All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.

success doesn’t come to you; you go get it.

By David Tepera, August 25, 2021

Becoming successful isn’t random or luck. It’s a mindset. Your mind has the power to turn dreams into reality.

It’s OK to sit around and daydream about certain goals. But you can’t just dream about the outcome. You must put a plan in place to get there.

People aren’t successful by hanging out where money falls into their lap. Of course, some people are fortunate enough to be born into wealthy resources, but if you’re like me, you have to aggressively go after it.

Where’s your work ethic? How bad do you want to improve your life? Don’t accept a mediocre life by flying under the radar. Go full throttle after your passion because success and money will follow.

What’s your definition of success? It can be a variety of accomplishments. I feel successful as a parent because my children are good and kind to all people, plus they are hard workers. My adult children don’t ask for a handout because they put a hand in.

Are you in a successful relationship? Do you both respect and trust each other and treat each other as so? Be honest, can you leave your phone lying around or do you have to keep it in your pocket or purse? I’m not saying spouses should go through each other’s phone, but what are you hiding?

I hope you’re as lucky as I because Tina is my best friend and business partner. We are literally together all day almost seven days a week. We make a dynamic couple, and people tell us as well.

If money is your definition of success, what’s your business plan and model? You can’t look for the quick scheme because you’ll lose in the end. The goal should be to make money and keep the residuals coming. Don’t cut corners or step on people. Again, you’ll lose in the end.

Through 20 years in the medical corporate world, I witnessed a few people trying to make a quick buck. Yes, at first money came abundantly, but they not only lost it in the end, but they lost their reputation along the way. No doctors or hospitals could trust them.

Look, today it’s time to quit daydreaming and wishing. You’re going to write down your wanted successes and put a plan in place. Get off the couch, quit wasting time on social media and negative news outlets and take control of life. Because remember, success doesn’t come to you, you go get it.

it’s time to take back control of your health

By David Tepera, August 19, 2021

Over the past year, we’ve constantly heard about people with underlying health conditions. With today’s current situation, maintaining good health can save your life.

We already know living an unhealthy lifestyle will not only trim years off your life, but there’s no quality either. You’re probably just sitting around most of the time and stuffing yourself with processed or fried foods. I tell people, if it comes in a wrapper or a box, it’s probably not good for you.

Look, I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. I’m not judging people for never exercising or eating properly. To me, you can choose what you want to do or put into your body.

Every one of us makes choices all day long that affect our health. What’s the first choice of food this morning? Was it last night’s leftover fast food or did you cook a balanced breakfast? In other words, did you put premium gas in your tank to start your day or was it another tank of sluggish grease?

Be honest, when’s the last time you sweated during exercise? I know it’s hot these days, so walking to the mailbox doesn’t count.

What’s preventing you from exercising today? Get up a little earlier and stroll through the neighborhood. Tina and I walk the dogs together on weekend mornings. We observe plenty of elderly people enjoying the morning stroll.

If you’re reading this article, plus you have underlying health conditions, then what small changes are you going to make today? Quit with excuses. I’m sure you have a long list of reasons why you’re unhealthy that everyone has heard a thousand times.

Why not flip your thinking and start listing reasons why you’re going to make changes?

Today you’re going to buy fruits, vegetables, low-fat meats, fish, eggs, oatmeal, rice and potatoes. What you’re not going to buy is pasta, bread, dairy or sugar. Don’t misunderstand me, there’s a place for almost all foods, but today there’s not.

Take a walk around the block, also lay on your bed face up and perform flutter kicks to strengthen your core.

Really, it all comes down to discipline or lack of it. Don’t be in the category of “underlying health conditions.” Why are you allowing yourself to get sick? Not anymore because today you’re going to step up your game, slap your old self away and take back control of your health.

to make a difference, it’s the little things

By David Tepera, August 11, 2021

One important concept we teach to our clients is how small changes can enhance a workout — for example, shortening the range of motion to prevent injury, changing hand grips to target muscles better, not locking knees when performing leg presses and how to get in and out of machines properly.

Bottom line, it’s the little things that make the difference.

What are the little things that you’re doing to make life better? When at work, do you find extra work to separate yourself from other co-workers? If you’re in the warehouse, do you step out of your work description by helping to organize inventory? Do you find extra tasks without asking for it? Do you get to work before and leave after your supervisor? This alone gets a lot of positive attention.

What about relationships? Do you open doors and treat your significant other with total respect, especially in public? I tell Tina it’s an honor for me to open doors for her.

What about chores around the house? Do you help clean, cook, do laundry and so on? If not, why not? Even if you both agree on specific sets of chores, why not help the other sometimes?

Here’s one for you: Next time your spouse takes a shower, throw their towel into the dryer. When they’re finished, there’s a warm towel to dry off with. I promise, this will be appreciated.

Do you respond to people with “sir and ma’am?” For some reason, I feel parents aren’t teaching children to respect elders as we were once taught. My children learned proper life etiquette early on, and I’m fortunate to observe them as adults still practice respect toward others.

As you go through your life today, take notice of the little things you do to make a difference. How courteous are you toward others? Do you carry yourself with pride and produce a genuine smile, or do you have that smug look on your face because you think you’re better than others?

Now, let’s get back to healthiness. What little thing are you going to personally accomplish today to be healthier? Take a walk around the block, use that piece of exercise equipment that’s been collecting dust in your house or don’t eat dessert tonight.

Try to do something positive today because you’ll be shocked how big the little things are.

don’t give up, it’s time to rally

By David Tepera, August 4, 2021

We have an elderly rescue dog that’s been in the family for more than 10 years. Because of his age, Baily has developed a few physical and digestive problems. Sometimes these symptoms last a few days, but just when we think Baily’s at his end — he rallies.

Baily goes on a walk every morning, and almost every time, he starts sprinting like a young pup again. You’d never know he’s a senior dog from the way he tries to chase squirrels. To us, it’s Baily’s way of letting us know he’s not ready to give up, yet. And for those of you who might worry, yes, he’s on a leash.

Baily’s situation made me take a closer look at my elderly clients. They come to us with broken parts but not broken determination. After a period of time, they all rally to come back stronger and better, along with more energy.

Yes, we’ll slow down and develop aches and pains, but this is our wake-up call to get back up and rally. Dig deep into your mindset to get up and bounce back into this world. Quit letting time fly by you. Don’t sit there and watch the clock all day. Quit the addiction of watching TV and favorite shows. These are times when you could rally and be exercising.

How about you? Do you think you’re too old, too broke or too ugly? It’s time to throw those negative self-destructive attitudes away. There are no more excuses because today you’re going to start a personal rally.

If you’re confined to a wheelchair, grab some cans of food to use as dumbbells. Lift them over your head, to the side and in front of you. Get your shoulders and arms stronger so you can rally toward a better quality of life. If you can, strap some ankle weights around your legs and perform raises, circles and side to sides. Make your legs stronger so you can rally to start standing and taking steps.

It doesn’t matter your age or circumstances. Get your game face on and rally toward a better life. Let people know you’re not going to accept withering away. No, you’re going to rally and take back your life.

So, congratulations, because starting today, you’re changing your life and the rally cry begins.

age is a mindset, not a number

By David Tepera, July 28, 2021

Well, I’ll turn the “big 6-0” this week. I tried to prepare myself over the last year, realizing it will be a new era. I do agree with my children that 60s is the beginning of sounding old, but you wouldn’t know it if you met me.

I’ve given many speeches, and I tell people that you can’t really control what happens to your body from the neck up, but you have total control from the neck down. Of course, I’m eliminating plastic surgery. Just know, I do support any surgery that gives you confidence.

For me, my hair is thinning, extra wrinkles on my forehead and face, plus the nose seems to keep growing. Yep, the 60s have settled on my face, so I’m trying different potions and lotions.

Now, for what I can control. I’m on a consistent weight lifting and diet program. Tina and I lift weights five days a week — making sure we hit every muscle group. We stay on a strict healthy diet that requires us to eat six to seven meals per day. Right now, we take weekends off unless we are two months from competing.

We’ve been on this routine for years, giving us incredible energy, plus we make a striking couple. It’s common for people to approach us and start asking questions.

Yes, my skin is sagging in some areas with varicose veins, along with aging hands, but I’m not slowing down and neither should you.

Just know that I am not alone. I train from 10 to 11 clients daily. They are all older than I am, with many up into their 70s. It’s quite remarkable to observe their muscles growing, aches and pains disappearing, including increased energy levels. Bottom line — they’ve separated themselves from their peers.

I will say my mail is a reflection of my age. For some reason, it consists of marketing for hearing aids, dentures, assisted living and so forth. I just laugh as it falls into the trash can.

I’m not ready to throw in the towel and accept age as a reason to slow down. Of course, I’m not as fast as I used to be, but I give my best each day to be a better person.

So, what’s your age and excuse? Do you ever say to yourself, “I’m old now, so I’m just going to sit here and let you guys have fun.”? I don’t think so. Do whatever pleases you and don’t worry what others think because remember — it’s a mindset, not a number.

make the dash in between two dates count

By David Tepera, July 21, 2021

Stuart Scott was an analyst at ESPN for many years until he died of cancer in 2015. Before he passed, he offered this statement at an awards show: “Life consists of two dates with a dash in between. Make the dash count.” What a powerful statement from Mr. Scott.

None of us know when life is over. To me, there’s never a time to throw in the towel and give up. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been given a dire diagnosis. This is your moment to fight back and live each day with a purpose.

Personally, Tina and I feel that making a difference in this world means improving the lives of others. Of course, we’re fortunate to own a fitness center and touch lives daily. Improving our clients also improves those around them. It’s the ripple effect like a pebble thrown in the lake.

We know many people who own businesses. They’ve created an opportunity for employees to make a living and raise their families. The owners improved the lives of generations.

Volunteering is one of the most rewarding purposes in life. There are plenty of organizations in need of help. Not just for people, but animal shelters and rescues as well.

Also, recognize we are all living on the “dash” at this moment. What are you going to accomplish today? Are you taking care of yourself in order for the dash to lengthen? What’s the first item of food your body will receive today? Was it healthy or another fast-food drive-through?

What’s the first thought of the day? Did you wake up excited to have another day to be alive and share kindness? Or another day to be grumpy, complain and make others around you miserable?

Believe me, bad attitude and judgmental people are not in our circle. They don’t exist in our gym either. Each morning, Tina and I give each other a big hug, along with words of encouragement as we head out the door. We love each other and love life.

Yes, life will throw us curveballs, but we stay in the batter box and keep swinging because it’s time for a grand slam.

Now, put down the newspaper, put your game face on and get out in this world and make the dash count.

you are a reflection of your habits

By David Tepera, July 14, 2021

Throughout life, we all develop a system of habits. Habits is what keeps us organized, responsible, healthy or not.

Just know, you are a reflection of your daily habits. Are you satisfied with your weight, wealth or mood? According to many studies, 90% of your problems are due to your habits. I know we all want to point the finger for other reasons, but admit it, you are in your situation from your own choice of habits.

Believe me, I made plenty of wrong decisions throughout life. I wanted to blame others for my downfalls, but once I owned my problems, they started to disappear.

Sometimes, I felt backed in a corner with no direction. It was easy to feel depressed and lost, but it was at these moments I gave it all to God to help me. It was such a relief and a weight off my shoulders to know a higher power was going to get me through it. For me, I always came out better than expected. I just needed to be patient and stay strong in my beliefs.

What about you? Take a realistic look at yourself. Do you like what you see? Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Hopefully you are, but if not, today you can make a change.

If your habits are self-destructive, then turn the corner and make the necessary changes. I know it’s not easy, so make one small change to move forward. It will take time, plus have patience and make the best of each day.

It took many years of bad decisions to be overweight, out of shape, financially broke or always in a negative attitude. But, it’s time to let all that go. If you’re not happy, do something about it. It’s you who controls your life. Every day you get to choose to be the person you are or will become.

Listen, life will always throw adversity at us. It’s how we respond that determines our destination. It’s easy to become depressed and the want to “give up” will come crashing down. But no, that’s not how we react anymore.

Don’t use food as a crutch to make you feel better because you know in the end – it won’t. Don’t run to the bars or liquor cabinet to drown your sorrows away because it will only be worse.

Instead, go for walks, join a gym, eat healthier and read positive books. I promise, your life will get much better because starting today, your new habits will reflect the better you.

Forget about “one day” – this is day one

By David Tepera, July 7, 2021

We all have a mental list of things we want to accomplish, but for some reason, they never get started. Well, it’s time to throw away the term “one day” because today is “day one.”

Are you tired of not having any energy and relying on way too many prescriptions? Today, you’ll lace up your sneakers, put on headphones with some upbeat music to head out the door for a brisk walk. The sweat is your body ridding itself of impurities. Each time, you’ll walk an extra 5-10 minutes, which will give you a feeling of accomplishment.

Do you still struggle with bad habits? I understand that you’ve tried to quit multiple times, but don’t give up. Try this; each time you reach for a bad habit, make yourself perform 20 pushups. You don’t have to get on the ground. You can lean over a counter and do them standing. Let this be your new habit.

Have you been wanting to go on a dream vacation? Today, you’ll open a savings account and start putting money away. If you keep the extra money at home, you’ll spend it.

Tina’s and my goal is to vacation in Hawaii for our anniversary in the year 2023. We started our savings this year by putting money toward it each month. Some months are better than others, but something always gets deposited.

How long have you been putting off certain projects? It’s time to quit finding excuses and get started. Once you’re in the zone, you’ll find a way to finish.

Do you feel there’s a need to go back to school or find a different career path? Start your internet research today, so you can come up with a plan. Once you get in motion, you’ll find different paths and people to help lead to your success.

One thing we can all do is start giving an act of kindness. Don’t expect anything in return, because it’s amazing what one kind word or a smile can do for someone. I’ve made it habit to compliment all my clients and family members each day. It means much to them coming from me, and you can be that person too.

Really, it all comes down to quit procrastinating. We all live on a schedule of habits. It’s what keeps us comfortable. But that’s just it; it’s time to jump out of your comfort zone and get started. There’s no more “one day” because today is “day one.”

the comeback should be greater than the setback

By David Tepera, June 30, 2021

We all face many setbacks throughout life. Your goal should always make the comeback greater than the setback.

What is your list of setbacks? How did you recover and come back stronger? Never let setbacks keep you down. It’s a part of life that helps build character, confidence and strong will.

Of course, some setbacks will take time, but if you stick to your plan, you can set personal records.

A quote from Usain Bolt: “I trained four years to run 9 seconds and people give up when they don’t see results in two months”.

Many of us had setbacks from the pandemic. Our fitness center took a hard hit like many other businesses, but we put a plan together, and our business is booming greater than it ever has.

Maybe you were diagnosed with a disease. This isn’t a time to curl up and give up. No, it’s your time put on a game face and start the fight. Just like a prize fighter, it could take several rounds, months or even years. But, when you stay in the fight and keep swinging, you’ll eventually knock out your opponent.

Remember, as we get older, we all have different health issues that evolve. This is your body telling you to start a healthier lifestyle, not to throw in the towel.

My 102-year-old friend and client Pater Johnson passed away recently, and we lifted weights together until the last week of his life. Humbly, he claimed our weight training gave him an extra two years of life. I’ll give more details in a future column.

So, what are you going to do today for a stronger comeback? I’m hoping as you’re reading this column that you’re throwing away excuses. You’ve had enough of sitting around and waiting on Father Time to take you away.

Don’t wait for tomorrow because you can make progress today. Don’t let today be like yesterday. Each day is valuable, so get your body in motion. Take control and never let others dictate your life. Make each day better than before.

Recently, I’ve had to say “goodbye” to a few friends and family members. To me, it’s my reminder that life is precious, and I must continue to fight and spread love to all those around me.

Now, get up, look in the mirror and give yourself a pep-talk because today you’ll make the comeback greater than the setback.

it’s the little things that tell us about you

By David Tepera, June 23, 2021

People usually want others to form opinions about them by the words they speak. I’ve heard many great leaders and coaches with uplifting speeches. I’ve also listened to so-called ordinary people promote themselves by telling others how they should behave.

I’m sure all these people have good intentions, though some may not. But what tells me about you are the little things.

For example, where do you leave your shopping cart? Are you courteous of others by putting it back in the rack or are you showing lack of respect and laziness by leaving it in the parking lot?

No, you didn’t break any laws or cause harm to others, but you also didn’t care for anyone but yourself. Most of us fear shopping carts hitting our cars or not being able to park in a particular space. To me, you’re lazy and selfish.

How do you treat total strangers? Are you courteous to open doors for others? Do you respond to people with “ma’am” and “sir?”

Gentlemen, if you’re at a gathering of people and there’s not enough chairs for everyone, do you offer your seat to women or the elderly? This action or not is a true test of character.

For those who frequent gyms and fitness centers: Do you rerack your weights? Are you hanging out on one particular piece of equipment for a long period of time? Are you hogging several exercise machines because your workout is more important than that of others? I don’t care how in shape or muscular you are. To the rest of us, you’re insecure and a bonehead.

Now, for the rest of you. When I see someone doing a good deed, I will let them know how thankful I am. The deed does not have to be for me.

People who are courteous and respect others are our true leaders in life. It’s your actions that bring happiness and positivity back in the world. You might never get the recognition you deserve, but I’m sure you’re not looking for it either, because it’s just who you are.

If you want to get further in business, relationships or in life, then start showing others through actions. It’s not just words that excite others, it’s hands-on and hard work. Lift people up, don’t put them down.

Remember, it’s the little things that tell us about you.