All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.

words of wisdom give people direction

By David Tepera, June 16, 2021

Many years ago, when I was in my early 30s, I was single and starting a new career. I knew my dad was full of wisdom, plus I needed some direction. So, I asked dad, “If you were my age again, how would you change your life?”

We sat there drinking his Miller Lite beer and put a plan together to help his son become a better man. That moment was a life changer for both of us.

How about you? Do you have someone who can offer words of wisdom? Maybe, you have gifted experience to help others. I’ve written about it before, but I have the privilege of training many successful people, so I sometimes pick their brains.

For all you young people, I know some of you think us older folk are out of touch with the current world, but I guarantee you, if you would take the time to sit with an older relative, you will gain some wisdom.

My grandmother lived to be 92 years old. She would sometimes share how life was when she was growing up during tough times and the Depression. Grandma worked several jobs to feed a family of six people. She instilled a strong work ethic in all her children, including my dad.

My sister and I were fortunate to have two parents that taught us to never be lazy and work for what you earn.

As someone who’s been in the health and fitness industry for more than 30 years, one thing I want you to consider, if you’re not taking care of your wellness, eventually, you’ll take care of your illness. It’s never too late to get started. That’s why a large number of our clients are well into their 60s and 70s.

To me, this country has a growing population of laziness. It’s time to stop pointing the finger at others for your obesity and health conditions. You have total control of your life.

It’s you who chooses to eat certain foods. It’s you who chooses to exercise or not. How many prescription bottles are in your medicine cabinet? I’m sure you could get rid of or at least minimize certain prescriptions by starting an exercise program. You can be mad at me, but you know I’m right. It’s time to get off the couch and take back your health.

Look, if you’re struggling with life circumstances, reach out and find a professional, friend or someone who has a positive outlook on life, and ask for their wisdom. I hope this will get you back in the right direction.

Take control and get back your life today.

what experience do you offer others?

By David Tepera, June 9, 2021

No matter what industry you’re involved in, what would make customers want to come back to you? When people are in your presence, what experience do they walk away with?

When our daughter Daylyn was a waitress at an upscale restaurant, I explained, “People will request you as their server if they had a great experience.”

It seems there are unlimited restaurants in our area to dine out. The atmosphere can be amazing or ordinary, and if we have a nice experience, we will go back. Otherwise, we have many other choices.

Admit it, if you had a negative experience, you’ll spend your money somewhere else.

Tina and I have a list of restaurants and businesses we will never go back to because the experience was way underwhelming for various reasons.

For all the gym owners and personal trainers, your business is built and will thrive according to a client’s experience. We have many older clients come to us because they had a bad experience at other gyms. It’s a must to listen to the client’s needs, medical conditions (if any), age and plan training accordingly.

Just so you know, we do support other gyms and send people to them if the client’s goals don’t fit our environment. There’s a gym or facility for everyone. You just have to do your research.

What about you? Do you project positive behavior in the presence of others? We all deal with negative situations in our lives, so do your best to keep personal drama to yourselves. Your reputation will generate or lose business.

As a parent, what experience are you offering children? There’s plenty of divorced parents who need to get past their differences and learn to co-parent to give children proper life experiences. Just know, your children are constantly watching and listening to you. For some of you, it’s time to grow up and be an adult. It’s not too late.

Remember, every single day we step out into this world to gain another experience. The only person who can change their surroundings is you. Only associate with people who are like-minded. Those who are self-driven and improve those around them. You want to be that person.

At the end of today, your life will be filled with the experiences you chose to have. Take control of your life and be a role model to others. Your life will be fulfilled knowing that others’ lives are better with you in it. It’s time for you to offer positive experiences for others.

coach ray tepera, a true lamarque legend

By David Tepera, May 26, 2021

With a heavy heart, but with much honor, this article is dedicated to my amazing dad, who everyone knew as coach Ray Tepera.

Dad died on May 19 after a 5-year battle with melanoma. My mom Eileen Tepera, sister Karen Tepera Franklin and I would like to thank all that have reached out to us.

My family moved to La Marque in 1968 when dad was hired by head football coach Orville Ethridge. Dad was the last living La Marque Tiger football coach before consolidating with Lincoln Eagles in the early 1970s to begin the Cougar dynasty.

During dad’s 28 years at La Marque, besides football, he taught science, ran the driver’s ed program in the summers and was the head baseball coach during the 1975-76 season when they needed help.

Of course, dad’s passion was football. He quickly became the defensive coordinator serving under four different head coaches. During the mid-1970s, dad created a unique defensive strategy, along with some talented athletes to dominate the district. This La Marque defense became known as the “Blue Devils.”

What most people don’t know is that dad was being recruited by numerous Division I colleges, but he didn’t want to uproot his family while Karen and I were in school. Dad loved coaching at La Marque, so we stayed.

You see, growing up as a coach’s son, I was around sports my entire life. As a child, I was the bat boy for the baseball team, ball boy for football, jumped hurdles with the track team, shot hoops with basketball, swimming and so on. I was with my dad all the time. We were best buddies to the end.

Once dad retired from coaching and teaching, La Marque did hire him back to run the co-op program during the 1990s. Fortunate for me, that’s when I was hired by head football coach Alan Weddell. Weddell knew the Tepera pedigree is thick, even though I was never the level as my famous father, but dad was my mentor.

One very special moment for dad and I happened as we were walking the high school halls together. Some student behind us yelled, “Hey coach Tepera,” so we both turned to see who they wanted. The question was for me.

You see, my whole life, I was known as coach Tepera’s son. It was at that moment, my dad became coach Tepera’s father. We smiled as I put my arm around him and continued down the hall.

Dad finally completely retired, and I went into the medical industry for 20 years before opening our fitness center.

All the years of playing and coaching football, the sun’s damage finally caught up to my dad. We are of Czechoslovakia decent and fair-skinned. So you know, dad was full blooded and English was his second language.

Lastly, there’s not one person who knew my dad that doesn’t have a great inspiring story. He touched so many students, athletes, friends, family and co-workers throughout his entire life.

Our family will never be the same without you, but you did leave us treasured memories. I love you daddy. See you in heaven.

Until next week, keep moving and improving.

remember to take it one day at a time

By David Tepera, May 19, 2021

We all set goals to achieve something big. You must learn to be patient with yourself and keep striving forward because it takes one day at a time.

Most everyone wants to lose weight. What’s preventing you from achieving that goal? It took a long time of bad eating habits, along with lack of exercise to be in your current condition. So, you must be patient, continue making healthier decisions, and you’ll reach your target.

We explain to all our new clients that building lean muscle, better bone density and other body changes will take time. If you stay consistent, you’ll start feeling better within the first couple of weeks. Even better, you’ll notice the muscle growth typically in the fifth week of weight training. Just keep pushing forward and take it one day at a time.

Most notable, the word “consistency” is key. If you have one bad day of eating or missing a workout, pick it back up the following day. Don’t let time get away and never give up.

I’ve spoken to many people training for their first marathon, triathlon and other long-distance events. The message to achieve these goals is to not only take it one day at a time, but to take it one step at a time.

Sometimes the finish line seems so far away, but if you keep taking a step forward, you’re closer to winning than you were from the last step. I hope that makes sense.

This pertains to every aspect of life. Are you trying to build a successful business, a loving, trusting marriage and most importantly, a stronger relationship with God?

How many of you are battling disease, addictions, depression or other challenging components of life? Yes, bad days and setbacks will happen because the cure never seems quick enough.

You must dig deep, stay on course because there’s a warrior inside you that wants to keep fighting. With each day of winning, you’ll eventually become “king of the mountain.”

What’s stopping you from taking a step? Let this be the first day of “one day at a time.” Why not? If you didn’t do today what you didn’t do yesterday, you’re another day behind.

It’s time to get up off the couch, shut your laptops and iPhones, and get back in the real world to accomplish your dreams. All it takes is one day at a time.

life is a cycle of good, great and challenging

By David Tepera, May 12, 2021

Recently, I was having a conversation with my 20-year-old daughter Daylyn. She’s stressing over this week’s college finals because high grades are important to her. This prompted a discussion about many challenges we face throughout life.

I explained to Daylyn that we all live in cycles. There are times when everything is going good, times when things are great and, of course, times we face challenges that seem detrimental. We can never stay in just one cycle.

So, what does this mean? No matter what cycle of life you’re facing, it is only temporary until the next cycle comes.

Yes, when things are good, you’re probably cruising along, feeling healthy and financially stable. No matter what’s going on in the world, you’re in a good place.

Even better is the great cycle. You might have just received a promotion or the big bonus. How about going on the first date with your current spouse? That wonderful exciting feeling to finally be with the person you’ve been wanting.

What about the first time you bought your house or a brand-new car? Nowadays, I get excited buying a new pair of sneakers. They cost about the same as a down payment on a car, but I look real sporty in them.

For all you boaters, your great days are when you bought the boat and the day you sold it. Those things are way too expensive to keep. I know, I used to be you.

If you’re in the challenging cycle where everything seems to be crumbling, you must hang in there and keep fighting because the great cycle is coming.

It’s during the difficult times where we develop character and learn to be survivors. For each challenging cycle, we come out stronger and build more confidence to battle the next cycle.

Don’t let setbacks and possible catastrophes define you. What defines you is how you respond to adversity. Do you blame others, curl up and hide? Or pick yourself up and keep grinding forward?

Whatever life cycle you’re facing today, embrace the moments because things will change soon. Whichever one it is, keep your head high, show pride and respect all those around you because today will be the start of the great cycle.

now it’s time to do it for you

By David Tepera, May 5, 2021

There’s typically that one person in each family who becomes the caretaker of others. Are you the one who constantly gives of themselves? In time of need and despair, you’re the one who steps up and helps family, friends and sometimes coworkers.

But, the person I’m writing to the most is those of you who’ve spent or are spending years helping sick family members. It’s you who helped ailing parents, spouses, siblings or other family members back to health or until death.

To me, I feel you are one of the angels that put their life on hold to make others’ life circumstances better. You’ve sacrificed your own health to care for others. There’s been no spare time for you.

How about parents or single parents who’ve sacrificed all their time raising children? You have a full-time job during the day, running children to practices in the evening, along with homework, cooking and cleaning. Most weekends are filled with children’s game days and birthday parties.

There’s truly no spare time for you and, over the years, it’s wreaked havoc on your health and body.

For all of you who have similar situations, at some point, you must say to yourself, “Now it’s time to do it for me.”

As we get older, our health deteriorates more rapidly than in our younger years.

We have a new 79-year-old client named Beverly who inspired this article. She chose to not throw in the towel and start a new chapter in life. When I first met Beverly, she already had the mindset and determination “to do it for her.” We’re honored to take her on this exciting journey to invigorate and enjoy life better than expected.

We actually have many elderly clients with similar stories who chose to take back life and not let it slip away.

What about you? Have you reached that point in life where it’s time to do it for you? It doesn’t matter age or health conditions. Don’t give up and be a fighter for yourself.

You’ve got to get your body in motion. It could be as simple as walking around the block.

I have one elderly client that I train at his home because of specific health issues. We train on his recliner with hand and ankle weights, then he uses a walker as we do laps throughout his house.

Now, take a look at yourself, stare in the mirror deep into your eyes, and repeat, “That’s it, it’s time to do it for me.”

Guess what? Today, you’ll change your life.

Today is a new day for new opportunity

By David Tepera, April 28, 2021

We all have dreams of success, money and happiness. If you keep striving to do your best each day, you’ll surpass any goal thought possible.

How do you see yourself in the near and far future? Whatever that dream may be, do you carry yourself as if you’ve already accomplished that goal? Do you project the character traits as a person of success?

Too many people think they will change their behaviors once they’ve achieved certain goal status. Why not act like you’ve already accomplished that dream?

If you be it, you will become it. It’s the only way to attract your desires into your life.

Before Tina and I bought the gym we now own, we would walk through the facility as if we already owned it. We pointed out certain structures and equipment we’re going to change to fit our clients’ needs. The previous owners weren’t going to sell for another year, but we attracted the opportunity and bought it within two months.

Our business rapidly grew because we showed our true character and passion to help people change their lives. We treated each new day as an opportunity to build our brand.

What are you going to achieve today? If you’re giving your best, new opportunity is coming for you. Believe me, hard work and long days will always pay off. If not, it’s time to pivot into a better direction. Keep striving because good people will be attracted into your life and this creates new opportunity.

It’s as easy as setting the alarm clock a little earlier and stop watching evening television. Instead, do something productive like reading motivational books, literature, exercise, eat healthier, finish projects and so on.

You’ve accomplished other feats and goals in your life, so why stop now? Don’t accept status quo. I don’t care what your financial status may be, age or health condition. You’re still breathing, so get up and get going. Quit wasting days and life away. You’re better than that and you know it.

You have a purpose in this life, and it’s not going to come to you. The world is waiting on you, so put your game face on, walk out that door because today is a new day for new opportunity.

when starting some things, there’s no need to go all in

By David Tepera, April 21, 2021

Throughout life, there are times we really get excited about starting something, so we jump in with both feet. Yes, this is important when starting a career, education, certain projects and some others.

Now, here are a couple of things you need to slow down and take your time or you will fail.

We’ve seen it too often when clients get excited about training with us. Some want to train more than three times a week, including training all other days on their own.

I guarantee, all of them burn out in a short period of time. We do our best to slow them down and only train with us two days a week for starters. Really, our program only needs two days a week of weight training. If you’re lifting on your own, then three days a week is plenty.

Remember, getting back in shape and changing your life is a marathon, not a sprint. It took a long time to get out of shape, so it will take time to gain it back.

This goes for dieting as well. If you try to drastically change your eating habits, then you will fail – again. Take your time and only make small changes every few weeks. Over the coming months, your body and mind will adjust, and the dieting becomes easier.

You need to take this same advice when starting relationships. Of course, we all get infatuated when dating someone of interest. But, give it time to know the real person and observe their true character. Through time, most people will expose any red flags that you must analyze.

How do they speak of others, treat people, and respond to adversity? It’s difficult for me to listen to a person constantly in a negative state of mind.

In the past, I would drive my wife Tina crazy because I can flip any perceived bad situation into goodness. Now, Tina sees the world as I do and it’s made her life less stressful.

Look, whatever adventures you’re getting into, try to take your time and see the big picture. When things take a turn, you’ll be ready to pivot in the right direction. So, when starting something, slow down before going all in.


By David Tepera, April 13, 2021

Today, you might feel stuck in a rut, depressed, anxious or are having mentally destructive thoughts. But, I want you to find peace knowing there’s no final version of yourself.

Yes, we will continue to have setbacks, but you’ll also experience victories and happiness because we are in a constant state of change. All it takes is to pick yourself up, shake off the dust and get back in this battle of life.

Never accept failure as the final outcome. Failure teaches us to pivot and change directions to get closer to winning.

You can apply this toward any adversity you are experiencing or will in the near future.

Of course, most people fail at about every new fad diet program. Yes, you lost weight in the beginning, but it typically comes back once the program is over.

If you can’t live the rest of your life on any diet program, you will fail. You don’t need to dump your money into fad diets because you’ll end up depressed and probably in worst shape from when you started.

Your body needs the nutrition from all food groups. To lose weight and keep it off requires a lifestyle.

I’ve been a guest speaker to multiple organizations this year. Just so happens the last two speaking engagements were in front of a large group of seniors.

My message to them and all of you reading today is to realize that you must get involved in some type of weight training program.

Don’t throw in the towel because you think you’re too old, fat and unhealthy. Even if you’re confined to a wheelchair, walkers, canes and so forth, you can still change that version of yourself through weight training.

I guarantee, you can still build muscle, stronger bone density, slow down osteoarthritis, including having more energy.

Does your medicine cabinet look like the local pharmacy? Wouldn’t you like to reduce or possibly eliminate certain medications? How expensive are your doctor bills and trips to the hospital? Compare that to a gym membership or buying a few weights for home use.

We have tons of weight training and diet videos on our Ageless-Muscle Facebook page, which include easy home weight training. I’m not putting this into my article for marketing purposes because all of our information is free.

Look, bottom line, find peace knowing there’s never a final version of yourself, so it’s time to get back in the game.

four questions that prove how committed you are

By David Tepera, April 7, 2021

During the 1990s, when I was a high school coach of multiple sports, I had a list of questions that I referred to athletes. I can’t remember the author’s name, but this shortened list came from a sports analysis book.

As I go through these four character traits list, try to apply them to you as an employee, spouse, parent or as a person.

No. 1: What time do they arrive at practice? Are you always late, allfrazzled and unorganized, or early, excited and eager to get started? Just know, this particular entrance sets the tone and attitude toward you for the rest of day from coaches or bosses.

No. 2: What attitude do they bring? Are you the athlete that dreads practice, including a bad attitude toward other players and coaches? Are you the coworker that talks negatively about others and shares all your personal problems? Look, we all have personal situations in our lives. Leave yours at home.

Leaders are found with the winning attitude they bring to practice and work place. Coaches enjoy developing young players with little athletic ability but show up with a team player’s mentality.

No. 3: Are they open to feedback? Does an athlete receive feedback positively to help improve their skills, or do they make excuses and point fingers?

As an employee, you must not only accept feedback from employers, but should ask questions of how to become more productive. Be that person who is willing to step up their game by wanting feedback.

No. 4: What extra work are they willing to do? Do these athletes head to the weight room after practice and on weekends? Are they willing to perform extra drills to improve skills?

As an employee, do you ask for extra projects to show your worth and prove leadership skills? Do you study the playbook or willing to learn other rolls to help your company win in this competitive environment?

Out of all these character traits, which one describes you the best? I hope all of them.

These particular questions could be asked for all parts of life. Your attitude to others will determine the true you. What’s the perception and character trait you express in the outside world?

If you’re feeling deficient in any of these questions, take the necessary steps today to improve your life. Each day you do nothing is a day lost.

Don’t be afraid to step out of the crowd and chase your own dreams because it’s time to prove how committed you are.