’s your excuse? What happened in your life to lose confidence?
When my children were young and participating in many physical activities, there were many times they would get discouraged and tell me “I can’t”. Failure was never accepted, so they had to stay persistence until success was accomplished.
You might not be able to hit a curve ball, or serve an overhand volleyball today, but if you keep saying in your mind that “you can”, then you’ll eventually succeed.
How many of you decided to quit too early? Quitting is the easiest decision we could ever make. There’s no effort to walk away and give up. Sometimes, we have to put a game face on and keep swinging. Even if you lose, you’ll have pride knowing you gave it your best.
Today, giving up is not your character anymore. It’s time to buckle up, put your helmet on and say “yes I can”.
What changes are needed in your life? What’s holding you down? Forget about what other’s think. This is your life and you have total control. What ever excuse you keep using doesn’t exist anymore.
Today, you’ll be stronger than ever before. You’ll break through any barrier standing in your way. Put your blinders on and stay focused on “I can”.
We all regret decisions in the past, but don’t let that define you. Of course, I still look back at the bone-head I once was, but now, I know I can accomplish any goal chosen.
What I’m trying to relay is to let the past go because you can make life changing decisions today.
There was a time that I would wear a rubber-band around my wrist. Every time I would have negative thoughts, I would snap the rubber-band and say to myself “quit your stinking thinking because you’re better than that”.
Come on now, stop being hard on yourself. See the beauty you possess and start pouring kindness and love to others. Once you realize how you impact the world around you, you’ll realize there’s no more “I can’t” because “you can”.


By David Tepera, January 22, 2025

It’s a fact, as we get older, time seems to fly by us, just ask the elders. To some of you, I might be young, but I can’t believe I’m turning 64 this year.
The difficulty for me is the realization that I can’t perform activities from not so long ago. For example; in my 30’s, I could easily complete a roundoff-flip flop. I competed in martial arts into my 40’s. I received my pro-card in Men’s Master’s Physique at the age of 55, plus I could still surf the waves with no difficulty.
Now, welcome to the 60’s David. My body is finally breaking down. It takes a lot longer to recover from injuries or aches and pains. Every morning, I wake up with “snap-crackle-pop”.
My wife Tina is in her 50’s and discovering the same sequence of events as I. Most of you know, she also has a pro-card in the body building world.
Okay, where am I going with all this? I know everyone has experiences from all the activities they once enjoyed, but it’s now in the past.
It doesn’t matter your age, you must find ways to enjoy life today. Our journey on this earth is a short trip, so enjoy it. Turn off the tv, get out of the recliner and take back life.
What makes you the happiest? Have you developed healthy habits to make each day enjoyable? When’s the last time you took stroll around the block, in a park, or along the beach?
Winter strolls along Galveston beach are interesting. There’s plenty of drift wood, washed up starfish, sand-dollars, including creatures I have no name for. So, bundle up and enjoy a beach day.
Back in the day, when we vacationing, we look for excursions that included four-wheeling, zip-lining, mountain climbing or any outdoor active explorations.
Today, we enjoy more of the arts and museums to give us a glimpse into the past. Even those artists, we are observing, had a short trip, but found a way to enjoy life and give back to society.
Listen, there’s no throwing in the towel. You’re reading this article, so you still have another day to enjoy. Go look in the mirror, and stare deep in your eyes. I promise, if you look long enough, there’s a little kid smiling back telling you to go enjoy life again because life is a short trip.


By David Tepera, January 15, 2025

We are now a few weeks into the year of 2025. Are you a missile on a mission to make this the year to kick some and take names?
This means nothing can get in the way or trip you off your path. It’s time to wear blinders and have laser beam focus like no other.
When a missile is released from a fighter jet or aircraft carrier, it only has one mission and that is to reach it’s destination under no circumstances. Once the missile finds the target, mission accomplished. There is nothing that can deflect or take the missile off it’s path. It only has one goal and that is to destroy.
What’s your mission this year? What target will change your life? Are you strong enough to sluff off the haters? Can you stay focused and keep you eye on the target?
There’s no secret, obstacles will jump in your path, people will try to strike you down, but those will be the challenging times to prove your missile focus.
Just know, living in the past will make you depressed, living in the future will make you anxious, but living in the present will give you peace.
What ever your circumstances are at this moment, find a way to be happy and love yourself.
There’s not one of us who regrets decisions from the past. A quote from the Bible John 8:7 from Jesus “Let him who is without sin among you, cast the first stone at her.”
I’ve written it many a time, the biggest fool I ever knew in the past was me, so I don’t judge or cast stones.
The message I’m trying to relay today is to not care about what other’s think and make this year for you. Be that missile on a mission and conquer your target.
Come on now, this is your year. No more wasting time catering to others. I promise, if you really want to change your life, then be a missile on a mission. People better get out of your way because you’re going to destroy anything in your path to complete the mission. Stay focused, stay strong.


By David Tepera, January 8, 2025

Here recently, as I’m reaching my mid 60’s, I’ve been paying more attention to how my body responds to activities compared from the past. It’ obvious, my body has slowed down, but the mind is still youthful and can respond to any scenario.
Let me try to explain. Whatever today’s thought process may be, it’s a combination from all your life experiences to date. We’ve all been hurt in the past, but we also had many victories and successes.
Just know, the brain is the most energy demanding organ in the body. It uses about 20 percent of the body’s energy supply.
We can all close our eyes and reflect-back on the youthful physical activities, recreation, sports, or anything requiring high energy.
Think about it, can you still feel the enjoyment of roller skating, swimming, playing multiple sports, jogging long distances, gymnastics, or fill in the blank?
For me, I can mentally re-experience the sweat, heart-beat, exhaustion, including fighting Mother Natures’ elements from all outdoor activities such as surfing competitions, multiple races, marathons, triathlons from year’s past.
You see, that’s the beauty of our minds. We can go back in the past and relive those moments.
Now, that’s the difference from our bodies. The mind can go back in time, but our bodies cannot.
Just like our current mind’s thought process, our body is a reflection from all past experiences. Take a real look at your current body’s state. What you’re looking at is all the decisions from the past. Did you exercise or not? What nutrition intake fed your body? Do you have destructive habits or not? This includes abusing alcohol, prescriptions, greasy foods, drugs, lazy habits, and again, you fill in the blank.
Of course, there are many people, including elders that are taking back control of their life. Even though the body can’t perform activities from the past, it can still improve, grow muscle, and bring back a quality of life. Believe me, we see it every day in our gym.
The-majority-of our clients are in their 70’s, but the 80’s list is growing. They’re not throwing in the towel, so neither should you.
Listen, even though our bodies can’t go back in time, like our mind, it’s never too late to change your life.
Lastly, my sister Karen and I would like to wish our mother Eileen Tepera a happy 80th birthday tomorrow. It will be a special celebration with family. We all are lucky to have her in our lives. We love you Nana.


By David Tepera, January 1, 2025

What a great day today is going to be. It’s a new year and I choose to be happy. Here’s a few interesting facts about New Year’s celebrations.
The first ball drop on Times Square was in 1907. Today, the confetti poured out is holding secret messages from thousands of people who submitted them.
Hershey Pennsylvania actually-drops a giant kiss to ring in their new year.
It’s estimated that Americans will drink 360 million glasses of sparkling wine during the New Year’s celebration. I used to be part of that statistic, but I can’t remember the last time I was awake for the midnight toast. How many of you older folks are with me on that?
For all you young-ins out there, remember when you hated that your parents made you go to bed by 9:00pm? Well, when you get older, you can’t wait to be in bed at that time.
Recent research has shown that only 9 percent of Americans actually-keep their New Year’s resolution. Don’t let that statistic discourage you.
The ritual of making resolutions is arbitrary. After all, we can set goals at any time. Turning the calendar makes us set bigger goals. An important part of New Years gives us an opportunity for reflection and motivation to make positive changes.
What changes do you need? Make a list and start with the smallest that’s achievable. Of course, most of us are needing extra income, cut back spending, but most of all, improve our health.
I enjoy this time of year because I’m already receiving tons of emails from people needing guidance for their personal goals.
How many of you already have gym memberships, but never use them? I’m very good friends with a particular public gym owner. He has a beautiful gym, and the membership fees are very reasonable. But, he doesn’t care if you come or not because he collects your money each month.
I know that’s harsh, but he is right when it comes down to business strategy. So, quit being a “give-up” statistic and get back in the gym. You’re paying for it, so develop healthy habits and have fun.
Now, starting today, what are you going to do to put a smile on yours or other’s faces? Maybe, it’s time to reach out to family members or old friends. We can all make a difference by just being kind.
My goal today was to for you to know some and make some for 2025.