By David Tepera, September 25, 2019
Recently, I was leading a discussion with a small group covering diet tips.
As each person gave their dieting failure testimonies, it became obvious there’s more going on than just bad food choices.
My question to the group was, “What are you feeding your brain?” It seemed like everyone had a bad attitude toward life and others. My mission for the rest of the session was to bring uplifting and inspiring suggestions.
Now, let’s turn this question to each of you, “What are you putting into your mind throughout each day?” Why are you wasting time with negative thoughts? There is so much good in this world, but we can’t seem to find it or focus on it.
I’ve stopped watching news and political channels because of all the negativity. We know there’s evil in this world but choose not to get caught up in it. The only way to stop it is within ourselves. I can’t control the actions of others, but I sure can control mine.
I often get asked how I come up with so many different inspiring topics each week for this column. It’s easy because my mind has been trained to love everyone, plus finding the good each of us has to offer.
Just know, when we meet, I see only beauty, not ugliness. The only way you can turn me away is if you treat others with disrespect.
I love coming home in the evenings to see my family because we all have the same positive attitude. My family is full of love and laughter. Why don’t you be the one in your family that makes everyone happy.
If you’re still struggling to find happiness, maybe you should reach for spiritual help. There is always a higher power waiting on you. It’s just a prayer away.
So, remember, as you start putting things into your body, don’t just reach for healthy foods, include creative positive thoughts, including love through spiritual being.
It might take some time to develop this new habit, but I promise, it will change your life.