By David Tepera, April 17, 2024

You ever watch someone perform a certain skill and impressed how they make it look so smooth and easy? I always enjoy watching the gymnastics balance beam of how these ladies can perform numerous acrobatics and land on a 4-inch-wide beam. To me, there’s a level of danger, but they have such precision, grace and beauty.  

These days, I couldn’t walk a straight line sober, much less trying to stand on a balance beam. So you know, the Olympic balance beam is also 16.5 feet long and 4 feet off the ground.

My point is, you can only imagine how many times these ladies slipped, fell, crashed with bruises, cuts and broken bones. The one thing they all have in common is the will and pride to get back up until it’s performed with perfection. Not only the physical challenge, but imagine the mental toughness it takes to try again after getting hurt or injured.

Pick your favorite sport and I’m sure those players are in the same category as gymnastics. My oldest son Dustin was a competitive skate boarder in his teens. He made me a nervous wreck with his dangerous high-flying tricks. We spent plenty of trips to urgent care and the dentist. I sure miss my soldier.

Now, there’s not one of us who hasn’t delt with defeat. I don’t have a problem with losing as long as I was giving my best effort. It’s when we don’t put up a fight in the situation that eats on us. Think about it. You’re only upset with yourself in a loss because you could had worked or practiced harder.

And, that’s where we are today. It’s time to let go of the safety net and start challenging yourself. What and who’s holding you back? This is your life, so get out of your comfort zone and step your game up.

Every other Sunday, my daughter Daylyn and I go to the local Waffle House to have breakfast. It’s our daddy daughter time to discuss life. Daylyn is in her last year of college, and preparing to make this world a better place.

I told her to go out there and fail. If you’re not failing, then you’re not trying hard enough. It’s failure that teaches us valuable lessons. When you accept failure, it will lead into the direction of success. The wealthiest and most successful people failed more than they ever won.

Now, get up, cut the safety net and challenge yourself to be the person you were meant to be.