All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.

to get ahead, stay away from “still” people

By David Tepera, November 17, 2021

There were different times throughout the years where it became important to release certain people in my life. I’ve always been busy with a demanding career, raising children and building my mind, body and spirit. I didn’t have time or the energy to listen or be a part of someone’s negative attitude. I call these individuals “still people.”

Yep, they still seem to be living in the past, still complaining, still not giving effort and still making excuses. You can add your own personal list to the “still people.”

Are you still not working, still abusing drugs or alcohol or still bullying others? Why has that become your identity?

Now that I’ve put some thought into your head, are you in any category of “still?” The only person who can remove you from the still list is you. Get out of that losing funk and start being productive.

You can make a positive change immediately by just being nice to everyone you meet. Quit putting people down, and start lifting them up.

Now, for all others, do you have a still person who’s holding you back? To me, they’re wasting time and space, so they’ve got to go.

I know it’s not always easy when the still person is a family member or a co-worker. But, if their negative attitude is part of your daily life, then find a way to reduce interaction time.

Look, more than 15 years ago, I found myself a single custodial father with two small children. I literally eliminated all negative and still people out of my life. It was that decision that started my journey to become more positive, loving, compassionate and see the good in every situation.

Don’t let others hold you back anymore. Let’s take today and create the better you. You’re going to tie up your sneakers and start exercising. Let the sun and crisp air open up the creativity in your brain. Get outside and only allow positive and productive thoughts to fill your mind.

Our bodies are powerful, our minds are limitless and our spirits can soar endlessly. Take yourself to a whole new level. This is your life, so get out there, conquer life and be the person you are suppose to be.

Just remember, to get ahead, stay away from the still people.

when trying something new, it’s ok to make mistakes

By David Tepera, November 10, 2021

There are none of us that welcome failure. Most people won’t start something new because it exposes their weaknesses. How many of you want to take a leap in life but are scared that others will ridicule you?

Remember, these so-called “others” want you to fail, so they can feel better about themselves. Don’t worry about their opinions because you’re better than that and choose to take life to another level.

Look, let me tell you from experience. There hasn’t been one new project, diet, exercise, relationship, parenting and so-on that multiple mistakes didn’t happen. Through all my years, I’ve finally accepted my faults and failures as part of the learning process.

I’ve also learned to laugh off the obvious mistakes and continue to make each attempt another step forward.

Just for laughs, how many of you men don’t read the directions? Yep, I’m that guy, too. I’ve had to rebuild many pieces of basic furniture and household items. And, if it’s from Ikea, forget about it and just throw away the thousand extra pieces. Don’t worry if your new table rocks a little left.

Now, what plan have you put in place to take on something new? If you don’t have a plan, then just go for it anyway. It’s as easy as internet research followed up with a phone call.

Go ahead — sign up for the class, talk to an advisor, counselor or attorney. If you’re not happy or satisfied with life, go for it. Yes, you’ll make mistakes, but it only means you’re trying.

How many of you failed diet and exercise programs? Yep, right now you’re freaking out because the Thanksgiving holiday is around the corner, and your diet program will be crushed.

Don’t worry about failing diets during the festivities with family, friends and co-workers. We all need the pleasure, along with the gift of love and interactions with people we care about. Just continue dieting and exercising on all other days.

All right, now here we go. Quit thinking about your new life and do something about it. This is an exciting day because your “something new” is starting today. No one can detour your ambition because you’re stronger and bigger than their negative ways.

Whenever an obstacle tries to get in your way, bust through it like a linebacker sacking a quarterback. It’s game day, baby, and you’ve taken back control of life.

Just remember, when starting something new to welcome mistakes, and you’ll catapult to the top.

you don’t shut down; you bear down

By David Tepera, November 3, 2021

One of the benefits of getting older is the ability to experience more victories. This only happens if you’re actively involved in life and not sitting on the couch all day.

Of course, there are defeats, but they’re only as severe as you allow them to be.

As I’m still recovering from a health setback, Tina has absorbed most of my clients and other business duties. She’s putting in 12- to 15-hour days of physical and mental work. Dylan has taken extra responsibilities as well, but the business success lies on Tina.

Just know, I’m improving and will be back to work soon. This isn’t my “pity party,” and it’s not COVID related.

On one particular challenging day, Tina looked me in the eyes and said, “This isn’t time to shut down, it’s time to bear down.”

What a powerful statement because sometimes there isn’t any choice.

Well, each night, Tina and I discuss the day’s business, plus I help strategize and plan workouts.

What challenges are you experiencing? Have you been diagnosed with a health condition? Are you facing divorce, unemployment, bankruptcy or death of a loved one?

Each setback and challenge we face in life will run its course. It’s your sole decision on how aggressive you want to attack it. As long as you don’t curl up and you choose to step up, you’ll get through this much quicker, along with success.

Don’t waste time pointing fingers and making excuses. You can control the outcome with a strong mindset. Put your game face on, adjust your blinders and focus on moving forward only.

This determination will create a better you, plus build confidence knowing that no matter what the world throws at you, you’ll fight back.

If something or someone gives you a battle, step up and give them war. Just start swinging your way to victory because defeat isn’t on the table.

Now, today you’re going to take back control of your life. I’ve said it many times that you can’t always control what happens to you, but you have complete control how you respond.

That’s right, this is your day. When the world throws challenges at you, just laugh and yell back, “Is that all you got? Because I’m stronger than you. Get out of my way, fool.”

Remember, you are a strong, healthy and beautiful person. Your journey of life is still in motion, and nothing can stop you. And, that’s why you will never shut down because you’ll bear down.

knowing the difference between time and money

By David Tepera, October 28, 2021

We all know how much money we have, but none of us knows how much time we have. To keep from financial destruction is to live according to your income. I understand it’s easier said than done, especially with children.

I learned way in the past that unnecessary overspending put me in a financial crunch. Besides cars and a house, I only purchase if I can pay full price.

Don’t get me wrong, those were my mistakes. I hope you have financial control, and money management isn’t a problem. That’s great.

Now, what we don’t know is how much time we have. I have a 73-year-old wealthy friend who once told me, “David, I’ve been saving for a rainy day my whole adult life. Well, it’s raining because I don’t how much time I have left.” Over the past five years, my buddy has been traveling and enjoying time with his wife, family and friends.

So, how can we obtain more time on Earth? You already know the answer. It starts with a healthier lifestyle. Yes, I know every time we walk out the door, it could be our last because of factors out of our control.

But, you need to quit using that as an excuse for being lazy and unhealthy. I know someone close who just got diagnosed with a serious disease. The doctors have already told him that if he weren’t in such good shape and living a healthy lifestyle this disease would be life-threatening. Right now, it’s treatable.

Take a hard look at your lifestyle. Where is all your money and time going? Do you have a cabinet full of a variety of prescriptions? Do you spend your spare time making doctor’s appointments?

Okay, let’s say you do. What changes can you control? Have you set up an appointment with a nutritionist, personal trainer, gym membership or seniors exercise classes? These could be less expensive than doctor appointments, hospital stays, surgeries and so forth.

Don’t get me wrong, I know there are some serious battles out there that make all the medications and doc appointments necessary. I just want you to get in the battle, so you can have more time, a quality of life and spend the rainy-day money.

Now, you know there’s a difference between time and money. Get out there and enjoy both.

what type of gas are putting in your engine?

By David Tepera, October 6, 2021

Most of us own vehicles that fit our lifestyles. This ranges from small cars to SUVs to good ol’ Texas trucks. And, of course, some of you possess sports cars or a variety of motorcycles.

Living in Galveston County, we don’t have the luxury of widespread city transportation, so owning a dependable vehicle is important.

I know gas prices are on the rise again, and everyone is looking for the cheapest available. But, we must be cautious because not all cheap gas is good for the engine. It can make it to run sluggish and cause a poor performance.

Tina’s car has a high-performance engine, so 93-plus octane is our gas of choice. It’s worth the extra money to keep the engine at top level.

Now, your body is a performing engine and a machine itself. What type of gas are you putting in it each day? Which gas did you crank up your body engine this morning? Was it a healthy breakfast that you got up early to make time for? Or another day of greasy fast food because you’re too lazy?

I know facing reality can hurt but not eating healthy or exercising is a lack of discipline and straight up laziness.

I don’t care what your physical condition may be. We have people come to us using walkers, walking sticks, canes and wheel chairs. They don’t let their disability prevent them from lifting weights. Plus, we’re in constant discussion about healthy diets.

What’s it going to take to stop you from making excuses? Aren’t you tired of not having energy or a quality of life?

I understand as we get older that our bodies break down, but don’t let that be your identity. You can sit around with old people, and all everyone wants to talk about are their ailments and doctor’s appointments.

Why don’t you step out of that circle of mental destruction? Why don’t you be the person that promotes exercise and healthy eating among your family and friends? Be the leader.

I promise, what you would consider old people in our gym only talk about golfing, skiing, hiking, gardening and vacationing. Isn’t that what you would like to do again?

Come on, let’s make today the start of something dynamic and new. Step away from bad habits and treat your body like a high-performance engine. Don’t settle for cheap gas because it’s time to rev up your engines and peel out down the road.

learn to welcome the pains of life

By David Tepera, September 29, 2021

It’s been quite an interesting year for me. I had a few friends and family members pass away, including my father and a son. Just know, none were COVID related.

I refer to these experiences as mental and emotional pains. As much as my heart aches, I found a way to allow myself to accept this part of life and move forward.

Also, I’ve been dealing with chronic lower back pain for more than a year. Most mornings start off debilitating, and I can barely walk throughout the house. I’ve been taking over-the-counter pain meds and lubing up with a variety of pain creams. I refer to this experience as physical pain.

Recently, I started seeking medical attention because I’m competing at the end of October and need to be at the top of my game. At 60 years old, I’m quite sure I’ll be the oldest competitor.

Alright, by now, you’re thinking, “OK, David, we all have the same pains, so what’s your point?”

I’ve come to the position in life where I appreciate every day and everyone in my life. I’ve never had this much love in my heart for the people I’m surrounded by. I’m a very lucky man.

Here’s the point; I was explaining to Tina that I welcome all the mental and physical pain I had or have in my life. This is all because at the same time, I get to feel loved, experience victories and make people smile every day.

So you know, besides Tina, I get to see my adult children every day. Even though Dylan is financially independent and has his own apartment, we own a family business, so we get to hug and say how much we love each other throughout the day.

Our 20-year-old daughter lives with us, including college classes and working. We get the same wonderful experience of showing our love each day.

I know that’s a lot of personal information about me, but I’m trying to make you think and reflect on your own life. We can’t escape tragedy and death. As we get older, it seems to chase us down.

Yes, one day we will all die and the pain will go away. But, that’s why we must welcome the pain. It’s God’s way of letting you know to stay in the fight. This world can knock you down, but it can’t knock you out. Stay strong and recognize the love that surrounds you. Every day is a blessing.

change your life with one interception

By David Tepera, September 22, 2021

One of the philosophies Tina and I created to remind ourselves every so often is, “We need an interception.” The message behind this interception is to change our lives.

The interception philosophy came from my perception of J.J. Watt’s claim to fame.

Watt was drafted to the Houston Texans for the 2011 season. He received plenty of “boos” from people for being picked in the first round.

Well, Watt started all 16 games and had an amazing year helping the Texans make the playoffs for the first time in franchise history. He was named Texans Team Rookie of the Year, along with many other pro football rookie teams and awards.

But, what changed Watt’s life was the interception for a touchdown during the playoffs against the Cincinnati Bengals.

Now, the whole country knew who Watt was. He had guest appearances on multiple late-night television shows, starred in many commercials and became the “golden boy” of the National Football League. Everyone wanted to touch Watt and be affiliated with him.

Look, your version of Watt’s success might be different from mine, but I’m only sharing my personal perspective.

To me, it was amazing how one interception for a touchdown can change a person’s life. And, through this, is why Tina and I look and create opportunities to make an interception.

We are extremely blessed and fortunate to have a booming business, but we are wanting to take it to another level to help more people. We are constantly expanding our value and knowledge through social media, guest speaking, and, of course, as a columnist for The Daily News.

Where are you at in life? Are you ready to take it to another level? How can you expose yourself and be noticed? Find out who needs your services and expert knowledge, then set up a meeting. Don’t wait to be asked. It’s time to be aggressive and force the interception.

Don’t just grab the ball, but tuck it tight and start breaking tackles. There’s no one who can stop you from success. When you keep digging your feet with a strong stride, defenders will keep bouncing off.

It will be you crossing the goal line, including showing off with a hard spike — letting everyone know that this is your day, your time and only fools can try to stop you.

Now, get out in this game of life and make that interception to change your life.

A day of golf is similar to a day of life

By David Tepera, September 15, 2021

Recently, I was training one of my golf enthusiast clients. Scott and his good friend Boyd frequent different golf courses each week.

An interesting conversation with Scott led to us agreeing about the comparisons of golf and life. When you’re having a challenging day of golf, it takes extra energy and effort to get back in line. It’s like hooking or slicing the ball, so now you’ve got to dig through the roughage, find the ball and fight your way back to the fairway.

If this continues throughout the game, by the time you finish 18 holes, you’re drained and worn out for the rest of day.

How many of you start your day by pushing the snooze button way too many times? Your first decision of the day made you chase your tail all morning because you’re running late.

Now, you’ve wakened in a bad mood and are stressing everyone else in the house. If you have young school-aged children, you’re probably screaming at them to “get a move on” because of your decision to hit the snooze button. What type of successful day did you just set your children up for?

I’m sure by now, you’re in such a hurry that you’ve stubbed your toe, which made your mood worse. You’re running late to work and realize you’re almost out of gas. You can’t be late to the meeting because you were late last time. Just like yesterday, the day has started off a disaster.

So, does this sound like a typical morning for some of you? Did you shank the ball into the rough and trees, then spent the rest of day trying to get back on the fairway?

Let’s think about a day of golf where you get in the zone. Each drive is down the fairway, chip shots are landing on the green, along with a two-putt. The day is running smooth and easy with less energy. You’re in the best mood possible and showering people you meet with kindness.

Starting tomorrow, no more hitting the snooze button. Get to bed a little earlier and wake your children with love. Let them know this is the best day possible, and when they come home, have them share something exciting and fun they experienced.

Let today be the start of a new beginning. Learn to straighten your club, take a breath and swing with a smooth stroke. No matter where it lies, take your time and make your way back to the fairway because golf is similar to life. Let’s shoot a 72 today.

doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

By David Tepera, September 8, 2021

There’s no secret, we are all afraid to show our weaknesses and failures. We only want people to know us for successes. This is the main reason “doubt” will kill your dreams.

Let me tell you, as I’ve become older, I truly don’t care what other people think or say of me. Throughout my years, I’ve matured into a caring compassionate man who cares for every human and animal on this planet. So, I can only be the best of me and not for others.

Through many guest speeches and writings, I’ve corresponded with countless people about being scared to chase their dreams. You must not doubt your dreams because others will want you to fail. When you fail, people around you will feel better about themselves because they didn’t have the drive to give it a go. And, when you do succeed, they’ll make excuses about themselves, including you getting a lucky break. Just keep pushing forward because this is your life.

Look, we’ve all wished we’d had asked the girl or guy, stand up to the bully, pursued the promotion, started our own business, or continued exercising and dieting. Don’t worry about past mistakes and doubting decisions because those gave you experiences to be better.

Being in health and fitness, we have many older people come to us who think it’s impossible to add muscle and get back in shape. We teach them a weight training formula and their quality-of-life changes forever.

Let’s come to reality, I don’t care how old, broke, overweight and so-on you are. Why are you still doubting yourself? Why haven’t you taken the leap and just go for it? Quit making excuses and listening to others who want you to fail.

Today is a different day. There is nothing that is going to stand in your way to keep from chasing dreams. You can completely change your life at this very moment because you want it.

Shout to the heavens “this is my day and I’m going to kick some serious butt”. No one or anything can stop you or stand in your way because you control your destiny.  

Put your helmet on and bust through any barriers that dare to stand in front of you. Today, life will change forever because you’re never going to doubt yourself again, plus you’re not afraid of failure. Now, look out and get out of my way.

we relive the past to learn and grow

By David Tepera, September 1, 2021

There’s no secret that with age comes wisdom.

I was the oldest father of my children’s friends as they were growing up. I told them many times that they were fortunate to learn through my life’s experiences — unlike their brother Dustin, who was 10 years older. Dustin was fortunate to have the younger and more energetic dad, but less wise.

What’s truly important is we should relive the past — not to judge or dwell, but to learn and grow.

Yes, we’ve all made plenty of life-altering mistakes. I know it’s hard to let go and feel depressed about certain actions or words said to others. But don’t let those experiences define you. They must be lessons to help grow and become a better person.

Most of us would love to go back in time and correct some serious mistakes, but it won’t happen. Believe me, there was a time in past that the dumbest person I knew was me. I would mentally beat myself up for even the littlest of mistakes.

It took a few tragedies to made me realize that I must learn and grow from all experiences of life. This is part of my journey that God laid out for me, and I’m going to use it to help others.

What past mistakes changed your life? Do you still dwell on it or have you learned from it? Sometimes people say and do things we don’t agree with, but who are you to judge them? They have different life experiences than you, so let them be.

I will be honest that as a family of professional athletes, and owning a fitness center, we do struggle accepting the obesity rate in America. We’re humbled changing people’s lives, but the growing numbers are their own pandemic.

How many diets have you failed in the past? What have you learned from them, or are you jumping on the next trend because it’s all over social media?

The lesson of dieting is all about portion control. You can eat anything you want just keep portions under your body type. If you want to lose weight, start cutting portions sizes. I don’t care what unhealthy foods you’re eating, throw out half the fries, take the top bun off the burger and order a small soda instead of the jumbo water tower.

Look, let’s get back to reality. What made you a better person because of past lessons? Why are you a kinder and more gentle person to be associated with?

I hope it’s because you know longer judge and dwell, and only to learn and grow.