All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.


By David Tepera, February 2, 2022

One lesson I learned as an adult is to not judge people too quickly.

There’s a reason why people we don’t know are called strangers. We come from a variety of backgrounds, health habits, income differences and so on. So, if people don’t look or act like you, then leave them alone and go about your own way.

There are many of us who’ve gone through tragedies and unwelcomed situations. These experiences have molded us into our modern-day character. What’s important is learning to turn negatives into positives.

There’s a time when you need to take control of your situation. A question you must ask yourself is “am I running from something or running to it?”

We have successful self-made clients at our gym. Some of them were determined to change their lives and ran from poverty.

I know people who had enough and ran from bad relationships. So, what are you running from? Whatever it is, just remember, don’t look back. Put your blinders on and stay focused.

Now, let’s flip all this negative thinking and turn it into a positive. Quit running from sadness and start running towards happiness.

If you’re depressed for being overweight and out of shape, then take action. Find a photo of when you were your ideal weight and post it on your bathroom mirror. It’s your reminder to run towards health.

Are you running to finish college, trade school, retirement, investments, etc.?

If you’re in a difficult situation, and doing your best to run towards happiness, but life keeps throwing curve balls, then seek a higher power. God never failed me, especially when I put it all in His hands. There were many times I ran to God and He guided me through the tough times. I also make sure I give Him praise for all the good that’s in my life.

Look, don’t accept failure as a final decision. It doesn’t matter your age, health or financial status. Continue to chase dreams and make it a habit to run towards happiness. Get into motion and you’ll eventually run into success.

Today, you’ve made the decision to take control and quit running from and start running to.


By David Tepera, January 26, 2022

Typically, we all have some type of a wish list. These can be financial, travel, materialistic, health and so on. The question you must ask yourself is, “Have I gotten any closer to anything on the list?”

Now, if you’re still living with only a wishbone, then what’s preventing you from reaching your goals? Are you scared to step out of your comfort zone? Do you care what others will say about you?

Listen, whatever your situation may be, it’s time to grow a backbone and get to work. If your wish is to have something substantial, then it will require discipline.

Hopefully, you learned lessons from elders. Their lives weren’t as easy as today. Almost everything earned required manual labor.

My great-grandparents and their children were sharecroppers on a farm. They worked from sun up to sun down in the fields. The brutal heat of summer was cotton season. My father was the last Tepera to help work the fields.

My point is that our family history was built on worth ethic. I’m fortunate to have this passed down to my sister Karen and me.

Of course, as parents, we want to provide a better life for our children. But, there’s no secret, we see way too often people wanting handouts without lifting a finger. The rest of us have a backbone and go to work each day.

Where’s your backbone? Are you still making excuses for status quo? Why are you unhealthy? Are your bad habits holding you back? Why are you still in a bad relationship?

These are all serious questions that require a backbone to improve your life. It’s time to take a stand. If you do nothing today, then tomorrow is the same. Take control of your life because each day is wasted if you don’t.

For financial success, go to work early and stay later. A raise will eventually follow.

Stand up to the bully, and let them know it’s over. Bullies have an identity crisis, and you threaten them with your beauty and knowledge.

Start cooking healthy meals and quit driving through fast foods. Tie up your sneakers and start exercising. Bottom line — take control of your life.

The only way you’re ever going to truly grow and become happy is to change your wishbone to a backbone.

a winner is just a loser who tried one more time

By David Tepera, January 20, 2022

We all have a competitive spirit born within us. In my opinion, it’s one of the reasons the world continues to evolve and progress.

With every invention, someone wanted to be the first — just like the Wright brothers were the first to fly or when America and Russia competed to be first in space. Of course, the list is endless.

How about you? When you were younger, what all did you compete in? Was it sports, band, dance, performing arts, etc.?

If you really think back to your competitions, more than likely, you lost more than you won. When learning and practicing the activity you chose, each day was a progression of failure. It’s the only way to get better and climb your way up.

There’s not one professional athlete or CEO who hasn’t been knocked down, embarrassed and defeated. But, how did they rise to the top? Because they got up and tried one more time.

Now, hopefully, those early years of competition have played over into your adult life. What are you competing in today? Are you currently happy with your job position? Don’t you want the raise or promotion? How would the extra income impact you and your family?

So, who’s your competition? Is it other coworkers? No, the only competition you have is yourself. If you really want to win, then get up early and stay later.

Before Tina and I won our pro cards as physique champions, we lost many competitions. But, with each competition, we learned our weaknesses and would try one more time.

What’s holding you back? You’re not too old, unattractive or broke. Your problem could be lack of confidence or fear of failure. Quit worrying about what others think. If people say negative things about you, it’s because they’re jealous. Besides, I’m sure they have their own list of problems.

Today will be the day you decided to change your life. Yes, you’ve experienced defeat and it hurt. But, don’t let that be your identity. Don’t let that person or situation keep your down. You’re better than that because you’re beautiful, ambitious and ready take on another challenge.

This is your life ,and you control the outcome. It’s time to get up and try one more time.

Make 2022 the “fix-it” year

By David Tepera, January 12, 2022

A few weeks ago, I shared how 2021 was a challenging year, including everything seeming to fall apart. We felt that we just couldn’t catch a break from every direction.

How about you? Were you diagnosed with a health condition? Are you tired of being overweight and out of shape? Did your relationship with someone deteriorate, separate or end? Have your bills increased and income decreased? What other life situations fell apart?

Well, that’s all fine and dandy for 2021 because 2022 is the year of “fix-it.” It’s time to put a game plan together and mend all the broken parts. This is the year where everything comes together with a new outlook on life. You’re going to close out all the loose ends and start the new you.

Quit looking in the rearview mirror because all those people and situations are in the past. Let it all go and become the person you were meant to be. You’ve made enough bad decisions, so learn from it and get back on top. Or, you had enough of bad breaks, and this year, “good luck” is your best friend.

Now, let’s take a look at your health. This should be No. 1 on your list of fixing. If you’re in good health, then you’ll have the energy and mindset to tackle all the other situations.

Take the time to see your family practitioner for baseline blood work and physical conditioning. Next, seek a reputable orthopedist to help put a plan together for your ongoing joint pain. There are plenty of nonsurgical conservative treatments available that insurance will pay for.

But really, most of all, start exercising every day. Yes, I said every day because life will tell you when you’ll take a day off.

For whatever reason, did a special relationship end in 2021? Were you heartbroken and upset because you were all in and they weren’t? I know it takes time to get through it, but just work on bettering yourself. You’ll eventually gain confidence and recognize how special and amazing you truly are. This time you’ll find Mr. or Ms. Right instead of Mr. or Ms. Right Now.

Look, we’ve all had something break down or fall apart last year. We must find a way to let it go, fix it and keep moving on. Don’t worry about what others think because it’s only about you. Go live your life to the fullest because 2022 is the fix-it year.

Just keep it simple to get results

By David Tepera, January 5, 2022

Well, you’re about a week into the new year, so did you start your new exercise and diet program? Do you even have a plan? Are you confused and overwhelmed with all the new fads and choices?

Remember, there’s a lot of hocus-pocus out there that sucks people into buying unnecessary products. I cringe when I see the ads for losing weight by taking a pill or drinking some potion.

I also don’t think it’s necessary to buy the latest and greatest expensive equipment. Yes, it’ll motivate you in the beginning, but that quickly fades.

Now, with more than 35 years in the health and fitness industry and guest speaking across the country, let me share some simple tips to a better quality of life.

First of all, you must lift weights or perform weight resistant exercises, especially as you age. I cannot express enough about the benefits from weight lifting. It’s a complete life changer for all ages to build stronger bones, lean muscle growth, anti-depression, faster metabolism for fat loss, along with many other benefits.

It’s quite exciting watching our 70s club clients grow muscle and reduce or get rid of joint pain. Yes, all 15 are back in the game to enjoy life and hobbies again.

So, it might take joining a local gym, but do your homework because all gyms have different environments. Also, being older and retired, you can choose workout times when it’s less crowded.

I understand that some people need to join weight-loss food programs in order to get control of their eating habits. There’s plenty out there that might fit your needs, plus I have nothing negative to say about them. When utilizing the proper program for your body type and lifestyle, they can be successful.

My two adult children, Tina and I stick to a few simple dieting tips, and we stay lean all year. Just know, as professional athletes, we have never weighed our food or counted calories.

Here’s one example for you to try. The biggest key to losing weight is through carbohydrate manipulation. Carbs are like gas in your tank. You need them to burn as energy throughout your day and workouts. So, it’s important to have carbs for breakfast and lunch. This will give you energy and boost your metabolism.

The enemy of carbs are at dinner and late-night snacking. Usually at this time, people are finished with their daily responsibilities, so lounging and relaxing take place. Because carbs are not being burned for energy, they store to fat. It’s the night carbs that are making you fat.

Of course, there’s so much more to all of this. We give free advice all over the country. I respond to every email received, so feel free to reach out.

Lastly, we have tons of short videos with diet and weight lifting tips on our Facebook page “Ageless-muscle.” Now, if you want results without the stress, then keep it simple.

next year is all about attitude

By David Tepera, December 29, 2021

What a crazy year 2021 has been for my family. It started off with the freeze in February that shut our business down for a few days. Thank goodness we survived without any busted pipes or major damage.

Next, I lost my second oldest son in March and my father in May, as well as other family members and friends throughout rest of year. My strong faith in God kept me moving forward and never falling apart.

Lastly, I got my feet knocked out from under me in October from a serious disease that landed me in the hospital for three weeks. I lost 30 pounds and could barely get around. My wife, Tina, saved me by rushing me to the emergency room several times within a week.

It took some time before the doctors could diagnose my problem. Even though I’m receiving treatment, I’m back to work full time. So, I’m extremely fortunate and counting my blessings.

OK, I know that’s much personal information about me. I’m sure many of you had a worse year than my family and I.

My whole point is whatever life throws at you, don’t give up. These experiences should strengthen you. Just like the callouses on our hands, our hearts grow callouses, too.

I understand that sometimes you want to throw your hands up and lay in the fetal position, but you’re stronger than that. You must keep moving through your daily life. Stay busy and continue to interact with others, which will keep you occupied.

Just continue working with a smile, show love and appreciation to those around you and make the most of each day. It won’t be easy at first, but you’ll push through it and life will become rewarding.

Now, whatever happened to you this year is about to be over. 2022 should be a fresh new attitude, along with new goals and ambition. Yes, life might sucker punch you, but no situation or person can knock you down. It’s game-time baby, and it’s your turn to win the championship.

You and I are in this together. That’s right, 2022 is going to be our year. Look out — because nothing can stop us. We’re going to kick some serious butt and make this the best year ever. All it takes is serious determination and a brand-new attitude.

Learn to enjoy the christmas stress

By David Tepera, December 22, 2021

There’s no secret, the Christmas holiday can create plenty of stress. From making sure everyone on your list receives gifts or cards, setting up a tree, house decorating, to hosting and attending parties. And, on top of that, you still maintain a job, plus all the family obligations.

Whew, all of that can be overwhelming because you’ve got less than a month to fit in after Thanksgiving.

How many of you can relate? The happiest time of the year becomes the most stressed.

Look, you must find a way to get on cruise control and just go with the flow of things. You can’t control the crowds at department stores or the heavy traffic. Just accept it as part of the process.

I’ve learned to look at the festive lights, decorations and smiling people as we all scurry around one another. It’s truly a wonderful time of the year so look for the goodness that surrounds you.

Now, what’s on your list today? Are you making time for exercise? If you’re attending multiple Christmas parties, it’s difficult to escape the variety of unhealthy foods.

Tina and I typically eat healthy throughout the year, but we also enjoy all the delicious eats and treats that the season brings us.

I’ve accepted gaining a few pounds during the holidays. It happens every year, but also, we take a week’s vacation during this time. For that one week, Tina and I don’t exercise or lift weights. No, we aren’t sedentary, but the break from training gives our bodies time to heal.

If your life is totally overwhelming, and finding time for exercise through the holidays is almost non-existent, don’t let it stress you. You are now in the home stretch with Christmas just a few days away. It’s OK to pick back up or start a new exercise and diet program once the new year begins.

Another big must is taking the time to get your rest. Stress, cold weather and lack of rest is a recipe for getting sick. We’ve added a variety of vitamins each morning with breakfast.

Now, take a deep breath and try to relax. Our lives are always busy, so accept the extra stress during the holidays. Just remember, it’s also a time to spread joy, peace and especially love.

moving forward will bring hope and happiness

By David Tepera, December 15, 2021

It’s common for us to hold ourselves back by living in the past. We must learn from prior mistakes and use those experiences to spring us forward.

Constantly moving forward will bring hope and happiness. If you choose not to, you’ll bring regret. Yes, it can be scary making life changes, but you’d rather try than have regret.

I’m sure we all have a long list of regrets throughout our lives. This could be from relationships, finances, how we treated people, words we’ve said and so on.

Now, let’s take today and start the process of moving forward. So, how do we do that? You must find a way to change your routine and habits.

We are a habitual society because it helps give a sense of security and organization. Almost all of us have morning routines before heading out to work. This routine carries over into the workforce, including how you close out the day before bed.

Is there anything to add in your routine that will enhance confidence and well-being? We all know lifting weights, exercising and eating healthy brings these benefits.

If you’re really feeling stuck, life is dull and heading nowhere, get out of your comfort zone and change your looks.

Maybe it’s time to go all out and upgrade your hairstyle, clothes and accessories. You have to admit, wearing new clothes and getting haircuts makes us feel pretty or handsome.

You see, all this will push you forward and change your attitude, which will create confidence to change your mind, and that will change your life.

Several years back, I was preparing to compete in a pro category against men who were at least 30 years younger. I asked my barber to give me a different haircut and beard trim to make me look younger. This new style looked good on me, which gave me an extra boost of confidence. So, you know, I took first place, and I’m still sporting the same look today.

We’re fortunate that we own a gym, so our daily wear are comfy workout clothes. Tina and I make sure we keep up with the latest styles and colors.

Now, what steps are you going to take to move forward. Quit looking in the rearview mirror because it’s holding you back. It’s time to take back control of your life and do something today that brings hope and happiness.

quit looking for perfection and just be you

By David Tepera, December 8, 2021

Since I’ve become much older, at the ripe old age of 60, I’ve given up trying to be perfect.

I do feel fortunate because my physical peak was around 42 years old. I could weight lift at my heaviest, run my fastest, jump high and dunk a ball, plus dominate other competitors anywhere near my age. But, it’s all over now. I’m on a downslide, but I’m far superior to most men my age.

Now, I’m not trying to pat myself on the back thinking I’m better than most. Remember, I’m a professional athlete, so I’m comparing myself to the average man. If you feel good and you’re happy, you’ve already separated yourself from your peers.

OK, where am I going with all this? There are times when my body feels achy and tired, but it still works. I don’t always sleep extremely well, but I chose to get up and fight another day. I might not have much money in my wallet, but my belly is full. I don’t have all the things I ever wanted, but I do have all the things I need. My life is nowhere near perfect, but I’ve never been happier.

Think about all this. There comes a time in our life where we must be grateful for what we have and who we are. Learn to accept your so-called faults, laugh at imperfections and just be you.

Quit worrying about what others think because that’s their problem. If they’re talking about you, they’re jealous of your success and happiness.

Tina and I know a few people who have a thriving business in the plastic surgery industry. Just know, I do support people wanting to make enhancements to look better, but we all know those individuals who have gone way too excessive.

Don’t look for perfection; accept the things that separate you from others. Tina, our adult children and I all have different sets of scars from experiencing life. To me, our scars tell a story of giving our best in life.

What story do your scars tell? I feel a woman with stretch marks from child birth has a beautiful and tender touch. A true husband in love will find these attractive because they went through this together.

Take a step back today, forget about being what others think is perfect, and learn to love yourself because you are perfect the way God designed you.

Now, put on a big smile, give yourself a high five, and go out and kick some butt today.

what’s your mindset when faced with a challenge?

By David Tepera, December 1, 2021

A big part of our personal growth comes from a variety of challenges we face throughout life. Just know, a positive mind will find a way to accomplish it. Just like a negative mind will find a way to defeat itself.

Which one of these personalities are you? When challenges cross your path, do you bear down and go all in or do you procrastinate and make excuses?

Are there unfinished projects at your place of employment? Even if it’s not your responsibility, why not step up and ask to get it done? What positive effects would this have on your income?

What challenges are you facing today? Are you dealing with the loss of a loved one, maybe an unhappy marriage or relationship, need a change of unhealthy lifestyle or battling serious health issues?

Choosing to tackle these situations will be a life changer. If you do nothing, nothing will change. Don’t let mental weakness take you down. It’s time to tie up your workboots and jump in with both feet.

If your love loss was a spouse, honor them by living life to your fullest. Change the scenery of different rooms in the house, go on your dream vacation or maybe buy the car. Whatever you’ve been wanting, then do it.

So, how’s your health these days? I know the holidays don’t help much for dieting. Believe me, I understand. We hosted Thanksgiving, which meant most leftovers stayed here. I have a weakness for sweets, so I shoved the pies and strudel down my face.

How about you? Are you going to clean up your diet and make better choices today? Do you still have a gym membership and haven’t seen a treadmill in months?

Look, I know it’s colder weather and more to come, and you’re going to hide under all the extra clothes. But, don’t let that be you this year.

Take on a positive mindset and start a healthier you — right now. Don’t wait until new year’s resolutions because you’ll fail again. Let others fall while you step out and take control of life.

With each positive accomplishment, you’ll gain more confidence to tackle another. It doesn’t matter what life throws at you because you’re now a warrior.

Just remember, you can’t always control what happens to you, but a positive mindset will always control the outcome.