By David Tepera, April 24, 2024

As most of you know, we own a business that starts at 2:30 a.m. Even though the hours are tough for us, we love knowing we change lives.

For real, when we wake up so early, we are struggling to get motivated for a long 12-hour shift. But, at the end of the day, Tina, Dylan and I high-fived each other because we made a difference in this world. That’s a big win for everyone.

Back in the day, when we were competing, every day was about us winning in the weight room, along with a clean diet. It’s a very selfish life because you don’t have time for family and friends. Each day must be another step towards winning.

Now, what about you? At the end of the day, what’s a win for you? Did you have a productive day at work? Did you make the time to exercise and eat healthier? In some kind of way, did you make a difference in other’s lives? Come on, what will it take to win at the end of the day?

For some, winning is a personal goal. For others, winning is helping others. Either way, it’s still about winning.

We have people reach out to us each week looking for guidance with diet, exercise or just motivation.

Even though we are motivators, each day we try to find a way to pick each other up. Hopefully, each of you has a support system, too. If not, motivate yourself and separate from all the average people.

One thing we can all do is quit. That’s the easy way out. It’s people who’ve had enough, and have nothing more to lose, that decide to go for it.

Listen, I’ve quit in certain situations before. Even though this was decades ago, it still haunts me today. I’m still upset with myself for being a quitter. I was afraid of losing, being rejected and failure.

Once I didn’t care about others’ opinion of me, I was living a much happier life and started winning.

This is your day to start winning. You’ll get up earlier, have a healthy breakfast, be at work on time and be the most positive person towards others.

I promise, at the end of the day, you’ll reflect back and know what winning is.

I do want to give a shout-out to all those who volunteer their time. This is the most selfless act of any person. You know what winning is.

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