Category Archives: Dekeday Foundation

A children’s nonprofit organization to help and inspire families and people of all ages.
Founded in 2009 by David, Dylan and Daylyn Tepera


By David Tepera, December 25, 2024

What a wonderful day for all of us. No matter the battles throughout the year, we made it to another Christmas. If you dig deep enough, you’ll find many things to be thankful for. You’re reading my article, so life is good today.
Now, here a few fun facts about Christmas you might not have known. There are actually-two towns in the United States named Christmas. One is in Florida and the other is in Michigan.
George Washington was the only President to have his own egg nogg recipe. One hundred and ninety-five countries around the world celebrate Christmas, while eighteen do not.
Ulysses Grant was the President that signed a bill into law in June 1870 establishing Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day as federal holidays.
Believe it or not, Japan celebrates Christmas by going the Kentucky Fried Chicken. I’m sure Colonel Sanders appreciates that.
Did you know, it takes seven years to grow a Christmas tree? Growing up, I loved the pine scent of a new tree each year. But today, I will admit, we have an imitation tree, but it is beautiful after Tina finishes the decorations.
Can you guess how many gifts are described in the song “12 days of Christmas”? Yes, it’s 78, but by the end of song, the total number is 364 gifts, where the final cost comes to $201,972.66.
Also, 1.76 billion candy canes are produced in the U.S. each year. In 2023, Americans spent over 500 billion dollars on Christmas gifts. This year is supposed to exceed that amount. Yep, we will be contributing our portion to that statistic.
Now, I don’t claim to be a Theologist, so I hope you don’t mind if I give a simple Christian’s man personal perspective on Christmas and Jesus.
Remember, Jesus came from God and Heaven, so His age cannot be calculated. But, we celebrate Jesus’s Earthly birth on December 25th. For us to understand the time table from the bible, Jesus is 2024 today.
Listen, it’s the holidays and people are scrambling to purchase gifts, traffic is horrific, and people are panicking. But, take today to slow down, be kind to strangers, smile to others and just be happy. I promise, you’ll make a difference in someone’s life with little gestures.


By David Tepera, December 17, 2024

How many of you want to start something new, but as always, you put it off for another day? You keep telling yourself “I’ll wait until after the holidays, when the kids are grown, saved enough money, or blah blah blah”.
Of course, there are multiple excuses why people keep delaying their goals or passion. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, plus we’ll probably never be ready, so why not get started today?
Each week, I consult with people all over the country. The topics are anywhere from exercise, diet, including personal struggles. Almost all of them want to start a new program of some sort, but don’t have the courage to get out of their comfort zone.
When you want or need a change in life, don’t put a specific date on it, just go ahead and take the first step. Once you get in motion, life will take you in the best direction.
One of the reasons people don’t start doing things outside their comfort zone is because they worry about what others think. Forget about others, if they say anything negative behind your back, it’s because you are already in front of them. Just move forward and leave them in your dust.
Is it time to start exercising and get in better shape? Are you disgusted what’s looking back at you in the mirror? Don’t be too hard on yourself, so start making small steps like taking short walks around the block. Before you know it, you’ll feel better, plus healthier decisions will follow.
What’s been waying on you to get started? Is it education, diet, a new business, or developing a relationship with God? What ever is in your head, don’t waste another day to get started.
I’ve been interviewed by numerous outlets, including magazines, radio hosts, television shows, and others. I was once asked “what is one thing that changed your life?”. Besides the birth of my children and marrying Tina, reading the entire bible was inspiring. I used to read several books a week, but getting closer to God changed my life.
Okay, I know I’m getting a little personal, but that’s why you read this column because I’m just like you. I’ve made more mistakes than I’d like to admit, but each day, I try to be better.
Now, don’t worry about being ready, just go ahead and get started.


By David Tepera, December 11, 2024

From the moment of birth, we are in a constant fight for survival. Just think of those early lessons to become strong and coordinated enough to feed ourselves, plus learn to crawl, walk and run. Giving up wasn’t an option because babies and toddlers only know to get back up.
What happened to people who became quitters? We all crash and burn in the game of life, but it only makes us stronger, so get back up.
How many scabs did you receive as a kid from bicycles and skateboards? Look back over all the sports and activities you played. I’m sure there were many bruises, cuts, and possible broken bones, but you mended and got back in the game. That’s exactly what life is about.
It’s not always the victories that make us stronger, it’s the defeats that builds character.
There’s no escaping life’s curve balls. We all will face death of a loved one, possible bad news from the doctor, divorce, unemployment or fill in the blank.
Now, don’t mistake today’s message. All your successes helped strengthen the momentum. We need those rewards to keep us moving. The time and work that went in to get an education, certifications, promotions, awards, and bonuses was important.
Also, marrying the love of your life, raising children, accepting God, and being kind towards others. That list is endless.
Take-a-look at your current situation. What has made you stronger? What battles have you overcome? Yes, we’ve all been knocked down and sucker punched, but it’s time to get back up and start kicking and swinging.
One thing you have complete control over is your health. Getting physically strong leads to mental toughness and confidence. Believe me, we see it every day at our gym.
Join a local gym that fits your budget and get to work. Here’s the mistake most people make, especially women, they spend all their time on cardio machines. I’ve written about this many a time, and it doesn’t matter your age or medical condition, you must lift weights. Weight resistance training is the game change for a quality of life. Any questions, email me.
You also have total control of what you put into your body. Stop the fast-food grease pit and start grocery shopping for healthy foods. If it comes in a wrapper or box, it’s more than likely processed food.
Listen, through all our experiences, we’ve learned that life doesn’t get easier, but we make it fun because we keep getting stronger.


By David Tepera, December 4, 2024

If you’re trying to figure out your future, then take a good look at your habits. Of course, we all want to be successful and financially stable, but what habits will lead us into that direction?
How many of you wake up before the alarm and ready to conquer the day? Or, do you hit the snooze button multiple times from staying up too late? Those choices are totally up to you.
Listen, most of my days start at 2:45am. There are times that I’m not looking forward to it, but when the early morning comes, I put my mind in a state of happiness and gratefulness.
Now, what habits have you developed over the past many years? Are you on the path of success or destruction?
I never think I’m better than the next person because I’m sure there are many of you who work much harder than me. I’m only giving my personal experience.
Recently, I met with an old friend who hated his job for over 40-years. He is now retired, so good for him, but why be in misery for all those years?
If you don’t like your current status, then take a look at your habits. What steps are you taking to better yourself? The modern-day internet and global information still amaze me. You can obtain any information or connect with people all over the world from our phones.
Are you trying to start a new business? We all have some type of unique skill, so what is yours? Is there a way to capitalize and create income from it?
We have people all over the country reach out to us about diet and exercise. We do our best to encourage and give guidance, but the only way habits will change is when you’re determined and ready.
Now, let’s take today and start making some changes. What’s a simple task you can achieve today that makes you feel better about yourself? It can be as easy as being more productive at work. Ask your boss if there is any extra work or projects that needs help? I guarantee, you’ll have their full attention.
Listen, yes, I know quite a bit about fitness and diet, but at the age of 63, I’m no longer strict about my lifestyle. But, one habit I’m known for is being kind and encouraging to everyone.
You are a unique and amazing person, so develop positive habits, and this will determine your future.


By David Tepera, November 26, 2024

There are many details about the origins of Thanksgiving that experts constantly debate. So, I do have some basic interesting information that are true facts to share with you.
First of all, the original celebration of Thanksgiving was during the mid- October. President Lincoln decided to set the date to coincide with the Pilgrims when they landed on Plymouth Rock, which was near the end of November.
Did you know that pumpkin pie is not the most favorite desert for Thanksgiving. Actually, apple pie is number one, but pumpkin is 2nd. For me, any fruit pie is delicious, like apple, cherry or peach. We host Thanksgiving, so if there is any leftover pie, I’m known to crush it on the following day.
Female turkeys do not make gobble sounds, only males do for mating purposes. Females will purr and create cackling noises. So, if you hear the gobble-gobble, get out of the way.
The tradition of football on Thanksgiving began in 1876, which was a game between Yale and Princeton. The first NFL game on Thanksgiving was in 1920. There were six teams who played that day.
Did you know, Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be our National bird? Of course, we know the rest of the story because eagles mate with one partner for life.
In 1924, the first Macy’s Thanksgiving parade actually had animals from the Central Park Zoo. This included monkeys, bears, camels, and elephants. Of course, this was before the balloon animals.
As far as balloon floats, snoopy has made the most appearances debuting in 1968, and has been involved every year since.
Most people don’t know, “Jingle Bells” was the original Thanksgiving song , but changed in 1859 from Christmas popularity.
Lastly, yams and sweet potatoes are not the same and come from different families. Yes, most grocery stores will label them both as the same. While both yams and sweet potatoes are root vegetables, the taste is entirely unique.
Sweet potato come in a variety of orange, purple or even white flesh. The most common color is orange with smooth rosy brown skin. It’s flavor is much sweeter than yams, so this is what you’ll want for sweet dishes.
Yams are more white and dark spotted skins and the taste is more earthly, neutral and not sweet.
Well, I do wish everyone a festive and happy Thanksgiving holiday. Tina and I will be hosting family and friends, so remember to give plenty of hugs and “I love you”.


By David Tepera, November 20, 2024

Recently, my wife Tina and I were in a deep conversation about the legacy of our relatives. Tina came across a realtor site that was finally selling the property of her grandmother’s house. You see, her grandmother passed away almost 20 plus years ago, and the house has been vacant.
Think about this, for all of us, after a certain period-of-time, no one will ever remember who we are. It’s sad to think about, but it’s reality. In the main room of our house, we have a display of pictures from our deepest relatives. We did this to honor their existence into our lives. The reality is, after Tina and I pass away, no one will care about the past, but today, we choose to give them legacy.
Tina was asking, what’s our purpose if no one will remember us in the future? This is a really good question, so I tried to explain. We are lucky to be here at this moment in time, and if we can make a difference in other’s lives, then our short time was worth it.
Listen, no matter what is going on around us, you have complete control of your emotions and actions. Yes, at some point in the far future, it’s possible no one will remember who you are, but you have the opportunity to make an impact now.
I explained to Tina, we have a specialty gym that gives people a better quality of life in their golden years. Across the country, we’ve had made an impact to thousands of families and lives. Tina also has helped rescue countless animals and give them loving homes.
I’ve had the privilege to be a columnist for The Daily News for almost nine years. I’m humbled each week to know I’ve made a difference in people’s lives. I do appreciate all of you who email me. It touches my heart more than you can imagine. A huge shout out to Jackquline Lynch, one of my biggest fans.
Believe me, I’m just like you. I’m just a regular guy who used to be lost in the world. Once I’ve made enough mistakes, I decided it’s time to grow up and start helping others
What about you? What difference are you making in people’s lives? You have that characteristic deep inside of you. Yes, we all have a limited time on this earth, so don’t miss your opportunity to make an impact to those around you.


By David Tepera, November 13, 2024

As we all grow and chase our destiny, we’ll encountered many obstacles and challenges. Some days you might have gave-up, but find a way to never give in.
When I was in my early 20’s, I grew a strong passion of learning to surf. It was one of the hardest sports for me to conquer. Some of you know I was a water polo player in high school, so swimming was my strong point. I would spend hours per day battling waves trying to beat Mother Nature. There were times I gave up, but I refused to give in. Eventually, I was riding with the best along the gulf coast. What’s up old-school surfer Brett Hopkins?
Now, I know most of you can’t compare or care about my experience as a young surfer. Believe me, almost everything I wanted came down to never giving in.
What about you? As we get older, our physical abilities slow down, but don’t give in. As babies, we never gave up when learning to walk. There’s no reason not to have that same determination to get back in life. The only person holding you back is you. Why aren’t you getting up and making the most of each day? Turn your tv off, close your laptops, put away your phones, and get back to the real world. It’s right outside your front door, so don’t give in.
Listen, it’s okay to have bad days. Maybe, it was a rough day at work, you failed the diet, or fell off the wagon of destructive behavior. Don’t beat yourself up because you get another start tomorrow. Remember, there is a higher power that can get you through any difficulty. You just have to believe.
Reflect back over your life. I’m sure there were many challenges you overcame. Sometimes it takes a lot of determination to get back on our feet after being sucker punched. Don’t be the person who accepts failure and crawls away defeated. No, that is not you anymore. You are more powerful than you could ever imagine, so be the warrior that’s inside you.
Just remember, yesterday you might have gave up, but today you won’t give in.


By David Tepera, November 5, 2024

There’s no secret, there are multiple factors we face each day that ignites our emotions. But, the one thing we have complete control over is how we respond to them.
Right now, at this very moment, your physical appearance and mental state is your choice.
Is your body healthy and energetic from a habit of exercise and proper cooking? Or, another statistic of obesity and feeling sluggish from a habit of eating grease, junk food and laziness?
The person you see in the mirror is from a lifetime of choices. Nobody else forced certain foods and drinks into your body, plus no one told you to exercise or not. No matter the reflection, love yourself and make changes if needed.
Now, what mental factors are you facing today? We all love to rejoice when life is moving easy and we feel like winners. But, what’s your choice when adverse conditions fall upon you? Do you point the finger and blame others, or do you take responsibility and climb your way back up?
Once you can find peace and love within yourself, you’ll see peace and love with those around you. Why can’t we all take that attitude? That choice is totally up to you.
Believe me, I know people who live in a negative world, and stay miserable all the time. What a waste of life.
But, the good news is I know thousands of people who find many ways to happiness, even during troubled times. I know this because they email me each week.
Eventually, we all will lose a loved one, possibly get diagnosed with a serious disease, or get sucker-punched from life. Maybe, bad news came out of nowhere and now you must deal with it immediately. Remember, your response is completely in your control.
Keep you head high, poke out your chest and keep moving. Surround yourself with positive people and be a leader towards victory. What ever challenges you are facing today, make sure to choose happiness.


By David Tepera, October 29, 2024

It’s interesting, how common Tina and I are approached in public. The typical questions asked pertains to weight training. Remember, we are in the older population, so we do stick out from the average, especially Tina. The one message we try to instill is about the lifestyle outside the gym.

When we were competing, weight training was the easy part. It’s the discipline of diet that was the most difficult. Anyone can lift weights, but eating clean, no alcohol, and minimal social life was the biggest challenge.

When you see someone who is very muscular and has a strong physical presence, it’s what they do outside the gym that makes a difference. If you are truly dedicated to changing your life and body, then what are you doing once you leave the gym? Are you still eating at the drive through grease-pit? How many fancy coffee drinks do you consume each week?

Listen, I’m not telling you to live the lifestyle of a body builder, but it might be time to start cooking healthier meals. You all know every Sunday, Tina and I cook and prep our meals for the following week. Our goal is to eat healthy Monday through Friday. It’s almost ritual for us, as a reward, to throw down Mexican food and margaritas Friday evening.

I can’t tell you how many times people have reached out to us about doing a ton of sit-ups because they thought that’s how you get ripped abs. Listen, a six-pack is not built in the gym, it’s built in the kitchen. We all have abs, but if all you do is eat junk, then you’ll never see them.

Now, think of this, I know many people who enjoy expressing their religion. Some sing in the choir, others ring bells, and there are those who quote scriptures. But, what’s your style of living outside the church? Do you continue a God-fearing life, or you only good for Sundays?

Just like the gym, it’s outside the church that determines your character. How do you treat all people? We are in trying times and it’s time to come together. We shouldn’t care of one’s religious beliefs, sexual orientation, political views, race, income status, and so-on. We are all as one and should love each other as so.  

So, when you go outside your house today to take on the world, be the one who makes the world a better place. All it takes is being kind.


By David Tepera, October 23, 2024

Recently, one of our clients shared a video of someone explaining the importance of leg strength. This is a topic I’ve been speaking on for many years. Let me explain.

One challenge as we get older is balance. Without leg strength, you’ll become unsteady and will eventually fall. Believe me, elders and orthopedist fear falling because broken bones can be devastating, especially the hip. Elderly hip patients rarely ever fully recover. Quality of life takes a dramatic downslide.

Just know, the femur (thigh bone) is the strongest bone in the body. Studies show that osteoporosis and osteopenia affect more than 40 million Americans. To keep it simple, both prognosis deals with bone density loss.  

According to the World Health Organization, 30 % of postmenopausal women in the U.S. have osteoporosis, and 54% have osteopenia. Is it possible to reverse it?

Here is a list of natural osteopenia treatments. Of course, weight-bearing exercises. Otherwise, get in the gym and lift weights. Listen, all our elderly women have increased their bone density tests through weight training. Also, take in more protein because it makes up 50% of the volume in bones. The most critical vitamins are calcium, D3, and K2.

Now, how can leg strength improve your life? People who are mobile will become more socially active. Interacting with people is good for one’s mental health. Those who choose to stay at home will mentally fade away.

Are you enjoying walks through the neighborhood? An elderly couple in their late 70’s from our gym, just came back from a forty-day vacation to several countries. They ended with an African safari. My friend Paul, admitted that leg strength is what got him through a lifetime of memories.

How could leg strength help gain confidence? Once you’ve accomplished a simple task, then you’re ready to take on another challenge. Before you know it, you’re back to enjoying the things you love.

How many of you are using knee pain as an excuse? If the pain is affecting your quality of life, then seek an orthopedist. There are many conservative treatments depending on the severity of your arthritis. The usual sequence of treatment is physical therapy, viscosupplementation (natural gel injections), steroids, then lastly knee replacements.

Listen, bottom line, if you don’t get up and start improving your leg strength, then today is your best day because tomorrow will be worse. Don’t be that person. You’ve got a lot of life in front of you, so come join us out in this beautiful world with a bunch of beautiful people.