All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.


By David Tepera, April 13, 2021

Today, you might feel stuck in a rut, depressed, anxious or are having mentally destructive thoughts. But, I want you to find peace knowing there’s no final version of yourself.

Yes, we will continue to have setbacks, but you’ll also experience victories and happiness because we are in a constant state of change. All it takes is to pick yourself up, shake off the dust and get back in this battle of life.

Never accept failure as the final outcome. Failure teaches us to pivot and change directions to get closer to winning.

You can apply this toward any adversity you are experiencing or will in the near future.

Of course, most people fail at about every new fad diet program. Yes, you lost weight in the beginning, but it typically comes back once the program is over.

If you can’t live the rest of your life on any diet program, you will fail. You don’t need to dump your money into fad diets because you’ll end up depressed and probably in worst shape from when you started.

Your body needs the nutrition from all food groups. To lose weight and keep it off requires a lifestyle.

I’ve been a guest speaker to multiple organizations this year. Just so happens the last two speaking engagements were in front of a large group of seniors.

My message to them and all of you reading today is to realize that you must get involved in some type of weight training program.

Don’t throw in the towel because you think you’re too old, fat and unhealthy. Even if you’re confined to a wheelchair, walkers, canes and so forth, you can still change that version of yourself through weight training.

I guarantee, you can still build muscle, stronger bone density, slow down osteoarthritis, including having more energy.

Does your medicine cabinet look like the local pharmacy? Wouldn’t you like to reduce or possibly eliminate certain medications? How expensive are your doctor bills and trips to the hospital? Compare that to a gym membership or buying a few weights for home use.

We have tons of weight training and diet videos on our Ageless-Muscle Facebook page, which include easy home weight training. I’m not putting this into my article for marketing purposes because all of our information is free.

Look, bottom line, find peace knowing there’s never a final version of yourself, so it’s time to get back in the game.

four questions that prove how committed you are

By David Tepera, April 7, 2021

During the 1990s, when I was a high school coach of multiple sports, I had a list of questions that I referred to athletes. I can’t remember the author’s name, but this shortened list came from a sports analysis book.

As I go through these four character traits list, try to apply them to you as an employee, spouse, parent or as a person.

No. 1: What time do they arrive at practice? Are you always late, allfrazzled and unorganized, or early, excited and eager to get started? Just know, this particular entrance sets the tone and attitude toward you for the rest of day from coaches or bosses.

No. 2: What attitude do they bring? Are you the athlete that dreads practice, including a bad attitude toward other players and coaches? Are you the coworker that talks negatively about others and shares all your personal problems? Look, we all have personal situations in our lives. Leave yours at home.

Leaders are found with the winning attitude they bring to practice and work place. Coaches enjoy developing young players with little athletic ability but show up with a team player’s mentality.

No. 3: Are they open to feedback? Does an athlete receive feedback positively to help improve their skills, or do they make excuses and point fingers?

As an employee, you must not only accept feedback from employers, but should ask questions of how to become more productive. Be that person who is willing to step up their game by wanting feedback.

No. 4: What extra work are they willing to do? Do these athletes head to the weight room after practice and on weekends? Are they willing to perform extra drills to improve skills?

As an employee, do you ask for extra projects to show your worth and prove leadership skills? Do you study the playbook or willing to learn other rolls to help your company win in this competitive environment?

Out of all these character traits, which one describes you the best? I hope all of them.

These particular questions could be asked for all parts of life. Your attitude to others will determine the true you. What’s the perception and character trait you express in the outside world?

If you’re feeling deficient in any of these questions, take the necessary steps today to improve your life. Each day you do nothing is a day lost.

Don’t be afraid to step out of the crowd and chase your own dreams because it’s time to prove how committed you are.

success isn’t guaranteed, but failure is if you give up

By David Tepera, March 31, 2021

If you’ve ever competed in something, losing can be difficult to accept. But remember, losing is a lesson to help us get closer to success.

There are differences between losing and failure. Failure is only negative if you give up. Of course, we’ve all beaten up ourselves for giving up on something too soon.

During my 30s and early 40s, I fought many times during my martial arts career. In one of my full contact fights, I was knocked down in the first round. I wasn’t physically hurt, but mentally, I lost my confidence and chose not to continue the fight.

That particular fight has haunted me the rest of my life. I’ve refought that round thousands of times in my head of where I went wrong, including how I would have changed my strategy. This doesn’t mean I would had succeeded, but failure was guaranteed since I gave up.

What haunts you? What would you have done differently to be more successful? You can’t re-ring that bell, but I hope lessons were learned.

Most people fail diet programs because they gave up too quickly. Starting anything is difficult, but if you keep grinding, your success rate is closer to a guarantee.

How many of you are battling addictions, but you keep falling off the wagon? Don’t let one bad day take you off your path. Just pick up where you left off and get back on the road toward success. Some people might need professional help, but remember, there’s a strong person lurking inside you, so stay in the fight.

Many marriages and relationships fail for multiple reasons. Part of this separation could be from your lack of respect and participation. Maybe you can make amends with a sincere apology and effort. But, if not, I hope the heartbreaking lesson will make you a better partner in the future.

Just know, other people want us to fail. It makes them feel better about themselves for not ever trying. If someone says you can’t, give them a big smile and walk off.

I’m trying to stress to never give up the fight. It’s time to stop regretting, keep pushing forward, even though success isn’t guaranteed, failure is — if you give up.

the future depends on what you did today

By David Tepera, March 24, 2021

Yesterday was the past, so whatever you accomplished or not is over, done and gone. If it was a bad day, don’t let it destroy your tomorrow. Today is another day to build confidence, honesty and character. It’s time to get back to work on the better you.

What’s on your “accomplish list” for today? Do you have a plan, or are you letting others dictate your future? You have complete control of how you’re going to respond to today’s interactions with life.

Tina, our son Dylan and I share a common app named Cozi. This particular app encompasses every scheduled client, including tasks needed each day for our business. We each have a certain list of responsibilities, along with client times for training. Cozi keeps us organized and on target to complete our daily “accomplished list.” I’m sure there’s other apps, but this is the one we’re using.

You might not need any special technology to keep you organized, so whatever you’re doing, have a method for listing daily goals.

It could require getting to work 15 minutes early or staying 15 minutes later. Those extra few minutes could make a difference in completing projects that get you the bonus or promotion. Just think of how your future could depend on it by what you did today.

Are you taking the time to cook healthy meals for the week? That way you can stay on schedule with a proper diet, otherwise you’ll keep driving through for fast foods.

Do you carry your workout clothes to work? If not, you’ll come up with every excuse possible to keep from going to the gym.

Does your house stay messy because you’re a procrastinator? Did you make your bed before leaving for work? What’s the first thing you’ve completed each morning? Don’t leave your house without accomplishing something. At least you’ve started your day in the right direction.

We each have a different list of goals needed to make our future better. Today is the day to get out of your old routine because it’s not getting you anywhere.

Most people resist change because they focus on what they’re giving up, instead of what they have to gain. Sometimes taking a risk is better than regretting.

Now, get out there and start making changes because your future depends on what you did today.

Without struggle, success has no value

By David Tepera, March 17, 2021

We all love hearing stories about people who rose from rags to riches. In case you didn’t know, the majority of multi-millionaires and billionaires are self-made people, with many never attending or graduating college.

So, obviously, the road to wealth and success wasn’t an easy journey. We can only imagine the long tireless days, no vacations, failures, setbacks and so on. But, with strong character, work ethic, thick skin and perseverance, nothing and no one was going to stop these people from reaching their dreams.

Well, do these character traits sound like you? Are you in the midst of chasing your dreams? Are you on the road to victory because nothing can stand in your way? Remember, failure will happen and is part of the process. That’s why without struggle, success has no value.

Personally, I feel there are way too many people putting a hand out and not a hand in. If you truly want something, you have to earn it. You must go for it, put both feet in and fight your way to victory. You’ll get knocked down but come up swinging because you’re strong, viable and winning is the only option.

I know a gentleman dealing with a serious illness that is life threatening. His struggles and treatment are wreaking havoc on his body. It’s taken a few years, but he chose not to throw in the towel, and he is now on the road to recovery. His struggles have proved their value because he added years for a quality of life.

Now, let’s take struggles on a smaller scale. I’m sure there are plenty of you battling a diet program. We know plenty of people who’ve stuck with the process and loss the pounds wanted. If losing weight was easy, America wouldn’t have an obesity epidemic. You’ve separated yourself from the majority with your success.

No matter what you’re dealing with today, your struggles and persistence will take you across the finish line.

Just remember, without struggle, success has no value, so you’ve earned the right to take a victory lap and be proud of your accomplishments.

I’ve got bad news for bad news

By David Tepera, March 10, 2021

Recently, our family received some bad news that will affect all of us. But, guess what, Mr. Bad News? I’ve got bad news for you because you can’t keep us down!

This is the beauty of having a strong relationship with your family. We can circle the wagons and conquer any bad news thrown our way. The Tepera name is filled with pride, so bad news might make us bend for a moment, but you can’t break us.

Now, how many of you received some bad news lately? Have you been diagnosed with a terrible disease? Take on this disease like a prize fighter, make necessary changes and start throwing punches because you got bad news for bad news.

It’s no longer just a physical challenge, you’ve got to take on a new mindset to overcome anything thrown your way.

Have you recently lost a job? Well, this is your wakeup call to chase your dreams. You’ve always wanted to start a different career path, so go for it because you got bad news for bad news.

It might take a little time, but you will soar into a better income and live the life you’ve dreamed about.

Did your longtime relationship just end? Of course, the heartbreak can be unbearable at times, but this is your opportunity to focus on you. Start exercising and eating healthier because this will produce happy endorphins. Spend time alone and do some soul searching and find out you are this amazing person. The person who left you didn’t deserve the beauty you truly possess.

Listen, we all face adversity throughout our lives. It’s the one part of our life’s journey we all share. We can’t always control what happens to us, but we have control on how we respond.

It’s OK to be angry and upset, but it’s also time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. You might get knocked down, but you can’t get knocked out.

Let today be that moment to take a stand because we got bad news for bad news.

the best days of your life are coming

By David Tepera, March 3, 2021

Throughout life, we have good days and bad days. It’s easy to get caught up and feel depressed when you’re having a bad day.

Sometimes, these bad days seem to linger for quite some time. Just remember, we have good days, too, so know, they are just around the corner.

Try not to complicate life. Once the day is over, it’s no longer in your life. Let each day be a better day because your time is too valuable to waste on unnecessary stress.

We have many clients trying their best to stay on certain types of diet programs. Just because you had a bad day of eating, it doesn’t mean you’ve fallen off your path.

One day of bad eating doesn’t create a fat body. It’s constant bad eating that makes you overweight. So, just pick back up where you left off because better days are coming.

Setting goals is easy. Anyone can do that. It’s having the discipline and dedication to reach and conquer anything you set your mind to — that’s the challenge.

For those who know me, I’m very open to discuss losing my 23-year-old son Dustin more than eight years ago. I’ve helped multiple people who had dealt or are dealing with the loss of a close relative.

Today and many days coming will seem like the worst time of your life. And, yes, they actually are devastating, plus you struggle with depression through those times. But know, you must let your mind remember all the great memories and allow yourself to smile and laugh. I promise this will help because your best days are around the corner. It takes time, but you’ll get there.

How many of you are dealing with a divorce, which includes child custody? This is a difficult time because you’re probably not getting along with your former spouse. Please remember, do not pin the children against the other parent. It doesn’t matter your opinion of each other. That’s not the children’s fault. I guarantee, the children love you both the same.

One day, the children will grow up and form their own opinion of each of you. So, be careful what you say around those innocent children.

Don’t let those children have any bad days. They’re not supposed to have bad days, so make their best days be present.

Listen, whatever you’re dealing with today, don’t let that define your character because with the right attitude, your best days are coming and everything smooths out in the end.

It’s the battle before the battle that counts most

By David Tepera, February 25, 2021

If you’ve ever competed in anything, you’ll understand the battle before the battle is where you gain confidence to win.

For any sporting event, you’ll battle all the practices, training, coaching, along with possible sweat, blood and tears. The harder the work and the more dedication you put into this will prepare you for game day, which is obvious the ultimate battle.

During the 1990s, as an assistant football coach for La Marque Cougars, the battle started in July. Two-a-day practices in the brutal heat, following a season of games and leadership helped a five-year span of state final appearances, winning three of them. Remember, state championships are in December, so everyone battled for six months to get to the biggest battle of all.

As a coach, your goal is for all those athletes to learn to take that “battle before the battle” attitude in life.

What are you battling today? What’s your ultimate championship you’re trying to win? This could be academic. It typically takes four years to obtain a bachelor’s degree. Maybe, you’re an apprentice learning a new trade. It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to obtain just keep battling until the end.

Whatever you’re trying to accomplish, it’s the battle that’ll get you to the big battle. You must take on the mindset to win. Don’t settle with sitting on the bench as satisfaction. Don’t fly below the radar and not get the promotions. Whatever you’re battling, out-work your opponents.

I have to give a big shout out to all my fellow competitors. The 2021 bodybuilding season has started, and we are all battling each day to get ready to battle each other on game day.

Tina, our 20-year-old daughter Daylyn and I are competing in a show this coming October. Our training intensity started this month. It’s crazy because we’ll train for the next eight to nine months to step on stage for only minutes at a time. We aren’t there to be in the show, we are there to win.

The year 2020 was a big set back to many of us. Don’t let that deflate you. You’re better than that. It’s time to regather yourself and get back in the battle. Let the blood boil, put your game face back on, so get out there to kick some serious butt. No one can keep you down but you.

Now make today the beginning of your battle before the battle because you’re going to win the championship.

We all have a passion, so whhat’s your calling?

By David Tepera, February 17, 2021

When my wife, Tina, and I wanted to start our own business, so we researched various types of venues. We came across many opportunities, but it just wasn’t quite the right fit for us.

This was all happening during the time we were competing in multiple bodybuilding shows. It was interesting because as we were trying to find our niche, it was common for strangers to approach us asking for diet and exercise guidance.

We soon realized many people needed help because there’s plenty of misinformation out there. One of the biggest attractions that brought people to us was because of our age. Remember, I’m going on 60 years of age and became a pro athlete at the age of 55.

So, the Ageless Muscle brand started and we bought our first fitness center. Now, not only do we change our clients’ lives, but people all across the country reach out to us for training and diet tips. Bottom line, we found our calling, including a way to make a living doing it.

Of course, for me personally, my biggest passion is being an inspiring columnist, book author and guest speaker to groups and corporations across the country.

OK, now, what’s your passion? What do you truly love to do? Are you good at cooking, baking, styling hair, building things and so on? What gives you the most pleasure and self-reward?

If your passion helps improves people’s lives, there’s a niche for you. I know plenty of successful people who started their own business. At first, they offered their services for free or the cost would only cover supplies. If you’re good at it, plus you conduct yourself as a professional, business will come to you.

I’m not saying you don’t need to do this, but we never paid for marketing. Our business is booming, and it all came from word-of-mouth and social media. People need to know you’re available, and that your work is exceptional.

Look, we all have a special talent of some sort. Sometimes, it takes growing, maturing and life experiences to find yours.

So, if you’re not happy with the daily work grind, dig into your passion, find your calling and change your life forever.

Negativity or positivity – which one are you feeding?

By David Tepera, February 12, 2021

There’s not one of us who hasn’t or doesn’t deal with some form of negativity. It’s all around us, and sometimes, it’s hard to escape, but you have more control than you might think.

Don’t forget, there’s lots of beauty and positive influences that surrounds us as well. You just need to acknowledge them in your life and give it more emphasis.

I’ve spoken to many groups and individuals about understanding what you focus on will become your outcome.

Most people trying to lose weight will focus on “I don’t want to be fat” or “I’m not going to eat fried foods or burgers.” Well guess what? All you will think and focus on is about how fat you are and all the unhealthy foods. Your mind is feeding itself in the wrong direction.

Your focus should be, “I can’t wait to enjoy grilled or baked chicken and fish. It will be delicious, and my body will look and feel better.”

This goes the same for exercise. Don’t dread the workouts. You should train your mind to look forward to it, plus how happy and exciting it will feel. It takes time, but training your mind to focus on positivity and all the goodness that surrounds you is a life changer.

You should be thankful for all that you have, not for all you don’t have. Too many people get caught up thinking about wanting more, but you should focus on how lucky and fortunate you are now.

There has been times throughout my life where there were certain people doing all they can to make my life miserable. It was easy to get caught up in the negativity and wishing bad things against them. But, for me, I felt I was giving them power over me because they were constantly in my head.

It was difficult, but the only way I was to turn my situation around was to pray for them and redirect my mind to all the positive people in my life. It’s kind of strange, but those negative people soon disappeared from my life. They either lost their jobs or went another direction.

Listen, it all comes down to what you want and choose to be in your mind. It can be either negativity or positivity. Just know, the choice is yours, so feed the positivity.