Carb manipulation is a simple system to lose weight

By David Tepera, September 18, 2019

I’m sure about everyone reading this column has failed a diet or two. Today’s dieting world is extremely confusing because of the variety of programs thrown at us each day.

I’m not here to say anything negative about any diet. I’m only going to share a simple system we use, along with some of our clients. Even though we are professional physique competitors, this system works for all body types and genders.

Now, if you have a medical condition, you should check with your doctor before you start any diet or exercise program. Most of our medical clients are sent to us from their doctors, and we take great pride improving their lives.

OK, here it is. It’s all about carbohydrate manipulation. Now, you’re probably saying, “What? That already sounds complicated.”

Look, carbs are your friend or your enemy. It just depends when and how much you’re eating. You must remember, carbs are your energy source. Just like a car needs gas to run, your body needs carbs to maintain energy through the day.

The simple system is this: load carbs for breakfast, have a moderate amount of carbs for lunch and a small portion for dinner. If you need to lose a significant amount of weight, no carbs for dinner. Eat all the protein and veggies you want.

Notice, I didn’t mention anything about skipping meals, starving yourself or taking anything out of your daily diet. Just know, we eat at least six meals per day.

Instead of snacking in-between meals, we eat a full meal. It’s definitely recommended to eat healthy snacks between meals, but don’t worry if your snack is unhealthy at this time.

As for today, it doesn’t matter what your diet consists of, try to manipulate your carbs as I described, and the weight will start to fall off.

All our meals consist of meat protein, green veggies and carbs. Yes, we are carnivorous. Don’t judge others. If you use plant-based proteins, good for you.

Just to name a few carbohydrates that we incorporate into all our daily meals: rice, potatoes, oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Notice what you didn’t see: bread, pasta, sugar or dairy products. We save those for the weekends when we are not dieting. You must reward yourself on the weekends.

If you need example meals or want weekly dieting and exercise tips, like our Facebook page Ageless-Muscle to get on our list. We help people all over the country with simple, easy tips.

So, my message today: If you need a simple and easy system, try carb manipulation and watch the pounds melt away.