By David Tepera, March 23, 2022

A very common statement we hear from women who inquire about lifting weights is, “I don’t want to get too big.” We do understand your thinking, but it’s only a myth. Let’s be realistic, that statement is only an excuse.

Unless, you have certain genetic traits, women’s muscles will never grow too big. My wife Tina possesses those genetics because of her amazing shoulders, back and arms. This is what helped her win pro cards while in her mid-40s.

But, also know, besides the genetic gift, for women and men, the only way to grow large muscles is by lifting heavy and eating every two hours on a high caloric diet. It is challenging, along with discipline and hard work. Of course, there’s more to it, but these are the basics. And no, I’m not pertaining to performance enhancing drugs.

I once read that a man approached Arnold Schwarzenegger and told him, “I will never want to look like you.” Schwarzenegger’s reply, “don’t worry, you never will.”

Bottom line ladies, your muscles won’t get too big, but you’ll love the look of being toned and athletic. How much more comfortable would you be wearing sleeveless shirts? Spring and summer are here, so it’s time for shorts and skirts, too.

What other areas in your life do you want to grow big? Most of us would like to make more money. What steps have you taken to grow your income? Does this require putting in overtime, starting a second job or going to night school? It takes hard work to grow financially.

Besides us, we have many friends who started their own businesses. The one common denominator each of us possessed was hard work. There are many of you who can relate to discipline and dedication of 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

Whatever your goal is, just know, we all have hard work genetics. Our ancestors had difficult lives, so they passed on the gene of survival. This is embedded deep into your soul and body.

Now, get off the couch, shut your laptops and get back in the fight of life. No longer will you accept status quo because today you’ll knock off the dust and dig into survival mode.

This time, you’re not only going to get big, but you’ll be huge from all the hard work.

Lastly, I’d like to wish my amazing wife a happy anniversary. I love you.