By David Tepera, July 31, 2024

A few weeks back, I had quite a response from my column about the skeletal system. Since we all have the capability to build our muscles, no matter what age, here are some basic and fun facts about our muscular system.

There are 600 skeletal muscles that make up around 40 percent of our total weight. The 5 main functions of the muscular system are movement, support, protection, heat generation and blood circulation.

Also, muscles make up the walls of many organs. The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body. It pumps 5 quarts of blood per minute and 2,000 gallons daily.

 Now for some fun facts; Guess which muscle is the most used? The answer is the tongue, so shut up and give it a break. The largest muscle is the gluteus maximus, and yes, that’s your butt, so you can input your own jokes.

The strongest muscle based on it’s weight is the masseter, which is the primary chewing muscle. I’m sure we’ve all accidentally bit our tongue and fingers at some point and realized how hard we chew.

Okay, here is an anatomy lesson that I’ll try to keep simple because too much detail will be boring. For those of you who are watching the Olympics, look at the muscularity difference between a marathon runner compared to a sprinter.

There are two types of muscle fibers in our muscles. One is known as slow twitch and the other is fast twitch. The slow twitch is aerobic, which requires oxygen. These are your marathon runners who run for hours. Their slow twitch muscle fibers are long and lean needing oxygen to perform. If you think about it, the skinny Ethiopians have the perfect body type for marathons.  

Now, the fast twitch muscle fibers are anaerobic, which means without oxygen. These are your sprinters. They typically run for less than 10 seconds and maybe take one breath. To me, their body types look like bull frogs. Their leg muscles are huge with vascularity.

These fast twitch muscle fibers are the same ones that develop from heavy weight training to create bulkiness.

One of the biggest mistakes for women is spending too much time on cardio machines. You want to be lean, but all you end up with is jiggly skinny muscles because you need to lift weights. And, NO, women, you’ll not get too bulky from lifting weights, so that’s no longer an excuse. You don’t have the testosterone levels for it.

Lastly, it takes 43 muscle to frown and only 17 muscles to smile, so obviously, it takes less effort to be happy. Enjoy your day my friends.


By David Tepera, July 24, 2024

When you wake each morning, are your first thoughts about taking on the day, or is it woe-is-me again? Those are your choices, so what’s yours?

Yes, sometimes, out of nowhere, life will sucker punch us, but there comes a time where you must come out swinging. Just know, it’s okay to take a step back and take in the realization of the situation.

In business and personal life, out of the family, I’m the one who will confront any situation that needs addressing. It took some time, but Tina and Dylan have taught me to take a step back to calm down and be rational. For most people, our natural reaction is to defend ourselves. That’s the warrior in us.

You don’t win every battle as a warrior, but you’ll take pride knowing you gave your best. Whining and quitting is the easy way out. Don’t let that be you.

Take a reality check. How do you spend your day? Are you a complainer and a whiner because you think you got a raw deal? Do you tell everyone about your aches and pains? Are you the most negative person in the room?

Listen, I know I’m being harsh. Believe me, the people around you aren’t being honest, either. No body likes hanging around a whiner. Why don’t you change your attitude and be a warrior?

The definition of a warrior is a person engaged in a struggle or conflict, who will take on the challenge and become a fighter.

 I personally know disabled people who are determined warriors. They don’t want to be labeled as weak. They have the determination to take on challenges and conquer the day.

Most of you know, I lost my son who fought in Iraq over twelve years ago. Dustin introduced me to many veterans at the VA hospital in Houston. Even though they were recovering from wounds, they all had inspiring stories of warriors giving their lives for our country. None of them felt sorry for themselves.

Now, your whining days are over. We all have physical and emotional challenges, so we don’t care about yours. Today, you’ll no longer feel sorry for yourself. Take responsibility for your current situation and turn it around. That choice is totally up to you.

We all have a warrior in us, so get out there and kick some butt.

arrior in us, so get out there and kick some butt.


By David Tepera, July 17,2024

I became fascinated with the human body during college at the University of Houston. I had a great professor, Dr. Joel Bloom, who taught most of my anatomy and physiology classes.

Dr. Bloom took me, along with a few classmates, to the Texas Chiropractic College to dissect human cadavers. The goal was to have hands-on learning with all muscles and bones. It was this experience that eventually led me into orthopedics.

So, I’m going to share some basic and fun facts about our amazing body. Just think of the complexity of having all our senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.

A baby’s body has about 300 bones at birth, but some will eventually fuse to form 206.

Most bones are contained in the hands and feet of 27 per hand and 26 per foot.

The femur is your thigh bone and is the longest and strongest of all bones. Also, one of the most painful to break. The weakest and softest bone is your clavicle or collarbone. That’s why it’s the most common broken during contact sports.

Bones stop growing in length during puberty. However, bone density and strength change over the course of life. That’s why I stress the importance of weight training, especially among the elderly.

There are three bones in the middle ear to help us hear. The staple is the smallest and lightest bone of the human skeleton.

For some people, the most used bone is their mandible because they never stop talking.

Here’s a fun one to ask your friends. Humans have seven vertebrates in their cervical region or neck. Guess how many vertebrates are in a giraffe’s neck? The answer is seven. I’ve seen them and they are huge. Just know, that all mammals have seven neck vertebrate.

When you see someone in a wheelchair and they don’t have much use with their arms, then they broke their neck. If they have full use of arms but no use of their legs, then they broke their back. The body typically loses all feeling from the sight of the spinal break down the rest of the body.

Also, know that the tendons connect muscles to bones, and ligaments attach bones to bones, which are typically located in the joint regions.

Lastly, cartilage can’t repair itself because it has no blood supply. That’s why our joints wear out leading to more than 2.2 million hip and knee procedures each year in the United States.

Well, I hope you enjoyed a little information about our bodies. Of course, there’s so much more to know about our amazing skeletal system.


By David Tepera, July 11, 2024

The one factor that keeps most people from stepping out of their comfort zone is the fear of what could go wrong. But, if it goes right, it will be a life changer.

What could go wrong if you took night or online classes? You only waste money if you don’t finish. How would that one class or classes change your life?

Our son Dylan started the process of obtaining his real-estate license. Even though he has a full-time job at Ageless Muscle, and will eventually take over the family business, he’s finding other means to increase his income. I encouraged him to pursue it.

If you need a career change or start a business, then you already know the only thing stopping you is you.

I remember being nervous the first time I introduced myself to my wife Tina. We had seen each other at the gym for over 15-years. I had never dated any lady from the gym because it was my “me time”, plus, believe it or not, I’m actually a loner.  

There was always something about Tina that caught my attention. The way she carried herself with confidence and mystery. Finally, I was a gentleman and had a very brief hello, along with a weight training compliment.

What could go wrong? I kept asking myself, as I went through every scenario. But, then, what could go right? I had no idea she would one day be my wife.

Okay, I’m sure you’re bored with my personal life, but sometimes I hope it’s a way we can connect.

Listen, quit being hard on yourself. Every day is a day lost if you’re unhappy. Stop worrying about what other’s think or could go wrong. This is your life, so just go for it because if it goes right, you will be happier than ever imagined.

We all deserve to be happy. Brush off the haters and surround yourself with positive people. That’s one reason I became a loner. I was focused on my career, along with being a single parent and didn’t have time or care about other’s negativity.

Just know, the only thing that could possibly go wrong is that you didn’t try. If you want to change your life, then just imagine what could go right.


By David Tepera, June 26, 2024

There have been some interesting conversations over the past few weeks; many of our clients are expressing their quality of life from years of weight training.

Eighty-year-old Paul is throwing around bags of mulch weighing up to 70 pounds per bag from the store to his flower beds.

Seventy-six-year-old Reese rented a beach house and was able to play in the surf and chase his grandchildren all over the beach.

Seventy-one-year-old Joanie, after a lengthy battle with an illness, can now carry groceries up a flight of stairs, plus is continuing to get stronger.

We actually have testimonies from all our clients. Even though we train people of all ages, it’s humbling listening to the elderly enjoying life again. Just know, our seniors range in age up into the 90s.

Maybe, to some of you, this isn’t that big of a deal. But, when you’ve been down physically for a long period of time, it feels good to feel good.

Remember, being happy doesn’t mean you have it all. It simply means you’re thankful for all you have.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s rare to be pain-free as we get older. But, there’s never a time to throw in the towel. Those aches and pains are your body telling you to get moving again.

I’ve heard many a time, “my knees hurt, so I can’t exercise.” Yes, osteoarthritis will catch up to all of us, but you must continue exercising, including weight training, to build the muscles around those joints. This will slow down the wear and tear on your cartilage, plus improve your quality of life. There’s more to it, so if interested, email me. We give free advice all over the country.

What activity do you miss the most? What will it take for you to feel good again? Don’t let your identity be someone who is physically handicapped.

Be honest, is your conversation with others only about your physical disabilities and doctor’s appointments? Is that what you want to be known for? Believe me, everyone around you is tired of hearing your downfalls. I know people have legitimate medical issues, but quit telling others. Why not be an inspiration by fighting back in life? The easiest path to getting better is through exercise.

Making excuses is now over. This is you day, because once you take back control, it’s going to feel good to feel good.


By David Tepera, June 19,2024

How many of you don’t like going to work? Are you one of those employees who flies below the radar, and performs as minimal as possible? Well, how would you feel if you got fired? The bills will be rolling around soon, and I bet, all of a sudden, you realize how important that job was.

Why not go to work each day and prove your worth? That’s the best way to ensure job security, plus it could lead to promotions and pay increases.

One thing is for sure, unemployment and death will bring you back to reality real quick.

I’m sure by now, some of you experienced the loss of a loved one. It’s a sucker punch that never goes away. You just learn to accept the void, heartbreak, and move forward to appreciate others around you.

I know this is a strange statement, but take a look at your spouse, children, parents and even pets. How would you treat them today, if you knew they would be gone tomorrow?

Don’t just celebrate holidays and birthdays. Why not let every day be an opportunity to express love to those important to you?

We all have busy lives, but we must find time to let those close to us know how much we love and appreciate them.

Lately, Tina and I have started the process of dialing back our hours working at Ageless Muscle. We’ve put in years of dedicated work to build a unique brand, and the business is doing well. But, we need to spend more time with family members while we have them.

Hopefully, as you get older, you start appreciating the life you have left. Of course, we don’t know when our day comes, but each is one day closer, so why not choose love over hate?

I wake up each morning thanking God for giving me another day. I might not be my best this day, but He gave me the opportunity.

Listen, I’m hoping to make you think. Don’t wait until tomorrow, but go for it and hug your loved ones a little longer than usual. Let them know how much you love them because if not, one day, you’ll wish you did.

Lastly, my mom Eileen Tepera proudly reads my column each week, and I want her to know how much I love her. She is truly amazing.


By David Tepera, June 12, 2024

Recently, I was gathered with a few medical professionals, including my orthopedist friend and her 18-year-old special needs son, whom I’ll call Jeff.

During our conversation, a gentleman recognized me and kept asking multiple questions about losing weight. Well, Jeff decided to speak up and told the gentleman “Have you thought about eating less?”

I looked at Jeff, then let the gentleman know that he just heard the best advice possible for losing weight. Let’s be for real. It doesn’t matter how destructive your eating habits may be, if you just reduce the amount consumed, you will lose weight. It’s as simple as that.

For example, instead of super-sizing your order, keep it a moderate or small size. Stop purchasing the grande-big slammy whammy size coffee, and drink the regular cup.

Listen, how many diet programs have you failed? All year, every year, there’s the latest and greatest weight loss program on the market. Go ahead, try that one, too. Yes, you’ll lose weight at first, but most of those programs will fail you in the end.

Now, don’t get mad at me. I’m not trying to pooh-pooh a program that’s working for some people. If you can live with that diet for the rest of your life, then good for you. Just know, that’s not the case for the majority of people.

Like Jeff said, if you want to lose weight, eat less.

Before owning a fitness center, I didn’t need to join a gym to get in better shape. All I had to do was strap on my jogging shoes and run the neighborhood. It was free and simple. Once I was older, I bought a bicycle, rode through the neighborhoods and enjoyed nature. There was no need to purchase a treadmill, stationary bike, stair climber, elliptical or any other latest and greatest cardio gadget. It was as simple as making my body move for a period of time.

Again, if you possess any of those cardio machines, then that’s fantastic. Be honest, how often do you use them?

It was common for people to tell me how they purchased some new abdominal gadget and their abs got really sore from using it. My first question was, “Before you bought that product, how many sit-ups and leg lifts were you doing?” Of course, their answer is always that they haven’t performed a sit-up in years. Well, guess what? if you would had just laid on the floor and performed some crunches, you would have saved yourself some money.

Alright, I hope I’m making some sense today. Quit wasting your money, quit stressing over your weight and just keep it simple. Don’t get suckered in the newest scam. Just love yourself!


By David Tepera, June 5, 2024

I’ve written this many a time, but the biggest idiot I knew in the past was me. Once I started learning from mistakes, my life turned around and a new journey began.

Now, what I’m trying to relay to you is to quit dwelling on your past. Yes, it’s normal and difficult to let those bad decisions go, now stop beating yourself up for it. So, what, you messed up, but the only person thinking about it is you. I promise, everyone regrets stupid decisions from the past, and they are not thinking about your mistakes.

I’ve told my wife Tina many times that every good and bad decision we both ever made led us to each other. So, there’s no reason to be depressed about past mistakes. Who cares? Guess what? I’m not through making mistakes, but I’ve learned to turn those decisions into lessons.

Some of us have been through more difficult situations than others, but don’t let that define you.

Here’s a crazy thought from back in the day. I told my kids, when I was 18-years-old, I could sit at a street light, not wearing a seat belt, drinking a beer and wasn’t breaking any laws. Today, would be a whole different story.  

Listen, you have to let go of the past. Who are you today? Are you a better and kinder person now? Do you treat people with respect? I don’t care what your financial status may be, we are all in this world to make it a better place.

At the end of each day, when you lay your head on the pillow, reflect on all good deeds accomplished for the day. It’s as simple as being kind to everyone you encounter. How many people did you open the door for and greeted them with a smile?

Bottom line, it doesn’t matter the mistakes from the past, it comes down to what you’re doing today. Remember, what ever happened yesterday is in the past, so make today better. Why not? You have control of every decision and action you take.

Now, what’s your game plan to make today better than yesterday? If you hurt someone, apologize, and make it right. I bet you will become great friends again. Get the past out of your head because today you choose happiness.


By David Tepera, May 29, 2024

When Tina, Dylan and I were competing in the bodybuilding world, we always felt our bodies were not ready going into the last week of preparation. It’s typical for all competitors to be skeptical or afraid of embarrassing themselves on stage in front of a thousand strangers.

We knew the biggest battle was in our minds, so we took turns encouraging each other to stay on the journey. Between the three of us, we competed in more than 15 shows and never quit.

What’s preventing you from stepping out and trying something new? If you feel stuck in your current situation, then do something about it. The only person stopping you is you. I promise, no one is thinking about your successes or failures. We all have our personal stresses in life, and that’s what takes up our minds.

The biggest battle you’re dealing with is in your head. It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past that made you lose confidence. You must find a way to take small steps of accomplishments to realize that you are smart, ambitious, beautiful and can overcome any adverse situation.

Being in the fitness industry, we are fortunate to guest speak across the country covering a variety of health and motivational topics. One thing that is common with most people we encounter is how critical they are of themselves.

It’s no secret, we are our worst enemy. We become too detailed with our imperfections. Remember, it’s those differences that makes us unique from others.

An important message that’s in the introduction of most of my speeches is “no matter how you look at this very moment, there are millions of people who find you attractive.” Bottom line, quit beating yourself up because you are already beautiful. The plan is to build confidence to go out in this world and kick some butt.

Isn’t it time to confront the person who lives in your head? What’s preventing you from being happy? Don’t let others make you miserable. You are better than that and deserve more.

Today, you choose happiness over sadness. Look in the mirror and check out that beautiful person staring back. Notice, how no one is holding you back. It’s time to regain your confidence and let the haters go. Miserable people put down others to feel better about themselves.

Now, put the get back in your getter-up, so you can win the battle in your mind. You got this!


By David Tepera, May 22, 2024

If you’re keeping up with the professional basketball playoffs, to me, leaders are those who keep battling under all circumstances. I do have an issue with elite players who cry to the refs because they think they were fouled on every drive or shot attempted.

Please, get back in the game, quit being a spoiled crybaby and be a team player. So what, you missed the shot, but if you drive the boards, you can get the rebound and make the score.

In my life experiences, I failed and missed more shots than can be counted. I created three different businesses that started out well, but in the end, for various reasons, failed. I lost quite a bit of money, but never gave up because of all the shots missed and lessons learned.

Finding the right business partner – my wife Tina, creating a unique niche, and getting the rebound led to Ageless Muscle’s continual success.

What shots have you missed? Haven’t we all failed and missed in relationships? Don’t give up on love, so drive the boards because taking another shot is in the future. Also, take the time to work on yourself and build confidence.  

What’s new with your health? Are you blaming the refs for the bad news? Did you really get fouled or do you own that you chose an unhealthy life? Who prepares the food you intake? Who prevents you from exercise?

Maybe, it’s time to take ownership and go get the rebound. You have complete control of your body and choices in life.

Paul Pierce played in the NBA for 19 seasons, primarily with the Boston Celtics. He won a championship in 2008 and was elected MVP, also selected to the Hall of Fame in 2021.

During that time, Pierce made a last second three-point shot to win the series. Afterwards, a reporter was challenging Pierce when she asked if he called “backboard”? Pierce looked her in the eyes and replied “I called game!”. That reply has stuck with me for 16 years, so it’s your turn to get the rebound and make the buzzer beater in life. This is your game.